Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11336: Brave corpse monster (third more)

"Woo..." At this moment, the monster also knew that the slurry sprayed from its shoulders could prevent the thunderbolt, leaving itself unscathed. It involuntarily burst into laughter, and then strode towards the stick in front of it. Horned thundercamp.

Seeing that their attacks were ineffective, the worms screamed in shock, and then flew away.

"Hoo!" The crazy monster became more and more unscrupulous at this moment, brandishing his claws and attacking the horned thunderbird. "Boom! Boom!" This guy's claws bombarded the ground suddenly, centering on the monster's standing position, fiercely. The force suddenly spread in ripples.

Unexpectedly, those thunderbirds who hadn't ran far were shocked and bounced directly, flying backwards one by one, hitting a nearby hard object, falling to pieces, and being dizzy.

At this time, the monster rushed forward with a grinning smile. The white flowers on its shoulders trembled immediately, "Chichichi!" The heart part of the flower immediately sprayed out pale serous again, hitting the thunderbirds that were too late to get up, and fixed it in place. , Immobile.

For these prey that could no longer escape, the monster did not immediately kill and swallow it, because this guy was planning to capture all the thunderbirds nearby, and then slowly enjoy the meal.

But at this moment, Ruotao, Mandrill, and Little Leihopper have all arrived here. A long distance away, they saw each other using white flower to induce vomiting. Ruotao widened her eyes and whispered: "The corpse turned into a monster? How come there are such existences like them here?"

"Squeak, squeak." At this moment, Xiao Leizhu turned his head and whispered to her a few times, which meant to say: "At the bottom of this ancient beast corpse, some areas connected to the ground have been corroded and ulcerated. The rotten meat seeps into the ground, attracting certain zombies."

"It turned out to be like this." Ruotao squinted her eyes, nodded, and then said again: "But with your Leihopper's strength, you shouldn't be afraid of this kind of guy."

The small thunderhopper nodded, then jumped into Ruotao's palm and whispered softly, saying: "The corpse monster that broke into the corpse of the giant beast before can't even beat a few thunderhoppers together. As long as you touch it, it will It will be wiped out by everyone using electricity. Today, I don’t know what’s going on, it’s so powerful."

"Big sister head, have you noticed?" Mandrill said at this time: "The white flowers on the shoulders of this corpse are a bit strange. It makes the body of the corpse cover the surface of the pale slurry, and the electric energy of the thunderhoppers can't penetrate this guy's body. ."

"Yes, I also noticed." Ruo Tao said in a leisurely manner: "The white flower slurry seems to be a kind of electric power against thunderhopper. It can make it such an arrogant battle against thunderhopper, and it takes a huge advantage. ."

"However, this trick can only deal with Lei Si."

The next moment, Ruotao and Mandrill looked at each other and smiled meaningfully.

Immediately afterwards, Ruotao said to the little Leihopper in her palm: "Go, go ahead and tell you those comrades who have escaped, let everyone hide behind me and Mandrill, and let us protect everyone."

"Squeak!" Hearing this, Xiao Lei leaped away suddenly, and in a flash, he approached the fleeing companions and screamed loudly at them.

At this moment, the horned thundercamps were already panicking. Since they had their companions to point out where to hide, they couldn't take care of a lot.

"Don't run around, just hide it like this." Ruotao said, suddenly shaking the thunder-swallowing blade in her palm, and the croaking electric snake immediately entangled the magic soldier, and then she and the mandarin faced the corpse monster. Leave the golden wren chicks and the three-eyed guard to guard the thunderhoppers.

Seeing that the aura carried by Ruo Tao is no different from that of his companions, the horned thundercamps were relieved a lot, and they all watched the battle from behind.

At this moment, the Mandrill rushed to the front of the corpse monster, and then grinned and said, "Bastard, this way is nowhere!"

"Wow? Roar!"

The corpse monster was unscrupulously catching the thunderbird, but was blocked by the mandrill. This guy was a little overwhelmed. He roared at the mandrill arrogantly. Then he shook his claws and jumped over, but the mandrill suddenly punched in the air. Go straight to the opponent's body.

"Bang!" Bing Xuan's spiritual energy burst out, and he blasted the corpse out for a long time, and the mandrill sneered: "What kind of tattered thing, you will at most bully the horned thunderclap, defense against electric energy, but Can't stop Grandpa's chill."

"Lala!" As soon as the words fell, the upper body of the fist of the tall corpse monster suddenly covered a layer of ice, and the pain made this guy shudder like sifting chaff.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" The frustrated corpse monster let out a miserable cry, then clenched his claws and slammed his fist, hitting his frozen wound fiercely, which barely shattered the ice.

But this guy’s sense of horror came to his head immediately, and he was frightened. It was only to prey on the horned thunderclap, but he did not expect to encounter an unexpected powerful enemy. Although the corpse has no intelligence at all, it is also fatal. With a keen sense of probing into the crisis, he knows that if he continues to be entangled in this way, he will undoubtedly die.

Seeing the other party's timidity, Ruotao immediately reminded him from behind: "Mandrill, pay attention, this guy may want to drive away, don't let it escape."

"Squeak, squeak!" After hearing these words, the dozen or so horned thunderhoppers behind her screamed and screamed, as if they were booing, and they seemed to cheer up the mandrill.

"These insects are quite interesting." Seeing this, Ruotao almost laughed.

At this time, the mandrill shouted: "Don't worry, big sister, this beast can't run away!"

"Be obedient and catch it. Grandpa will make you die faster later."

"Whistling call - whiz -" Yuehua Jian, magic elf suddenly release large group Doushou frozen cold, ice picks they form a thorn in the air, suddenly thrust between tall dead soared away toward the strange disease.

"Seize seize!" In the first round, more than ten ice cones were barely avoided by the corpse monster, and all of them were nailed to the ground. This guy felt that the speed of the ice cone was not fast, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Scream: "Blast!"

"Ping pong pong!"


The ice cones nailed to the ground burst into pieces, releasing a bitter and cold impact. In a short time, they wrapped the corpse's feet and forcibly frozen them on the ground. This guy struggled desperately, but couldn't get rid of the imprisonment, and suddenly panicked. .

"Hahaha, this time, let me see how you run!" Seeing that the enemy has been trapped, Mandrill said triumphantly, and walked forward. At the same time, Ruo Tao followed, and the golden wren chicks whispered to the horned thundercrawlers: "Tweet!"

That means: "The danger seems to have been eliminated, let's go and take a look." In this way, everyone followed the Mandrill, all wanting to see how it would deal with this tall corpse.

"Wow!" It was too late, it was fast, seeing that there was no hope of getting out, the corpse monster yelled, and a desperate heart arose.

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