Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11340: Three-eyed Gecko's good appetite

Hearing Ruotao's words, the small thunderhopper swayed its tentacles and stroked Ruotao's palm, expressing a sense of happiness.

At this moment, Four Arms Mountain Wing, Demon Bound Ghost King, and all the demon ghosts have collected a lot of spar left by the corpses of the big thunderhopper. They were burned by the fire spirit when the corpses were burned, and the surface was slowly glowing red. Its warm halo seems to have added a little fire energy.

Ruotao said: "All the little thunderhoppers can come and swallow a spar, but they can't eat more. You have seen the scene just now. It is useless to eat more. Okay, come and take one and swallow it. ."

"Suddenly!" As soon as the voice fell, the little thunderhoppers flew over, opened their mouths to grab a spar, and then swallowed it. This time everyone has learned to be smart. Two.

During the next seven or eight breaths, the great-horned thunderhoppers merged those spars without any risk, and occasionally one or two had stronger reactions. Both Mandrill and Ruotao protected them with auras. In this way, dozens of small thunderhoppers have all completed their evolution.

"Yes, yes, after swallowing the spar, the lightning power in them has increased by 20 to 30%." Ruotao smiled and said, "This is already a big gain."

"Eldest sister, there are still a few thunderbird spars left, look at it." The Mandrill said, taking the thing in front of Ruotao, and asked: "How to deal with it?"

"Squeak, chirp!" At this moment, the Three-eyed Shougong leaned closer and whispered twice. Ruotao smiled: "Just your greedy mouth, okay, give you one, you try first, too Can't eat more."

Hearing this, the three-eyed Shougong nodded and nodded, and then opened her mouth slightly. Ruotao shook her hand and threw a spar into the gate of the gecko. It immediately swallowed it roundly, and then turned it around. Turn your mouth, tilt your head like a peach.

"Huh? Little Shougong ate one, why didn't there any reaction?" Ruotao said in confusion. "Maybe, maybe it's a big appetite, right?" The Mandrill said casually, Ruotao said: "Would you give it another one?"

"Wait a minute, you can't act rashly now." The Mandrill whispered: "At least you have to wait for a few breaths to see if the Three Eyes Shougong is really okay?"

"Yeah, I think so." After hearing this, Ruotao nodded and agreed. But at the moment, the three-eyed Shougong circled Ruotao twice, whimpering in his mouth, which meant to say: "Give me another one. I didn't taste the taste just now."

"Little fool, this is not a fruit snack. I can give you one more right away." Ruotao said dumbfounded: "Wait for a while, if the thing doesn't rebel in your belly, then I can give it to you."

Hearing this, the three-eyed guard was still a little unwilling, suddenly jumped to the mandrill's shoulder, and then squeaked in its ear, wanting the mandrill to help him intercede and ask for more spar.

Mandrill shook his head and said, "You still don't want to hit my mind. Who dares to disobey the order of the big sister? It's better to be obedient as soon as possible."

"Tweet, twee, twee!"

At this time, the little golden wren also leaned in front of the three-eyed gecko, and suddenly released a ball of electric energy, causing it to spin and roll in the air, turning into an "electric ball". The three-eyed gecko saw this thing, and his attention was immediately lost. Attracted to the past, squeaking and screaming with his paws.

After a few breaths, even the horned thunderhoppers gathered around and watched the golden wren chicks and the three-eyed gecko play against each other against the electric ball, making a happy cry while jumping and jumping.

"It looks like Xiao Shougong didn't have any uncomfortable reaction after eating the larvae crystals." Ruo Tao looked at the few larvae crystals in her hand, and then said: "Give it one more, and put the rest away for later use. "

"Hehehe, elder sister is wise." Mandrill repeatedly echoed, and then Ruo Tao shouted: "Hey, Xiao Shougong, are you still playing? Are you still eating?"

"Squeak, squeak!" Upon hearing this, the Three-eyed Shougong immediately rushed to the front and opened her mouth to Ruotao. She immediately threw the chrysanthemum crystal into the air, "Huh! Huh!" At that time, the Three-eyed Shougong jumped up immediately, biting the chrysanthemum crystal and swallowing it inside.

"Papa!" The next moment, Shougong turned over and fell to the ground, her body trembling suddenly, Ruotao's eyes were sharp and she could see clearly, she whispered: "Oh, you really have eaten too much this time?"

But just a moment later, Three-eyed Shougong raised his head again and stood steadily in place, and then ran to Ruo Tao in a big look, rubbing her leg with her small head, expressing intimacy.

"Big sister, it seems to be okay." Mandrill muttered, "This little boy looks small, but he has a lot of appetite."

"Hehehe, that's fine, it's fine." Ruotao touched the forehead of the three-eyed gecko, and then said: "Let's go, continue searching, maybe you can see more large thunderhopper remains, like that. if……"

"Haha, that means we can find more chrysalis or other things." Mandrill's eyes lit up and said.


In this way, under the leadership of the entire group of Leihoppers, Ruotao and Mandrill continued to move forward. As expected, after walking for a while, they saw a strange scene again.

"A whole piece of white flower?!" Ruo Tao looked up. The front was pale white, and the mandrill next to him whispered: "Isn't this exactly the same as the white flower that sits on the corpse monster?"

"By the way, what about the white flowers?" Ruotao asked.

"Oh, when I froze it with the cold just now, this guy synthesized the appearance of a flower bud by himself. Without moving, I put it in the storage clam. Should I take it out now?"

"Well, take it out and have a look."

"Okay." Hearing Ruotao's words, Mandrill immediately followed his instructions and took out the frozen strange white flower. At this time, the opponent was enveloped in the cold, exuding bursts of icy breath, and remained motionless, but it seemed to be in harmony. The pale white flower in front is exactly the same.

And when the little thunderhopper saw the white flowers, he remembered the suffering he had just suffered, and they all murmured and did not dare to approach, for fear that they would be touched by the white flowers' slurries again, and they would have to suffer a big loss by then.

"Why do these things grow in the corpses of giant beasts?"

Mandrill felt a little puzzled. Ruotao said, "Although I don’t know the reason why the demon plant white flower grows here, I think the corpse just now may be parasitized by the white flower here. Be careful. If these things dare to act hostile to us, immediately Destroy them."

"Hehehe, it's just what I want." Mandrill agreed, then shook the pale white flower that was frozen in his hand, and asked casually, "What about this guy?"

"Hmm..." After thinking about it, Ruotao said, "It's okay to use this guy as a bait. Defrost it first, and then throw it over to see what happens."

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