Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11335: Horned thundercamp

Ruo Tao took a closer look at the appearance of the worm at this time, and said: "Demon Mandrill, look at its head, does it look like an angular stick?"

"Uh, it's really similar." After hearing this, Mandrill nodded hurriedly, and Ruotao smiled: "Then call it'Band Horned Thunderclip', okay?"

"Hey, I have to say, the level of your name, Big Sister, is infinitely close to Master Guan." Mandrill said with a thumbs up and praised it.

"Your level of flattering is also rising rapidly." Ruotao laughed, and then said to the timid Leihopper, "Jump into my palm."

"Hey!" Some helpless worms had to jump into Ruotao's hand. She smiled and said: "When you get here, you don't want to run away anymore, but it's good for you to follow me, for example, this!"

Ruotao doesn't know what this worm eats, but the golden sting king, howler worm and the worm mother all like to eat all kinds of candied fruits. It happens that Ruotao likes it too, and carries a lot of it with him.

At this moment, she took out a piece of candied fruit, handed it to Bangjiao Leihopper's mouth, and said, "Hey, eat, this is a good thing."

"Haw?!" Seeing the candied fruit that Ruotao handed over, Leiyu was a little timid at first, and he shrank and dared not come closer.

But right after that, it seemed to be attracted by the sweet scent of the candied fruit, and finally couldn't help but move his head closer, opened his mouth to bite a small piece and chewed, and then, this guy took another bite...

After eating the whole piece of candied fruit, the horned thunderhopper completely obeyed, and even yelled to Ruotao twice, which meant that he still wanted to eat it.

"Hehe, food temptation, sure enough, try a hundred spirits." Ruotao smiled: "If you want to eat, you can do it, but you have to find a way to take us into the behemoth carcass, and you can't let other thunderhoppers besiege us, you can do it. If you want, you can have as many delicious foods as you want."

Hearing this, Bangjiao Leixiang tilted his head for a moment, and then nodded to Ruotao and Mandrill. The two of them looked at each other and immediately laughed in unison: "Haha, settled the first question. "

After a few breaths, the bouncing horned Leihopper led Ruotao and Mandrill to the head of the giant beast. There should be a throat with a huge hole.

The Mandrill stepped forward and took a look, then said: "It seems that the throat has been fatally hit here, maybe the ancient beast died because of this injury."

"Well, I think your analysis is correct." As Ruotao said, she wanted to step into the gap, but the horned Lei Lei jumped in front of her and chirped.

"Why, don't you want us to go in?" Ruotao looked a little surprised and asked.

"Hey!" It was too late to say, then it was fast, the horned Leihopper suddenly jumped to Ruotao's shoulder, whispered in her ear, Ruotao's eyes rolled, and then said: "Slowly describe it, I Maybe I can understand you."

In this way, after a few breaths, the Banghorn Leihopper shook his paws and whispered at Ruotao and Mandrill, and couldn't help expressing what he meant. In the end, Mandrill nodded: "Well, basically you can understand. Big sister, how about you?"

"In fact, what it wants to say is nothing more than a few points."

Ruotao said: "First, after entering, it is best not to disturb the thunderbirds that are crawling around, because the other person will violently violently and release electric energy after being frightened, just like our previous encounters. Put yourself into crisis."

"Secondly, this little thunderhopper seems to want us to find something."

"That's right, it's not bad at all what I thought." The Mandrill slapped his legs and whispered: "I think, what Leihopper asked us to find is very likely to be related to the power of thunder and lightning in the corpse of this ancient beast. There are relationships."

"Since we can all guess what the little thunderhopper means, let's go in."

After saying this, Ruotao said to the Leihopper, "If you meet other thunderhoppers in a narrow road, you are responsible for communicating with them, saying that we are not malicious and don't need to be nervous, you understand?"

"Haw, haw!"

After listening to Ruotao's words, Xiao Lei Xiang thought for a while, and felt that it was a solution, so he nodded and murmured and agreed.

Immediately afterwards, Ruotao solemnly instructed Little Golden Wren and Three-eyed Shougong not to make a noise after entering, and disturbed the other great-horned thundercamps. Before, Wrenbao and Shougong almost suffered a loss, and now they are regarded as good learners, nodding their heads. Nodding, it means obeying the command.

"Okay, you can go in now, let's go." Ruotao said, stepping in, the mandrills followed closely, and the little thunderhopper lying on Ruotao's shoulder was responsible for leading the way, and everyone followed the ancient beast corpse. The broken throat entered the opponent's body and fumbled forward.

Inside the corpse of this ancient beast, there are by no means a few, hundreds of? several thousand? Maybe even more. Every time Ruotao and her companion walked a certain distance, they could see the leapfrog rushing by.

But fortunately, there are small thunderhoppers around to lead the way, and some small groups of great angle thunderhoppers who refuse to give way are encountered. This little guy only needs to call a few times, and he will leave very interestingly for convenience.

As she moved forward, Ruotao whispered to the mandrill: "It seems that having a small thundercamp by your side is more beneficial. At the very least, we don't have to conflict with other great-horn thundercamps."

"Yes, yes, this is the greatest convenience." Mandrill nodded and said yes with a grin, but at this moment, there was a sudden commotion in front of you!

"what happened?"

"Let’s take a look, but don’t make too much noise." When Ruotao said this, she patted the small thunderhopper on her shoulder. The other side nodded slightly and agreed with Ruotao’s behavior. The next moment, they A few flew and scurried forward.


On the other side, more than a dozen horned thunderhoppers are fighting against tricky enemies. They continue to release electric energy, sizzle, scream, and rush towards the opponent. The guy relies on his tall and strong body to catch the thunder. The electric energy released by the grasshopper.

"Cracking!" The violent sound continued one after another. The monster's body surface was penetrated by several holes. The guy screamed with pain, and immediately felt that he could not hold on to the electric attack, so he suddenly slapped himself on the shoulder.

"Bhacha!" Perhaps it was due to excessive force. The monster actually beat his shoulder to **** flesh, but the next moment, a strange sprout sprouts from the wound, and then it stretched out like a lightning and turned into a flower. Great white flower!

"Chichi, chick!" It was too late, then soon, the giant flower on the monster's shoulders swayed, and suddenly a lot of pale white liquid was sprayed out, covering the monster's body surface. At this moment, there are more than ten more lines. Dianjin was released by the thundercamp, and it was as good as hitting this guy's body.

But this time, not only did the electric energy not penetrate the monster's body, it didn't even cause any scars, which was very strange!

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