Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11328: The battle is fierce (the fifth breaks out)

"Squeak!" At this moment, the three-eyed shogun who was lying on the mandrill's shoulder suddenly screamed, and then raised its claws to point to the front. Mandrill and Ruotao looked intently, and then shouted in unison: "Is it left front? ?"

"Tweet!" Hearing the calls of the two of them, the golden wren chicks suddenly fluttered their wings and flew over.

At the same time, a swift electric snake appeared on it, and then it was released toward the front left, "Cracking! Boom!" In a short time, the explosion of electric energy blasted the ground to pieces, and this frenzy spread!

"Ping-pong-pong!" The violent noises continued one after another. More than ten venomous pythons lurking in that area burst into pieces, and they all ended tragically. The Mandrill sneered: "Humph, I still want to attack us there. It's really overkill!"

"Squeaky!" Hearing the words of the Mandrill, the Three-eyed Shogun also screamed triumphantly. It seems that it hates these ground pythons so much, so it is quite gloating.

"Hey, where should we go down there?" Ruotao asked at this time.

Hearing this, Three-eyed Shougong immediately raised his claw and pointed to the front. There were three fork roads there, and it was referring to the one in the middle.

"Sudden!" It was too late to say, then soon, the mandrill with the three-eyed gecko on his shoulders carried the ancient gold icebreaker, and rushed ahead, as soon as he rushed into the fork, "Shoo!" Two huge venomous ground pythons greeted us.

"court death!"

"Pop!" In the flash of lightning, the icebreaker of the mandrill hit the brain of the python on the left, shattering the brain, and the red and white things splashed all over the sky immediately.

At the same time, the three-eyed Shougong suddenly released an electric energy. Although the power was not strong, it happened to hit the eye of the poisonous ground python on the right side. As the eyeball smashed, the screaming ground python retreated in a panic, but was caught by the mandrill. The cold air froze his lower body.

"Bang! Puff!" The magic mandrill swept the ice-breaker and swept across, and immediately discounted the opponent's back. The python spewed out a large mouth of blood mist, and the whole body was limp to the ground.


"Puff puff!"

On the other side, Ruotao, surrounded by four giant pythons, swung the Thunder-Swallowing Blade and flew up and down, beheading or beheading the opponent like lightning, slashing to the ground.

The golden wren chicks next to them are even more arrogant, flapping their wings and wandering around, as long as they see the trace of a ground python, they immediately release an electric attack, which will make the other party more tender than the inside, and die even worse!

"Hahaha, it's a great kill!" At this moment, Mandrill shook the icebreaker in his hand and laughed loudly, but Ruotao said: "Even if you have a good time to kill, don't forget that there is still business, hurry up and take it. Looking around the little shougong to find what it wants."

"Yes, don't worry, big sister, I have a sense of measure." After saying this, the mandrill patted the guard's forehead: "Don't smirk, and quickly tell us where to go."

"Squeak, squeak!" Upon hearing this, the Three-eyed Shougong pointed to a narrow passage in the northeast corner and signaled the Mandrill to rush over. "Sister, here, here."

"Okay, hurry up."

Ruo Tao’s words fell, and she rushed towards the channel with the mandrill. On the way, the two of them slaughtered dozens of venomous ground pythons, but the other party’s companions continued to emerge. Mandrill shouted: "It's really weird, there are so many of these guys."

"Well, it looks like this is a huge snake cave." Ruotao said: "By the way, you can't come here for nothing, Mandrill, how many old soul orbs do you have?"

"More than that, I brought a dozen of them." The Mandrill touched the storage clam on his body and said.

"That's good, I still have four in my hand. After I will kill the ground python, maybe it will continue to spawn the opponent's beast soul, don't waste it, use the old soul beads to collect it." Ruotao said.

"Yes, I understand." Hearing this, Mandrill certainly understands Ruotao's meaning. At this moment, the other side suddenly heard, and the golden wren chicks made a sharp cry: "Choop, chirp!"

"A new enemy has appeared again?"

"Go, go over and take a look." As they spoke, Mandrill and Ruotao hurriedly rushed forward.

"Chirp, chirp!" It was too late, then soon, the golden wren chicks made a long hiss, and suddenly rushed towards a thick and venomous ground python on the ground. The opponent suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a large poisonous saliva, directly attacking the little golden wren. .

But in the next moment, the little guy flipped in the air, able to withstand the poisonous salivation attack, and spit out his thunderwren wood pill beads, and hit the brain of the ground python with the wind, "Pump!" The opponent's corpse suddenly Fell to the ground.


The little golden wren triumphantly retracted the wooden pill beads, while hovering in the air, while making a pleasant cry, the giant pythons on the ground were so angry that they shuddered like sifting chaff, because facing the golden wren chicks, they did not even have the strength to fight back. You can only let the other party continue to destroy your companions!

"Hahaha, Wrenbao, is it fun to play?" At such a time, Ruotao rushed here with Mandrill and asked grinningly.

"Tweet." Upon hearing this, the golden wren chicks suddenly slapped their wings and fell on Ruotao's shoulders, and screamed nonchalantly, which meant saying: "Killing these scums has no meaning at all, it's not a challenge. "

"I know, I know, these long worms are really vulnerable." At this time, the mandrill glanced at the remaining venomous ground pythons in front of him, and then said with a playful expression: "I'm not saying which one of you is Waste, but to say that all of you are waste!"

"Hiss--" Hearing this, one of the fattest and poisonous ground pythons could no longer bear it. This guy screamed like crazy, rushing towards the mandrill, vowing to make peace. The enemy died together.

"Trash is trash, are you worthy to fight with me? Get out!"

"Huh! Bang!" As soon as the demon's words fell, he suddenly slammed his fist and hit the opponent's head with a cold air fist, hitting the guy's head torn apart, and the dead body fell to the ground with the sound.

When the other venomous ground pythons saw this, all of them shuddered. They knew that if they continued to fight, it would be a dead end anyway, so they turned and fled.

"Don't want to leave!"

"Swallowing thunder and shaking the ground!"

"Hey hey hey!"

Suddenly, the blade was charged with electricity, Ruotao swung the Thunder-Swallowing Blade to the ground, "Boom!" After the violent sound, a deep hole suddenly appeared on the ground. All the pythons within the attack range were not spared, and they were all torn apart. , Ended tragically.

"Ahhhh, Big Sister's head is sharp." When he said this, Mandrill gave a thumbs up.

Ruotao said: "Don't just go around and chase you, you see, two or three escaped."

"Don't worry, they won't be able to go." The Mandrill had already flew after him when he spoke. python.

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