Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11325: Containment and arrest

"Of course, let them be responsible for tracking the three-eyed gecko. In addition, adding these few will be perfect." Ruotao said as she took out the three wooden spirit wisdom eyes she was carrying.

In addition, she also called out a few colorful fierce worms, and then continued: "These mutant worms have stealth abilities. They cooperate with the wisdom eye and quietly deceive the three-eyed gecko. Let's just You can keep track of the movements of the palace at any time."

"No matter how vigilant it is, it can't find the'eyes' in the dark."

"That's it, eldest sister, you are so foresighted, amazing." Hearing these words, Mandrill exclaimed with a thumbs up.

"These are the usual methods of the son, we have been with him for so long, and we can learn a few tricks more or less."

After saying this, Ruotao immediately said to the demon: "It shouldn’t be too late. I hurriedly dispatched both Mu Lingzhiyan and Zifu. The other party was injured and had a **** smell on his body. There should be blood on the ground. They used these things as an opportunity to search for the whereabouts of the three-eyed gecko."

"Okay." The Mandrill nodded, and immediately after Ruo Tao made Zhiyan and Zifu act, they immediately swept forward in a rush.


Sure enough, just as Ruotao guessed, the three-eyed guard with his injured hind leg was already unable to climb quickly. After the colorful fierce clam and the wooden Lingzhiyan chased for hundreds of feet, they finally found the deep green three-eyed guard in a remote corner. palace.

The guy was in pain because of the injury of his hind leg, and while licking the wound with his long tongue, he looked for something that could stop the bleeding.

Three-eyed Shougong looked left and right, finally found a black fungus in the dark corner of the rock wall, and then bit it in his mouth, after chewing constantly, he put the rotten thing on the wound. .

Regardless of the strange smell of this black fungus, it has a miraculous effect on hemostasis and healing of wounds. After a few breaths, the wounds of the three-eyed gecko scabs. At this moment, this guy is relieved. But it doesn't know that the unfortunate thing is still to come.

At the same time, Ruotao brought the chicks of Mandrill and Golden Wren to the neighborhood according to the information left by Zixun and Wisdom Eye, and saw the Three-eyed Gecko.

"Hehehe, let me see where you are going this time!" After seeing the other party, Mandrill was a little impatient as if rushing forward, but it realized that Ruotao beside him had no intention of leaving at all, so he turned his head and asked: "Sister, don't you plan to do it?"

"Idiot, you!"

Ruo Tao said angrily: "The most important thing now is to seal all the retreats around this guy. Mu Lingzhiyan and Wucai Fierce are setting up everything. We should also find ways to cooperate. When the time comes, one If you close the net, this guy will not be able to escape!"

"It makes sense." Hearing this, Mandrill nodded heavily, and then whispered: "After all, I was too reckless, misguided, and misguided. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't let that guy run away several times."

"Forget it, it's not a big deal." Ruotao waved her hand and said nonchalantly: "As long as you catch this guy last, you will win the final victory, and all the small mistakes you made can be erased."

"Yeah." Mandrill agreed with confidence, and then, Ruotao murmured a few words in his ear, and he nodded again and again: "Okay, just do it."

Immediately afterwards, Ruotao recalled a few colorful fierce beasts, and gave them instructions before the group hurried away.

After ten breaths, everything was arranged in order. Ruotao, Mandrill, and Little Golden Wren also touched a position not far from the Three-Eyed Gecko. She suddenly waved and shouted: "Go on, get alive!"

"Tweet, twee-twee, oh!"

It's too late, it's fast, the golden wren chicks flew up suddenly, probing the claws and grabbing the head, face and body of the three-eyed gecko. The other party suddenly saw a bird of prey attacking, and was frightened suddenly. How dare the timid gecko dare to be fierce Wren Bao started to turn around and fled in a hurry.

"Buzz—Buzz—" But in an instant, the colorful fierce worms had flown from the entrances of the fork on the left and right, and they were able to stop the escape of Sanyan Shougong!

At this time, the Three-eyed Shougong had no way to escape. At the same time, Ruomo and the Mandrill rushed to the front, blocking the only retreat.

"Hahaha, Little Shougong, you're done." The Mandrill showed a smirk at this time, and then said: "Be obedient and catch it, otherwise, you will have to suffer."

"Hiss, hiss!"

Hearing this, the three-eyed guard screamed twice, quite as if a dog jumped over the wall. Suddenly, the dark green body surface of this guy suddenly showed a distorted and shaking flash pattern, and the mandrill immediately whispered: "Sister, you Look, this is what this guy produces after stimulating it."

"Hahaha, I saw it." Ruotao smiled and said at this time: "In this case, it should be captured alive. We must study what kind of strange beast it is."

"Hiss!" The three-eyed guard went mad at this time, and slammed into the surrounding zichus, because if Tao gave the order, the zichus were going to capture it alive, so they could not kill them either. Can be surrounded temporarily, but in the next moment, a sudden change occurs!


It was too late to say, then soon, the twisted pattern on the body surface of the three-eyed gecko suddenly emerged from the body, and the wind rushed towards the children, "Hao!" The piercing sound suddenly sounded, a few of them. The body was numb all over, as if there was a leaping cremation.

"Sure enough." Seeing this scene, Ruotao was not angry and rejoiced, she shouted: "This is an electric attack, and the Three-eyed Shougong is a strange beast that can use the power of thunder and lightning."

"But this kind of electric energy seems to be very weak." Mandrill said next to it: "When I found it, the electric energy released by the palace can only cause temporary paralysis. There is a numb sensation in the palm of the hand, and it will disappear and collapse in an instant."

"It doesn't matter if the power is weak. After catching it, you can slowly adjust and train." Ruotao smiled and said, "There are too few alien animals that can use electric power. ."

"It's true." The Mandrill was gearing up at this moment and exclaimed: "Then capture it alive first!"

"Buzzing!" On the other side, the three-eyed Shougong's electric energy was hit, and the numb zichus got rid of this abnormal state in an instant, just because the electric energy of the Shougong was too weak, so they It was completely over without feeling anything.

"Wisdom Eyes, block its actions!" Ruo Tao said and waved, "Swish-wish-wish-" The surrounding wooden spirit minds flew forward, and the guard thought it was the other party. If you want to attack yourself, you have to release your electric energy when you are in a hurry.

But at the next moment, Mu Lingzhiyan had begun to spin rapidly in mid-air, releasing extremely dazzling green light!

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