Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11333: Inside the corpse (the fifth outbreak)

"Oh, this electricity is so strong!"

Ruo Tao screamed, and suddenly used the Thunder Devouring Blade to block, "Dang!" When it was too late, it was fast, and the swift electric power suddenly soared into the air. Then, Ruo Tao rolled her eyes and raised her voice: "So Good lightning power can't be wasted, then I will accept it unceremoniously."

"Whhhhhhhh!" At the next moment, Ruotao's thunder-swallowing blade slashed into the air several times, and the electric energy was suddenly cut into a few lines, and then scattered down, Ruotao said: "Wrenbao, Xiaoshougong, Don't froze, everyone has a share!"

"Tweet!" Upon hearing this, the golden wren chicks happily soared into the air, and suddenly opened their mouths to inhale. Two of the electric energy was taken into the mouth by it, and the weaker electric energy was left, which had already fallen straight to the third eye. palace.

But at this moment, the Three-eyed Shougong seemed a little scared. After all, it hadn't absorbed such a heavy and rapid electric energy before, and his heart was shocked, and his body began to tremble slightly.

Ruo Tao said in a loud voice: "Don't be afraid, Wrenbao and I are here. I promise you will be fine. You will do it."

"Squeak!" Hearing Ruotao's words, the Three-eyed Shougong really mustered up the courage. While screaming, people stood up and closed their eyes to bear the thunder.



In the light of thunder, fire and lightning, this frenzied force wandered on the surface of the three-eyed gecko, causing the twisted patterns on its back to keep flashing, so dazzling!

"Pump!" The body of the three-eyed Shougong who was hit by the electric shock shook a few times, and finally fell to the ground. The Mandrill and the Little Golden Wren flew closer together. Ruotao also arrived, and they shouted in unison: " Hello, are you okay?"

"Squeak..." At this moment, Three-eyed Shougong barely lifted his paws and shook them in front of everyone, which meant to say: "My luck is really good. I'm not dead yet."

"Hahaha, after absorbing this electric energy, your ability can at least increase by a bit, not bad." Ruotao said, patted the forehead of the three-eyed gecko, and then casually said: "Hey, I was shocked by the electric shock. After the fight, the patterns on your body seem to be quite beautiful."

"The eldest sister is right, I think so too." The Mandrill said, reaching out his hand to touch the other's back, smiling and saying: "There is also the electric sound of'Bah Bah Bah'."

"Isn't it amazing?" Ruotao said: "If we figure out why the corpse of this ancient beast can release electric energy, and then absorb all the power of thunder and lightning, it would be even more perfect."

"But it's really weird to say it." The mandrill touched his jaw and said, "When you touched the corpse of the ancient beast just now, the little Shougong, Wrenbao, and Big Sister, this guy will release his electric energy, why do I Didn't it respond when I touched its body?"

"About this matter, I didn't figure it out at first, but I seem to understand it now." Ruo Tao said to the Mandrill: "Come, stretch out your hand."

"Oh, what are you going to do?" The Mandrill looked a little puzzled, still stretched out a hand in front of Ruo Tao, "Huh!" Ruo Tao suddenly raised the Thunder-Swallowing Blade, and fell down towards that hand, frightened. The Mandrill almost screamed: "Huh?!"

"It's okay, teasing you."

"Pop!" At the next moment, the grinning Ruotao gently patted Mandrill's hand with the back of the knife, "Hey!" A trace of weak electric energy quickly entangled Mandrill's fingertips.

"Hey, it turns out to be like this? I understand!" Mandrill is not a fool, and it instantly understood Ruotao's intentions. It immediately exclaimed, "This ancient beast corpse only reacts to the existence of thunder and lightning on its body? "

"It's smart, it's a shame that you can still think of this." Ruotao smiled: "You quickly try it yourself to verify this guess."


"Huhuhu--huhuhu!" It was too late, then soon, the maniac suddenly raised his arms to release a large amount of spiritual energy, wrapped this electric energy, and then slammed the ancient beast corpse.

"Boom!" At the next moment, a huge noise erupted from the place hit by the mandrill, "Buzzing!" Then, the ancient beast corpse trembled, and immediately released a swift, blaring electricity. strength!

"Chirp, chirp!" Just at this time, the golden wren chick who was looking for the opportunity flew forward, suddenly used his own wings to cut the electric energy, and abruptly divided it into two strands, absorbed one strand by itself, and the other immediately. Falling to the side of the three-eyed guard.

This time, the three-eyed gecko was more proficient, and he jumped up to greet Dianjin, "Hiss!" Dianjin wandered around the gecko's body surface, and then let the pattern on its body surface spread and extend. Spread toward the limbs.


"Chuck and slip--" In a moment, the three-eyed guard hummed, and the limbs released a little electric energy. It slid forward and went out for several meters. Seeing this, Ruotao clapped his hands and laughed: "Well, this trick is great, it's amazing."

"It's really good." The Mandrill looked at it, and then said: "This should be a way to use electric power to accelerate. I remember that Wren Treasure used it when it was flying fast in the air, right?"

"Yes, to understand this kind of superficial skill is a prerequisite to thoroughly master the power of thunder and lightning." Ruotao beckoned to the three-eyed guard, and the other party immediately jumped in front of her, Ruotao said with a smile: " It is very helpful for all kinds of methods of using electric energy in the future."

"So, this ancient beast corpse really only reacts to people carrying thunder and lightning power." Mandrill looked at his palm, and then said: "Big sister, we should investigate from this aspect next. Right?"

"Yeah." Ruotao nodded immediately, and then said: "Now we have to find a way to get into this ancient beast to see where the power of thunder and lightning is."

"How do I get in?"

"Make a hole in the side of its body."

"Chang!" After saying this, Ruotao pulled out the Thunder-Swallowing Blade suddenly, "Chaochacha!" In a flash of cold light, the skin and flesh of the ancient beast were cut off to the size of a person. "Dongkou" immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"Huh—" In the blink of an eye, a lot of blood gushed from the gap, Ruo Tao frowned slightly, stepped back two steps, and planned to wait until the stench odor was exhausted before going in, but the mandrill did not have so much scruples and had already left. After a few steps, he hurriedly entered the body of the ancient beast.

"Hey, what are these things?" Suddenly, Mandrill seemed to have discovered something strange and couldn't help screaming. If Tao couldn't care about disgusting the smell, she immediately stepped in and chased it in. She asked, "What's the matter? ?"

"Big sister, look at those things." As he said, Mandrill raised his finger and pointed forward, his face looked a little surprised and surprised. Ruotao immediately raised his head and looked closely, and was very surprised by the other person's appearance: "What is this? thing?"

"Of course I don't know, such a strange thing, I have never seen it in my life."

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