Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11322: Three serious absenteeism


Suddenly, the Lingzhu wrapped in ice profound spirit slashed through the sky, and slammed into the breath film of the mirror prism. "Boom!" The violent sound suddenly rose, and the Cuju was immediately bounced back. With an overly doubled Bingxuan Spiritual Qi, he directly fetched Xianxin.

"Wow, it's really here?" Seeing this scene, he flashed happily, and at the same time said: "Sister Huang, it's your turn!"

"Eh?!" Qing Huang was a little stunned when she heard this, but when she saw the Lingzhu Cuju rushing directly at her with a thunder and thunder, she knew that she had been calculated.

"Sister, you can do it!"

When Qing Huang said this, he had already pulled out the lotus miracle blade and the spirit sword. The long ice phoenix phantom suddenly tumbling and dancing in the air, opened its mouth and bit the spirit pearl cuju.

"Lala!" The cold air that emerged from this thing and the aura on the Cuju surface merged and offset each other, but the ice phoenix phantom also became weak and transparent due to a large amount of aura, and Qing Huang waved his hand: "Go!"

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then soon, the ice phoenix phantom immediately dipped the spirit pearl and rushed towards the mirror prism film. Seeing this, Ruotao stepped forward and shouted: "Let me deal with it!"

"Chang!" Between the lightning and flint, Ruotao's Thunder-Swallowing Blade was unsheathed, and she suddenly turned her wrist and shook her sharply.

"Swish! Dangdangdang!" A series of violent sounds suddenly came, Ruotao's fierce attack only slightly offset the coming of the ice profound spiritual energy, and then they actually shattered the blades and moved towards again. Ruotao flew here.

Guan Heng yelled: "Don't be careless, that chill is the doubled strength of Fengxin and Qinghuang, you can't stop it by yourself!"

"Sangsang, An Yan, help me!"

"Okay!" Hearing Ruotao screaming for help, the two women immediately swept forward to her, the wooden magic staff and the great sword of the old soul shot at lightning speed.

"Ping-pong-pong! Rumble—" It was just a blink of an eye, and the force bounced back by the mirrored prism was finally resisted by the three women's team, and then pushed it back.

"It's finally settled..." Guan Heng and the others were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but Guan Heng whispered: "No, your attack will be bounced by Prism again!"

"Hey!" As soon as the voice fell, Guan Henglu suddenly stood in front of the girls.

The huge energy body that gathered the women’s attack power was extremely fast, and suddenly hit the film on the surface of the mirror-returned prism, "Lara!" In a short time, the squeezing of the powerful energy made the prisms continue to pierce ears. sound.

The girls' original offensive power was not trivial. Although they were broken down by a fraction of the Lingzhu Cuju, they were doubled and bounced back by the mirror prisms, and they were already somewhat unpredictable.

"It's my negligence, it seems a bit too big this time..." Seeing this, Guan Heng suddenly took emergency measures and threw out a few qi glows like lightning, just hitting the mirror-back prism floating in the air in front of him. Can't continue to touch that powerful energy body.

"Hey! Gu Lulu—" Jing Fan Prism was hit by Qi Light, and quickly flew into the air, Guan Heng said: "Mother Worm, go and catch it!"

"Yes, master!" The evil worm mother promised, and immediately flew into the air. At the same time, Guan Heng flew to the huge energy body in front of him like lightning. Seeing his appearance, Xiao Xi whispered: "No Yes, do you want to stop that energy alone, it's too risky!"

"After all, I don't know how to make it look like this, so I have to take care of the mess." Stopped in front of the powerful energy body, Guan Heng said these words, and then smoothly patted the sword box behind him.

"Swish!" Suddenly, the sentence mang sword and the rainbow cloud sword flew out, a pair of magical soldiers held the wind and drew arcs in the air, spreading more than a hundred swordsmanship curtains with lightning speed, and forcibly blocked the energy body. "Gluck!" At the next moment, the powerful energy body and the curtain of sword light under the horizontal cloth collided, squeezed and rubbed against each other.

"Is it just able to withstand it for a while?" Guan Heng thought to himself. Although there is the double rebound of the mirror prism in it, the attack power of the girls together has exceeded his expectations by a lot.

"Really a group of amazing girls." Guan Heng sighed, and suddenly pulled out the short sword Xuanbing Guyue on his waist, and then slashed towards the energy body.

"Xuanbing Guyue, the spirits are frozen!" The most powerful Ice Profound Spiritual Qi sword light spread immediately, freezing the energy body abruptly.

"That's not enough!" Although Guan Heng had frozen the powerful energy body, Guan Heng knew that he could not let it go, otherwise it would be a big disaster after it broke free from the frozen state.

"Jumang Sword, Rainbow Sword, Xuanbing Guyue!" Guan Heng waved his hand in an instant, and the three-handed magic weapon rushed to the sky with the wind, and he suddenly spit out a few words: "Sanzhong... Big Duankong Slash !"

"Whhhhhhhhh!" The next moment, the **** soldiers whirled sharply in mid-air, forcibly tore through numerous gaps in the mouth space, they continued to produce powerful suction, and forcibly shattered the energy body, and then tore it. Drag into the space gap.

It wasn't until more than ten breaths later that Guan Heng floated to the ground. The two swords of Hongyun and Jumang in the air flew back into the sword box, and the short sword Xuanbing Guyue also moved into the scabbard between Guan Heng's waist.

"Huh, it's finally settled."

Ruo Tao took a breath at this time, and then whispered: "This is the first time I have seen the son take such a solemn action. By the way, was the move that can cut through the gap in space just now? How do you look? Is it different from before?"

"Of course it's different. It's the three major air slash, which requires the use of three magic weapons at the same time."

Guan Heng's expression was flat, and he said in a leisurely manner: "What they draw out is not ordinary space gaps, but'spatial turbulence', which is used to shred the target and return it to zero before sucking it into the space tunnel. Even me, can't Do whatever you want."

"Because the **** soldiers also need to be nourished with aura all the time to maintain their sharpness, these three major air slashes will consume about 70% of their accumulated aura."

Guan Heng said: "So it can't be used easily, and now it's time to infuse them with aura again. All of this is thanks to your attacks."

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Xianxin said grimly: "It wasn't you who made us try to attack the Mirror Prism, which caused this kind of consequence."

"That's right, big brother." An Yan also said, "Are you blaming us?"

"No, where did you hear that I was using a blaming tone?" Guan Heng was a little bit dumbfounded, and then said: "I want to praise you."

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