Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11329: Fighting double-headed python (first more)

"Good beast, I see where you go!"

The mandrill roared and took the poisonous ground python that was trying to escape. Seeing that it was not easy to escape, the other party suddenly flicked his long tail in shock and anger, and slammed the mandrill's body viciously. "Little trick, dare to play tricks in front of Grandpa, and die!"

"Bang!" The roar rose sharply, and the mandrill smoothly grabbed the tip of the opponent's tail, immediately rose to his power, and flicked it smoothly, "Bang!" Spit out a mouthful of blood, and died.

"Useless waste, it's really unbeatable!"

While cursing, the mandrill threw the python corpse aside, and continued to chase the remaining few fleeing highly poisonous ground pythons. No matter how fast the opponent is, it is still difficult to survive in the face of the devious mandrill, and eventually it catches up one by one and kills all of them.

"There seems to be no way ahead." Until chasing here, the Mandrill realized that there was a large rock wall in front of him, and went to the end of the tunnel. Seeing this, it couldn't help being a little disappointed, and screamed: "Damn it. It turned out to be a dead end."

Immediately afterwards, Mandrill complained to the three-eyed Shougong lying on his shoulders: "Little thing, did you point you in the wrong direction?"

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing this, the Three-eyed Shougong whispered a few times, and could not help shaking his head, denying the other party's statement.

"Then why there is no way here..." The Mandrill suffocated angrily, and was about to continue to ask questions. Ruotao, who rushed over suddenly, screamed: "Mandrill, be careful on the top of your head!"

"Eh?!" Hearing this, Mandrill's face was full of consternation. It suddenly felt that the wind on its head was not good, and it didn't care to look up. Huo Di shook his fist and slammed it straight up, and the body quickly retreated toward the back.

"Bang!" Cold Qi Quan Jin suddenly hit the attacker, counteracting the opponent's descending offensive, "Bang!" Then, the guy's body had fallen to the ground fiercely, causing earth and rocks to splash!

At this moment, Mandrill and Ruotao also saw clearly the appearance of the sneak attacker, turned out to be a huge double-headed ground python.

This guy got out of a cave in a dark corner at the top of the rock wall. If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to find that place at all, let alone search for enemies.

"Damn beast, dare to attack your grandfather and die!" The Mandrill said, rushing to break the ice and wanted to rush to his life, but at this moment Ruo Tao screamed: "Be careful, don't do it before you figure out how this guy is attacking. Get close, lest you suffer!"

"Hey, I said Big Sister, you are too cautious, in fact, you don't need to..." As soon as the mandrill said this, the two-headed ground python on the opposite side suddenly shattered the fist strength caused by the mandrill's fist on the body just now. The ice layer, and then shook his body and rushed towards it.

"Good beast, I didn't find you. You came here by yourself." As soon as the voice fell, Mandrill wanted to do it, but never expected that the opponent's attack speed was not slow. In a matter of time, a pair of snake skulls suddenly opened their mouths. Poisonous saliva came out, and they all spread to the mandrill's head, face and body.


"Swish swish!"

Facing the poisonous saliva of the ground python, the mandrill did not care, suddenly gathered a triple ice shield, and instantly blocked in front of him, but never expected that this poisonous saliva was extremely corrosive, and it melted two layers of ice in an instant. The shield immediately destroyed most of the third layer.

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, the Mandrill was so angry that its eyes were splitting and its seven orifices were bursting into smoke. In an instant, it gathered four ice shields, which was able to counteract the power of poisonous saliva.

"Hahaha, Mandrill, have you been careless this time?" Ruotao smiled beside him: "It seems that the other party is much better than the average Xiaoyou."

"It's true, this time I was really careless." Mandrill's face sank like water, and then gritted his teeth and said: "But I may not be afraid of it, big sister, how about letting me solve it by myself?"

"Okay." Ruotao nodded, then turned the head of the conversation, and continued to say: "But you'd better fight quickly, because the enemy is not the only one."

"Eh?!" Hearing Ruotao's reminder, Mandrill looked up and took a breath of air-conditioning, dare to feel that the place where the double-headed ground python had just got out was still crawling out one after another.

Moreover, these newly-emerged ground pythons are larger and stronger than those previously eliminated by Ruotao and Mandrill, and many of them are double-headed mutants, all of them are full of evil spirits, and they are much stronger than ordinary ones at first glance. .

Ruo Tao slowly pulled out the Thunder-Swallowing Blade at this time, and said casually: "Mandrill, your task now is to solve the double-headed earth python. For the rest, I and Wren Bora will settle the matter."

"Yes, eldest sister, just take a good look."

After the Ice Soul Mandrill said this, he suddenly roared and rushed towards the double-headed earth python. When the opponent saw the mandrill attack aggressively, he planned to replay the old trick and spit out poisonous saliva, but the Mandrill grinned and said: " Do you think Grandpa will give you that chance again? Stop dreaming!"


"Swish swish!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of ice cones and thorns suddenly appeared around the mandrill's body, and then it waved its claws and shouted: "Go to hell!"

"Chichichichi!" In the lightning fire, the ice cone and ice thorn attacked the opponent's two python heads with lightning speed. The two-headed earth python dodges left and right, "pupupupu!" That's the case, left. The head was still pierced by a few ice thorns.

"Ping-pong-pong!" The ice thorn that hit the head of the earth python burst into pieces in an instant, and the chilling force released suddenly froze half of this guy's body.

"Go to hell!" As soon as the mandrill said this, the ice-breaking wing burst into coldness in his palm, and a huge ice blade was formed on the top, and then he slashed down towards the opponent's other head.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, and one defeat may mean retreat. Now the dilemma of the earth python is formed like this. Facing the fallen ice blade, this guy can't avoid it, so he can only use his frozen half of his body to meet him. Before resisting.

"Boom!" After the violent sound, the frozen head and half of the body of the earth python turned into powdery ice crystals, but its sacrifice also played a key role, and it just saved half of its life.

Dragging the remaining half of its **** body, the severely wounded earth python sprayed blood mist and kept going backwards, but the mandrill didn't mean to let it go.

At this moment, Ruotao and Golden Wren chicks also slaughtered the mutant pythons that had crawled over. She shouted, "Demon Mandrill, haven't you solved it yet? It's too slow!"

"No, no, big sister, look, I have already severely injured it, and I will be able to solve it soon." The Mandrill said in a hurry.

"Then you don't hurry up, what are you waiting for?" Ruotao said impatiently: "If you don't finish it, I will help."

"Don't don't don't, it seems that I'm too incompetent." The Mandrill said a little embarrassingly, and then the Earth Python who tried to flee at this time scolded: "It's you beast who is causing trouble to Grandpa, you **** it. !"

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