Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11343: The leader of the corpse monster (fifth broke out)

"Huh, ignorant beast, grandpa deliberately lowered his strength to play with you, do you really think you can draw a tie with me?" The corner of Mandrill's mouth was slightly raised, and he said with a sneer: "Your little strength is no better. Get up to the height of my heel, how do you compete with Grandpa?"

Mandrill's words are completely broken, even if the IQ of the head of the corpse monster can't understand it all, but this guy can tell from the expression of Mandrill that they are extremely provoking himself.

However, the obvious difference in strength lies there. Even a dog knows that it is futile to resist under the butcher knife. The leader of the corpse monster has already seen that there is a big difference between himself and the mandrill.

A greedy color flashed in this guy's eyes, he stared at the heart of the behemoth, turned around with a face full of reluctance, and wanted to slip away.

But at such a time, Ruotao raised her voice and exclaimed, "Be surrounded, don't let this guy run away, since you dare to send it to the door, then you have to save your life!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. onslaught.

"Boom!" In an instant, the four-armed mountain rim's series of heavy fists wrapped Huojin and landed on the body of the corpse monster, hitting the guy's body with holes and holes, and the Huojin instantly penetrated his whole body and burned the corpse. Blame the leader to die alive.

"Chuck!" At the next moment, the demon king's claws had already clasped the corpse monster leader's neck, pinching the guy's body shuddering like a sieve. Can't lift it up.

"Dang Dang!" It was too late. It was fast then. The King of Ghosts slammed the corpse to the ground abruptly, and immediately made it limp in four limbs and could no longer get up.

"Hehehe, beast, you were quite arrogant just now." The mandrill smiled and walked forward at the moment, and said: "Grandpa smashes your arms and legs first and sees how you can jump."

"Ping pong pong!"

"Kacha, Kacha!"

Mandrill did what he said, and smashed the limbs of the leader of the corpse monster like a lightning. The guy screamed in pain and wanted to roll and struggle, but his body was weak, and he could only keep shivering and wailing in place.

"Big sister, do you just kill this guy right now?"

"Don't worry, it's finished anyway." Ruotao said: "You freeze it in place with the cold air, I want to see, they and these corpses went crazy to the heart of the ancient beast to do what they want to do. ."

"By the way, I think the zombies seem to be following us." The Mandrill whispered at the moment: "If we hadn't driven the demon planting white flowers away, I guess these guys would not be able to come here."

"I think so, so this ancient beast's heart is even more problematic." Ruotao looked at the black shriveled heart in front of him, and said casually: "The stuff inside makes the corpse monsters salivate, surely not. What ordinary stuff."

"Well, without further ado, I will split this heart now, everyone out of the way."

"Hmm!" Hearing Ruotao's words, everyone immediately swept back and stood ready.

"Chang!" It was too late, it was fast, Ruotao pulled out the Thunder-Swallowing Blade like lightning, and slashed it towards the ancient beast's heart. At this moment, sudden change occurred!

"His hiss-嗞 嗞 嗞 -" A large force of thunder and lightning suddenly poured out of the heart crack, and then rushed towards Ruo Tao.

"Huh!" Ruotao has a strong resilience. He roared instantly, and cut the thunder-swallowing blade four times in his palm, forcibly splitting the power of thunder and lightning into several lobes, which turned into several swift currents towards Ruotao's. The thunder-swallowing blade, the golden wren chicks, the three-eyed gecko, and the entire group of horned thunderhoppers rushed away.

"Ping pong pong!"


The violent noises one after another, these lightning-swallowing blades of electric energy fell on everyone by coincidence. The lightning-swallowing blade in Ruo Tao's palm first absorbed those electric energy and turned it into its own use, causing it to disappear on the surface of the blade.

Immediately afterwards, she shouted: "Don't panic, everyone, these thunder and lightning forces can be absorbed by you, just let the flow go."



Immediately afterwards, the second one that successfully absorbed the electric energy was the golden wren chick, which whispered and vibrated its wings, instantly turning all the electric energy into invisible.

Then there are the three-eyed geckos and the horned thundercamps. Although their ability to control the power of thunder and lightning is a little worse, they are better than some experience. In addition, there are a large number of thundercamps, each of which resolves the agitation of the electric energy. Then it can be completely calmed down.

"Very well, it seems that everyone is already very proficient in the steps of absorbing the power of thunder and lightning, not bad."

Ruotao nodded, expressing satisfaction. At this moment, Mandrill scratched his head, and then smiled bitterly: "Oh, when it comes to absorbing electricity, it's really big sister you take advantage, I can't get any benefit."

Ruo Tao Ni squinted at it: "Why do you say that?"

"Does this still need to be asked? I can't absorb the electric energy." Mandrill said with a grin, "In this way, I will accompany me on this trip."

"Hahaha, look at your greedy demo." With a smile, Ruotao said casually: "You said that, it's nothing more than trying to get some oil, right?"

"Yes, or the eldest sister understands me." Mandrill rubbed his palms and said, "Look, what good things can I get after I go back?"

"Okay, okay, from this time you came out to look for the Three-Eyed Shougong, just for me and Wrenbao to find playmates who use electric power. This hard work will not let you go in vain."

Ruotao shrugged and asked nonchalantly: "Let's talk about it, what rewards and benefits do you want."

"Hehehe, I don't dare to ask too much, so that you don't need to say that I am greedy." Mandrill grinned and said, "Give me a hundred Thunder Beads."

"What? A hundred." Ruotao was exasperated: "You kid is too greedy, right? Where do I get so many Thunder Pearls?"

"You can ask Master Guan." The corners of Mandrill's mouth curled up slightly, and he smirked, "Anyway, Master Guan was stingy with me. No matter how many times he asked for the Yanbaozhu and Lei Shangzhu, he refused to give it away. , But he is generous to you."

"By the way, what do you want so many Lei Shuzhu and Yan Baozhu for?" Ruotao asked curiously.

"Well, I want to do some interesting experiments and study new tricks." Mandrill said: "In short, it's not doing boring bad things. Don't worry."

"Hey, I don't dare to forgive you." Ruotao thought for a while, and then said: "If you need so many Lei Shangzhu at one time, the son will definitely doubt the purpose. Let's get it for you several times, one time twenty or thirty. How about?"

"Hey, it's okay, the eldest sister is still thoughtful."

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