Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11344: It's good, everyone will share it (first more)

"Now, we should also think about how to sever the heart of this ancient beast." Ruo Tao said.

"Do you want to cut it?" The Mandrill scratched his head and said: "I think, we only need to gently cut a few cracks, and then let you slowly absorb the power of thunder and lightning inside, isn't that all right? "

"Hey, this..." Hearing this, Ruo Tao's eyes lit up but did not continue to speak. The Mandrill thought her suggestion was not good enough, so Ruo Tao did not agree, so she added cautiously: "I am Nonsense, you, you don’t care."

"No, Mandrill, I think your suggestion is very good." Ruotao said: "It just needs to be changed a little and it will be perfect."

"Oh?" Hearing what she said, Mandrill asked hurriedly: "How do you say this?"

"First, split a few gaps and take in the power of thunder and lightning in the heart. These things are all right, but we can't just limit it to this level." Ruotao said: "Wait until the electric energy in the heart leaks almost. , And then you can break it smoothly."

"Haha, that's right, that's it." The Mandrill slapped his face when he heard this. "Sister, you still want to be thoughtful."

"Okay, let's start now." As she said, Ruotao was about to do it, but she paused for a while, and then reminded: "There is one more thing, if the crack is too big later, you remember to use the chill. Freeze it for a while to avoid too much leakage."


"Then I'll cut a few holes in it." Ruotao said: "By the way, you can also poke a few holes with the icebreaker, just don't be too big."



"Puff puff!"

In an instant, Mollie and Ruotao each used weapons to slash at the heart of the ancient beast, "chichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichiochiochiochia-chichichichichi-chichichichichichiochiochiochiochiochiochiochio-" It is too late, it is fast, and there is a lot of current flowing from the holes and cracks. Soaring out.

Seeing this scene, Ruotao immediately raised her voice: "Wrenbao, Xiaoshougong, and Thunderclap are all coming to absorb the energy, try not to waste it."



Hearing this, everyone immediately gathered and took in and absorbed the electric energy. Within a few breaths, the amount of electric energy decreased rapidly, and all the cracks and holes left in the heart of the ancient beast disappeared.

"It heals so fast?!"

"Yes, in the heart of a dead ancient beast, this thing looks pretty wicked." The Mandrill said.

"In my opinion, the guy hiding in the heart of the ancient beast is more evil."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, Ruotao grabbed the small thunderhopper next to him and smiled and asked, "Aren't you hiding something? Do you know what's inside? Say!"

"Squeak, squeak!" Upon hearing Ruotao's question, the little Leihopper yelled a little dazedly, saying: "I don't know either!"

"Choo!" At the same time, the rest of the horned thundercamps also gathered around and whispered at the mandrill and Ruotao.

"Sister, I seem to understand what they mean." The Mandrill said at this time. Ruotao nodded: "Well, I can understand more or less, but the little thunderhoppers seem to feel that some voice is calling themselves, guiding them to the heart of the ancient beast."

"If I'm not mistaken, the thing hidden in the heart of this ancient beast definitely has a lot to do with them."

"It's a coincidence, I think so too." Mandrill nodded repeatedly, expressing agreement.

"I'm becoming more and more curious now. What is in this heart?" Ruotao squinted her eyes and muttered to herself while looking at the pitch-black heart. She suddenly said, "Maybe it's a living thing."

"Ha, it's possible, too." The Mandrill said: "In short, let's act according to the original plan. I think your guess will be confirmed soon."

"That's right, go on, go on."

Ruotao yelled twice at this time, and the golden wren chicks, the three-eyed gecko, and the stick-horned thundercrawler all surrounded him. Ruotao said again: "Just as it was just now, as long as the cracks and holes made by the mandrill and me Release the power of thunder and lightning, and you will keep absorbing it until they disappear."

The golden wren chicks and the three-eyed gecko nodded again and again, and then Ruotao winked at the mandrill, and immediately brushed their hands together.


"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

In an instant, the Thunder Swallowing Blade and the Ice Breaker left more than ten cracks, seven or eight holes on the surface of the dark heart. In the next moment, a large amount of thunder and lightning surged out with the sound of hiss.

Suddenly, Ruotao realized something, and she immediately shouted: "Everyone, follow me back now, hurry!" Since Ruotao's tone was rushed, it seemed beyond doubt, so the mandrills immediately followed Ruotao back. Swept backwards.

"Hey hey hey--"

In the blink of an eye, the electric energy rushed out in the air, looking everywhere for targets that could be touched, but if Tao and everyone had already withdrawn to Zhang Yuyuan, those electric energy were not in contact for a while, so they continued to extend, and gradually The ground is getting smaller and smaller.

Seeing this scene, Ruotao immediately raised her voice: "It's now, go!"

Upon hearing this, the golden wren chicks and other friends immediately flew forward and kept absorbing those electric energy.

This time, the little guys felt great convenience, and the current escaping from the gap in the dark heart became weaker and smaller, making them easy to **** up. "Not bad, that's it."

Seeing everyone getting more and more comfortable, Ruotao nodded, and then said: "It seems that you have fully grasped the trick."

"Big sister, you just made Wrenbao, Three-eyed Shougong, and Thunderclap retreat. Did you want to extend the length of the electric current that rushed out of the heart, so as to weaken their power and make it easier for everyone to absorb?" Mandrill asked. road.

Ruotao nodded: "Yes, that's it."

"Sure enough, it's a good idea. I admire it." Mandrill smiled and nodded, Ruo Tao said again: "Also, have you noticed? The electricity released from the heart of the ancient beast has begun to weaken."

"Yes, it can be seen that your previous speculations and judgments were very correct." Mandrill said: "The current weakening of the electrical energy in this heart is a good start."

"Well, let the little guys absorb the electric energy a few more times, and I can break open the ancient beast's heart at will to see what is inside."

"Yes, let's do it together!" The Mandrill started gearing up. Ruotao said again: "By the way, this time the gap can be enlarged a little bit."

"Okay, just do that."


After more than ten breaths, the little golden wren, the three-eyed gecko, and the numerous horned thundercamps all absorbed a lot of the power of thunder and lightning. At this moment, the cracks on the surface of the dark heart are dense, and the healing speed has also slowed down a lot. This is the situation that everyone wants to see.

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