Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11341: Drive away Yao Zhi (third more)

"Okay, listen to you." While talking, the maniac suddenly lifted the chill of freezing the white flower of the demon planting white flower, and this guy defrosted himself in a flash, and then was thrown on the ground by the maniac.

"Hey!" Yao Zhi Baihua trembled for a while, and then she managed to get rid of the frozen state and stood upright. When this guy saw a large swath of his own kind in front of him, he was immediately overjoyed and went crazy. Pounced forward.

At this time, the golden wren chicks suddenly developed a playful heart, and suddenly released an electric energy, "crack!" The slight electric energy suddenly fell on the road where the demon plant white flower passed, hitting the ground and rock flying, hitting the white flower body one after another, causing pain. This guy crawled around, just trying to escape for his life.

Within a few breaths, Yao Zhi Bai Hua fled to the large "White Flower Field", and was about to fly down and meet his companions. At this moment, the local Yao Zhi Bai Hua suddenly trembled, and then All of them sprayed out a pale slurry, rushing towards the foreign white flower.

Unexpectedly, not only did one of his own kind not welcome him, but hurt the killer. The white flower from the outside was scared and panicked. He kept retreating, even crawling and avoiding attacks. In the blink of an eye, he retreated back to Ruotao and Mandrill.

"Hey, what's going on?" Seeing this scene, Mandrill was a little puzzled, Ruo Tao said: "Perhaps the white flowers realized that this kind of fellow would cause trouble for themselves, so they would expel it."

Ruotao guessed so, and then said: "In other words, this group of local white flowers are very xenophobic and don't like newcomers. It is nothing more than these two reasons."

"Well, the eldest sister, what you said is very reasonable." Hearing this, Mandrill nodded repeatedly. At this moment, the demon Zhi Baihua plopped and fell in front of Ruotao and Mandrill, and they felt that each other was a little pitiful. NS.

At this time, Ruotao said: "Don't pay attention to this guy, let's go and take a look."

"Okay." Hearing this, Mandrill immediately followed her forward.

"Shabu Lala - shabu shabu -" Just at that moment, realized that if the peaches, they are close to the magic elf, shake up the furniture, all white, but they did not dare to take the initiative to attack.

Because the murderous aura exuded by these two bodies is too strong, as long as these monsters have a bit of crisis instinct, they know that they can't do it first, otherwise they will suffer misfortune!

"Huh, don't you dare to resist?" Mandrill sneered: "It's really a bunch of rubbish."

"All in all, you can't let this group of demon planting white flowers stand in the way here, otherwise, the little thunderhopper will not continue to lead the way because of fear of the other party." Ruotao said: "Even if the white flowers are not eliminated, they have to be driven away. ."

"Yes, that's it." Hearing this, Mandrill nodded repeatedly, and was already eager to try. It said, "Big sister, let me do it? These guys have no resistance to my chill."

"Okay, let's do it." Ruotao said, "If these guys refuse to leave alive, then you don't have to be polite, you can just destroy them."

"Okay, that's it."

"Khhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Body.

"Huh, this kind of thing is not valid for me, get out!"


"Ping pong pong!"

In an instant, the pale slurry was frozen by the cold, one by one fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

"I know you demons can understand what I'm saying. Right now, I only warn once and don't give way. You-die!"

In the next instant, the magic mandrill released a terrifying murderous coercion, this breath was like a stormy sea rolling towards the demon Zhi Baihua, "pop, pop!" There are a few weak demon white flowers that can't bear the pressure. , Was suddenly crushed to pieces.

"Wow!" Seeing this, the rest of the white flowers rushed away, and immediately fled to the surroundings. After keeping a distance of several meters from Ruotao and Mandrill, this group of guys barely felt it. Be safer yourself.

At this moment, the alien white flower who had been frozen by the mandrill before and was tragically abandoned and expelled by his companions hurriedly followed Ruotao and the others. Ruotao turned her head and looked, and couldn't help but smile: "This guy seems to want to seek refuge on us, do you think Do you want to take it in?"

" should be possible, at least the serum released by this white flower is somewhat useful." Mandrill said: "That thing can prevent electric shock, and it will always come in handy in the future."

"Yes, I think so too." After that, Ruotao beckoned to the demon Zhibai: "Come here."


"If you want to follow us, it's not impossible."

Ruotao said at this time: "But, you have to comply with a few conditions. First, you are not allowed to lodge on other creatures, at least without our permission. Second, you can do whatever you want in the future. What, there must be no objections, can it be done?"


"First of all, you must not bully the little thunderhoppers, treat everyone well, don't fight each other to make trouble." Hearing Ruotao's words, Yao Zhi Baihua seemed to have no reaction. After pondering for a long time, this guy felt that he was a little wronged.

Prior to this, Baihua was driven by the host because it was lodged on the surface of the corpse monster, and released the serous to capture the small thunderclap. In fact, it had no feelings of hatred, likes or dislikes towards these little guys.

At this moment, Yao Zhi Baihua shook the branches at the little thunderhoppers, "Chill!" A few naughty horned thunderhoppers immediately jumped onto the other branch, and hummed leisurely, which seemed to feel pretty good.

"Well, that's all right." Seeing this scene, Ruotao nodded, and then said: "Everyone should get along well. In this case, I will be relieved."

"However, I still think it's no good to let go of those local monsters and white flowers." The Mandrill said as he walked: "What if these guys pop out and do things when we go back?"

"Hey, it won't be too late to clean them up then." Ruotao said: "The disobedient guy, there is no need to show mercy."

"Yes, anyway, we have warned the other party before. If they don't know what is good or bad, then they are doomed to die." As soon as the mandrill said this, Ruo Tao suddenly waved at it, pointing to the front and muttered: "Look, The little thunderhopper who led the way won't go forward."

"Did you encounter any trouble?" The Mandrill said, it has already taken three steps and made two steps to fly forward, but when it saw it, it suddenly understood what was going on.

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