Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11332: Weird phenomenon

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Fear again, immediately shook his claws to block the parry.

"Ping pong pong!"


"Boom boom boom!"

In the blink of an eye, dozens of fireballs were shattered by the giant black hair monster, but the two paws of this guy were also burnt to black, and the black hair monster roared in pain, which was extremely painful.

At the same time, the Bound Demon King led the other demon ghosts from the diagonal stab to the back of this guy, launching a fierce attack.

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of fierce fire claws of the king of ghosts landed on the head and back of the huge black hair monster, causing serious damage behind him. The black hair monster screamed, shaking his claws to parry, and tried to step away and escape, the mandrill sneered. : "Want to go? It's too late!"

"Whistling call - whiz -" The next moment, the magic elf released very mysterious aura of ice cold, the lightning feet wrapped around each other, abruptly freeze it on the ground, a huge black hair strange Almost unable to move, he was attacked by a group of ghosts one after another.

At this moment, the icebreaker in the mandrill's palm gathered a large amount of cold air and instantly turned into a huge ice blade. I saw its knees slightly bend, and it suddenly jumped up violently, taking the huge black hair monster face!

"Roar!" It seemed that he had a premonition that his time of death was approaching. The giant black hair monster couldn't help but let out a whine. The frozen ice blade of the mandrill just penetrated its open blood basin, and with a chuckle, it also came out from the back of the opponent's head. .

The mandrill immediately pulled out the icebreaker and flew towards the ground, and at the same time shouted: "Kill!"

"Boom boom boom!"


"Ping pong pong!"

Just in the blink of an eye, the Four Arms Mountain Wei and the Bound Monster King led all the demons to unleash a large flame attack, and they bombarded the huge black hair monster, burning it into a large fireball that continuously glowed with black smoke until the tenth. After the rest, this guy completely turned into ashes and drifted away with the wind.

"Unexpectedly, you can also encounter corpse-changing monsters here in the underground lake. Unfortunately, this kind of guy can't spawn beast souls, and it won't lose treasures. It's a waste of energy." Ruo Tao said, a little helpless.

The man next to him murmured: "Big sister, we are the one who does it. We are not tired yet..."

"Okay, okay, don't worry about those little things, go and go to the huge beast corpse."

"You said, will there be other corpse monsters?"

"Hey, hey, maybe." The two of them walked forward and talked about these things. The three-eyed gecko was running in front, and the golden wren nestling whispered on top of it. It seemed that everything was calm. .

However, all this is just a superficial indication! Suddenly, Ruotao and Mandrill stopped more than ten feet away from the giant beast's corpse. She said casually: "Why are there any more? It's really annoying."

"Come from underground, and there are still a lot of them." Mandrill scratched his head, and then said: "Sister, let's not waste our time on this group of young men."

"I know, now I have thought of how to deal with these beasts." Ruotao smiled with her arms around her shoulders: "If you think about it, they are corpses turned into monsters, then..."

"Oh, I understand." All of a sudden, Mandrill was also a blessed soul, nodding his head again and again, and immediately afterwards, it and Ruotao immediately released all the wood spirit wisdom eyes.

At the next moment, Ruotao murmured a few words to the ghost king of Shanwei and the demons around him. Everyone immediately nodded and expressed their understanding. Ruotao waved his hands: "Go, try to settle the other party earlier."

"Deadlines.i - shabu shabu -" As soon as he words export, Ghosts immediately disperse away, vigilant, and if peach of magic elf, said: "Go and do what we should do."


Mandrill nodded and agreed, and ran to the three-eyed guard in front of him in a few steps, and beckoned to him, "Hey!" Now, you have to think about what you are looking for."

"Squeak." Three-eyed Shougong whispered immediately, expressing his understanding. After a few breaths, Ruotao and Mandrill had already rushed to the giant beast corpse.

"Looking closer, this guy's body is indeed not small, it looks like a mountain." Ruo Tao looked up, and then casually said: "But in the ancient years, there should be a lot of behemoths like it."

"It's true." The Mandrill said: "It's just that the bigger the body, the more food and the larger the territory for survival. In the end, few can live to the present. Giant beasts are only suitable for survival in the ancient years. what."

"That's right." Feeling that Mandrill's words are very reasonable, Ruotao nodded. At this moment, she saw the Three-eyed Shougong fall from the mandrill's shoulders to the ground, rushing to the giant beast's corpse, first looking left and right. , And then stretched out a small claw to scratch the skin of the beast corpse.

"Hey!" It was too late, then soon, the beast's corpse suddenly appeared a little weak electric energy, and hit the three-eyed guard.

"Chirp!" The gecko, who was sitting backwards on the ground, screamed in fright, feeling a little at a loss.


Seeing this, the golden wren chicks suddenly swooped down from the air, and at the same time they used their own sharp claws to grab the surface of the huge beast corpse, "hiss!" The sharp claws suddenly left a few cracks on the corpse, and then, This thing suddenly released several swift electric energy.


"Boom boom boom!"

Several electric energies hit the golden wren chicks in the air with the wind, but it didn’t mean to dodge at all.

"Hey!" Then, the golden wren nestling landed in front of Ruotao and Mandrill, combing her feathers with a small beak, Ruotao asked: "Wrenbao, how is the electric energy released by this ancient beast corpse?"

"Tweet, twee, oh." Upon hearing this, the golden wren chick crowed his head and whispered twice, which meant to say: "Hehe, it tastes great!"

"Does touching this corpse really make it generate electricity? I'll try it too."

As the Mandrill said, he had already stepped forward to the huge beast corpse and reached out his hand to pat the beast corpse, but it was strange that the beast corpse did not react at all this time, making Mandrill a little confused, and it was surprised. Yi said, "Weird, what's the matter?"

"Maybe you didn't touch the right place? I'll give it a try."

Ruotao also stepped forward at this time, and casually stretched out his hand to touch the beast corpse, "Hey, hey! Crackle!" The giant beast corpse suddenly trembled and shook, seeing this scene, Ruotao took a step back subconsciously. .

"Boom!" At the next moment, a current was suddenly released from the location Ruotao had just touched, and it rushed towards her face.

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