Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11324: Tracking the odd beast (first more)

"That's not as good as this. How about you go down and find the Manner and punch it a few times while you bring it back?" Guan Heng said with a smile.

"Hey, can I go?" After hearing this, Ruotao eagerly moved her hands, she said: "Okay, okay, I'll go down here."

"Tweet." At this moment, the golden wren chicks who were playing with the Baojia dry turtles flew to Ruotao's shoulder with a whisper, and gave a cry.

Ruotao said: "Well, I will take you there too, son, sister, let's go!"

"Remember, take it back immediately after you find the Mandrill, don't play crazy with that guy, you know?" Guan Heng shouted behind Ruotao.

"Yes, yes, I understand--" Ruotao replied in a perfunctory manner, while taking the little golden wren into the pit.


At the same time, the mandrill was walking along a long and winding tunnel, thinking in its heart: "Strange, it's strange, it's clear to see the opponent coming in front, how can it chase after it, it's gone?"

"If I can't find ‘that guy’ by any chance, I’m just wasting my efforts?" Thinking of this, the demon was a little annoyed, suddenly punching his fist on the rock wall next to him, and roared: "Damn it!"

"Wow!" Because the mandrill's fist was too strong, it suddenly shattered some rocks on the top of the wall, causing them to fall one after another, and the mandrill hurried forward to avoid it.

But in the end, it was unavoidable to be hit by a few rubbles on the shoulder. Although it was not injured, it made Mandrill's mood even worse. It cursed while continuing to move forward.

He walked forward about a hundred or ten steps. Suddenly, Mandrill noticed that there was a dark figure shaking in front of him, and it seemed that some guy was crawling.

Holding its breath, it widened its eyes and looked at it carefully. It was immediately furious and cursed in its heart: "Sure enough, this **** guy, huh, let me see where you are going to escape!"

Thinking of this, the Mandrill wanted to pull its legs and chase it, but in an instant, it stopped its body and thought to itself: "It was discovered by it as soon as it approached this guy, and it flees very fast. It's not easy for me. Grasping it, it’s better to watch it approach first, and then take it down in one fell swoop while it’s slack."

After making up his mind, the Mandrill held his breath, lightly stepped and approached the opponent quietly. It was a three-eyed gecko about a few feet long and covered with deep blue scales. It is difficult to see similar strange beasts in the underground area. , They inhabit alone and show up in ghosts, and it is even more difficult to capture them.

But Mandrill wanted to capture it, not because of how rare this beast is, but for another reason.

At the time of three or four breaths, the mandrill had quietly approached the deep blue three-eyed gecko. The opponent seemed to be chased all the way by it and tired of running. At this moment, he was catching his intermittent breath and entered a false sleep state.

But although this guy was very alert, this time he failed to spot the Mandrill that was quietly approaching him.

Just when the mandrill was still more than ten feet away from its prey, it was already ready to go, ready to jump over and freeze the opponent completely, and then capture the deep blue three-eyed guard alive! But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

"Hey, Mandrill, where are you?"

It's too late, it's fast, Ruotao's yelling came from not far away. The scared mandrill stepped on the cobblestone on the ground and made a clattering sound. The Three-eyed Shougong was suddenly startled and opened suddenly. His eyes rushed forward with a sense of horror.

"Hey, don't run!"

Seeing this scene, the mandrill was so angry that his eyes were about to split the seven orifices and smoke, suddenly threw three ice lights with his hand, and went straight to the opponent, but after the shot, the mandrill regretted it because it was in a hurry that it actually forgot to capture the opponent alive. , Resulting in no mercy at all.

"Puff!" There was a flash of lightning, but the speed of the three-eyed guard was fast enough, barely dodges two ice rays, but was stroked across the left hind leg by the last one, but this guy didn't care much, and immediately ran away in a hurry. Escape away.

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Seeing the fat slipping away from her mouth, Mandrill stomped her feet repeatedly and yelled, but at this moment, Ruotao also chased nearby, and when she heard this guy scolding, she suddenly sank her face: "Bastard thing, you scold. Who should die?"

"Tweet!" Ruotao lost her temper, and the little golden wren immediately flew to the top of the mandrill's head like a tiger, screaming and pecking the mandrill's forehead with his small beak.

"Ahhhhh! It hurts--" The Mandrill screamed and ran around in place, clutching its head, wailing in its mouth: "Sister, let it stop... Oh no, just shut up, I didn't scold you at all. , I scolded the guy who ran away."

"What the **** is going on?" Ruotao saw the golden wren chick peck the mandrill several times, making the other party very embarrassed, so she held back a laugh, beckoned to let the wren fly back to her wrist, and then continued: "You run So far, why on earth, say!"

"Actually, I was actually for you and Wrenbao. Who knew I was treated rudely and unfairly. It's really hard for me."

"Nonsense, why did it hit us again? I think you just owe it." Ruo Tao became anxious when she heard that, shaking her fist to beat the demon a few times.

"Don't do it, don't do it, you first listen to my explanation." Mandrill immediately leaned to her, lowered his voice and said a few words. Upon hearing this, Ruo Tao opened his eyes suddenly, and then grabbed Mandrill's arm and whispered. : "What you said is true?"

"Oh, big sister, I have chased that guy all the way, and I can catch it just now, who knows, when you yell, you just..."

At this point, he paused for a while. The Mandrill scratched his head and didn't dare to continue. Ruotao stomped and said, "That said, we are really reckless. Let's go, since we have all caught up here. , We must not let that guy go, let's catch it together."

"Then listen to the big sister." Mandrill said immediately: "It's just that the guy is extra alert and runs fast. Counting this time, he has slipped away from under my hand three times, I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch it again. it."

"Idiot, you are too impatient, now add me, it will definitely not escape the palms of you and my hands." Ruotao is full of confidence at this time, she continued: "You just said, in the three eyes guarding When Gong ran away, you scratched its hind legs with ice light, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's it." The Mandrill nodded and nodded, and Ruotao said: "This is another advantage for us. If the guard is injured, not only will the escape speed be slower, but there should also be clues left on the ground. ."

"The eldest sister is right." Hearing this, Mandrill's eyes lit up, and she regained her confidence. Ruotao said again: "How many wooden spirit eyes do you have?"

"There is only one. Master Guan stayed by my side in order to prevent us from being poisoned and injured." The Mandrill said, taking out the wisdom eye, and asking, "What use do you want it for?"

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