Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11326: Conquered smoothly (third shift)

"Hiss!" The shining light of Mu Lingzhi's eyes was too strong, and immediately made the eyes of Three-eyed Shougong blind temporarily. This guy immediately screamed and involuntarily backed back.

"Hey!" At the same time, a few colorful fierce beasts have already flew up, "Boom! Boom!" They hit the three-eyed gecko with their bodies. Although they didn't use much effort, the gecko I couldn't stand it anymore, one fell to the ground, and then rolled over one after another.



The next moment, the golden wren fluttered its wings and flew down, and immediately buckled the skull and back of the three-eyed gecko with its claws, and carried it into the air. It went around in such a swift and incoherent way, three-eyed. Shougong only felt dizzy and couldn't help groaning.

"Okay, Wrenbao, just let that guy suffer a little bit. Bring it over and show me." Ruo Tao Yang said. "Huh!" Upon hearing this, the golden wren nestling immediately threw the three-eyed gecko to Ruotao's feet.

"Squeak!" Three-eyed Shougong grunted painfully after being smashed. Ruotao said, "Don't pretend to be dead. Everyone just grabbed you and didn't beat you hard, otherwise, you would have been beaten into scum. Get up quickly."

Hearing this, Shou Gong reluctantly got up. Ruo Tao saw that the wound on the hind legs of Three Eyes Shou Gong was bleeding again because of the escape and being beaten. They released profound spiritual energy to cover the wound of the palace guard.

Just a few "swishes" sound, the three-eyed gecko's leg injury healed most of the time. It stood up and turned around twice, feeling much better, and could not help but screamed happily. !"

"Hehehe, how about it, let's follow my sister in the future." Ruo Tao said, reaching out to touch the forehead of the palace.

Three-eyed Shougong felt that Ruotao was very gentle, and while hesitating, Mandrill had already roared impatiently: "Little boy, eldest sister, this is to give you face, so I will ask for your opinion. If you don't Know what's good or bad, be careful to beat you up."

With that said, Mandrill shook his fist at the Shougong, so scared that Three-Eyed Shougong almost fell to the ground. The thought of the Mandrill had hurt himself with the ice light before, and the Three-Eyed Shougong got angry, so he gritted his teeth. , Shook his head to Ruotao.

"You..." Seeing this, the Mandrill was so angry that he picked up the ancient gold icebreaker and wanted to do it. Ruotao quickly stopped it and said: "Okay, don't scare it."

At this moment, the Three-eyed Shougong seemed to see that Ruotao didn’t want to use the means to force herself, so she lay on her back on the ground, shaking her limbs, as if she was acting like a coquettish, which meant that she was saying, “I won’t go with you. , What can you do with me?"

"Hahaha, this little palace is a bit interesting."

Ruotao was amused at the sight of the other party. The golden wren chick next to him became a little impatient. He walked closer and kicked the three-eyed gecko with his claws to make it get up quickly, but the gecko continued to scream, so angry that the little golden wren pecked its forehead with a sharp beak: "Tuk!"

"Squeak!" Three-eyed Shougong was hurt and frightened, so he hurriedly got up, Ruotao smiled: "Little thing, I can't bear to tune you hard, but Wren Bao is different and annoys it. , You are suffering."

Hearing Ruo Tao's words, the little golden wren also squinted his eyes slightly to look at the three-eyed gecko, making this guy feel a little shuddering.

"Squeaky!" The Three-eyed Shougong was still a little unconvinced at this time, and called to the golden wren chick. That means, what's so great about you, the big deal, I'm fighting with you!

"Whhhhhhhhhh!" Then, the pattern on the back of the ghougong shone light, "hhhhhhh!" After saying that it was too late, then soon, three-eyed Shougong released a burst of electric energy.

But the power of this attack was too weak, as if the hair was thin, the golden wren chicks didn't even have the interest to dodge, and just let it fall on itself. Although it splashed with electric sparks, it was like an itchy boot, and it didn't work at all.

Seeing this, the three-eyed guard was dumbfounded. Then, the little golden wren showed a playful look in his eyes, and then whispered, saying, "Now it's my turn!"

"Hey!" Suddenly shaking his wings, the little golden wren suddenly gathered an electric energy. Seeing that the scale was formed, it was more than ten times stronger than the three-eyed gecko's subtle attack. The guy was scared to hold his head with his front paws and lie down. Shivering on the ground.

"Boom! Boom!" In the next moment, the electric energy of the little golden wren fell on the ground less than five feet from the side of the three-eyed guard, and a dark pit was immediately created.

Seeing this scene, the Three-Eyed Shougong's eyes widened in fright, and stood there for five breaths in a daze. Then, the golden wren chick flicked its wings and harvested it, and landed in front of it, patted it with its wings. The forehead means to ask: "How about it, are you taking it?"

"Plop!" In the next moment, the Three-eyed Shougong knelt in front of the little golden wren, bumped his head to the ground again and again, and made a creaking sound, as if to say: "I'm taken. , The little one is completely convinced, and you will be my boss in the future."

"Hahaha, it's almost the same. Come here, both of you." Ruo Tao beckoned to Little Golden Wren and Three-eyed Shougong at this time, and they immediately rushed into Ruo Tao's arms. At this time, Ruotao said to the three-eyed Shougong again: "Remember to be obedient in the future, the benefits are indispensable for you."

With that said, she took out a few Fire Food Gu and fed it to Little Golden Wren: "Hey, Wren Bao, you have done a great job, eat it."

The golden wren nestling happily grabbed a fire food gu and swallowed it down, looking very enjoyable.

In this underground area, there is always not much food to eat, and the three-eyed gecko is often hungry and full, and can’t eat enough. Seeing the little golden wren eating the fire food gu, this guy swallows his saliva again and again, like a peach. Pick up one and pass it to it: "Here, you have a share too, eat it."

"Huh!" Seeing the Huolianggu handed to his eyes, Shougong suddenly spit out a long red tongue to wrap it up, and then took it into his mouth like lightning, and ate it.

"This tongue is very flexible." Ruotao smiled and praised. At this moment, the mandrill said: "Sister, this guard is also available, we should hurry back, otherwise Guan and the girls will Wait anxiously."

"Well, this is also true, let's go." Ruotao was about to turn around, but the three-eyed Shougong made a low cry, jumped to the ground, and then shook her paw at Ruotao. Ruotao was a little puzzled: "You want Say what?"

"Uh, this guy seems to be reluctant to leave." The Mandrill guessed what Shougong wanted to express, and said, "Do you still want to find something?"

"Squeak, squeak!"

Seeing that Mandrill could understand what he was saying, the Three-eyed Shougong was really surprised, and then nodded to it repeatedly. Mandrill said impatiently: "Oh, we are eager to go back. If it's not important, just throw it away and don't worry about it."

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