Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11365: Ladybug nest

Qing Huang, Xianxin and the others, the discussion is very lively, but they are also joking. Guan Heng said at this time: "Well, please control this guy first, check it, and then you can do whatever you want. ."

"Mandrill, Ice Jiao."

"Yes, Lord Guan." When the two beasts heard Guan Heng calling themselves, they immediately surrounded themselves, and Guan Heng casually said, "Can this guy be completely frozen in an instant?"

"It should be no problem." Hearing this, Mandrill had already started gearing up, and it asked loudly, "Master Guan, can I do it right away?"

"Well, let's start now."

"White mud loach, let's go!" After saying this, the mandrill immediately led the unicorn ice eagle to rush forward.

"Oh oh oh oh -" It was too late, then soon, when they saw the two of them coming, the evil tick suddenly broke out and roared, and the mandrill sneered: "A beast worm who dares to be arrogant in front of the mandrill, I immediately called You have no chance to speak!"

"Double Frozen Hell!"


Between the lightning and the fire, the two icy mysterious auras suddenly merged into one, rushing toward the evil and fierce tick. This guy suddenly felt bad and wanted to avoid it, but there was no chance at all, because of the fierce tick's body. It's too big, it can't avoid it at all.

"Boom bang bang!" The extreme cold breath of Bing Xuan's spiritual energy resembled a stormy sea, and in the blink of an eye, it repeatedly hit the huge body of the evil and fierce tick.

"Chuck...chuck..." It was just two or three breaths, and the body of the fierce tick began to freeze into ice. This guy trembled crazily, but there was no way to prevent this from happening. Not long after, the evil tick It has become a frozen hill.

"Master Guan, you're done." Mandrill turned his head and asked, "What should I do next?"

"You have done a good job, let me do the rest." With that, Guan Heng had already stepped forward to the frozen fierce tick. The guy's eyeballs were not frozen, and he realized that a fierce and murderous man was exuding. The guy approached himself.

The Fierce Tick was so scared that he wanted to scream, but couldn't scream at all. It could only watch Guan Heng pull out the dagger and hand it to itself.

"Hiss, puff... Click, click!" Soon, Guan Heng used his short sword Xuanbing Guyue to make a big hole in the frozen abdomen of the fierce tick, and then searched for it.

"Haha, I am really here." As he said, Guan Heng grabbed something from this guy's belly and shook it in front of everyone: "Come on, look at this."

"Is the evil spirit crystallized?"

"Yes, it's this thing." Guan Heng squeezed the crystal in his hand, and then continued: "But this thing is different from ordinary crystals. Who knows the difference?"

"Well, let me see..." As he said, the evil worm mother took a closer look, and then said: "Master, this condensed crystal seems to be not only evil, but also the blood of ancient zombie species."

"By the way, you are right."

Guan Heng smiled, and then said: "This is also the situation I just discovered. According to my estimation, the various evil insects in this mine have more or less bloodlines of the ancient alien insects, but they have been infected by evil. Deep, it makes the bloodline characteristics a little unobvious."

"And the crystals of these guys should be a good'tonic' for you and the zombie species such as the Golden Sting King, Howler, and the Queen Ant."

Guan Heng said: "From now on, I will collect all kinds of condensed crystals of evil worms, and then I will uniformly expel their evil spirits. You can swallow and refine the remaining pure ancient worm blood condensed crystals at will."

"Hahaha, great."

"I got something good again, thank you, Master Guan."

"When will it start? I can't wait."

After hearing this, the worms became very excited, Guan Heng said: "From now on, as long as you don’t get too far away from the team, go, no matter who finds the crystal, it belongs to you, by the way. Look for the whereabouts of the mine."

"Yes, Lord Guan." Upon hearing this, the group of worms agreed, and then soared into the air and flew swiftly towards the outside.


The crazy poisonous ant queen and the ancient wild roar were divided into a group, and the two of them had been flying in the northwest direction, and they were tens of meters away in the blink of an eye.

"Stop it and search around." The mad queen said at this time: "Don't forget, Lord Guan has instructed us to ignore the team too far, lest there is no time to go back to meet."

"Hey, you are too careful." Guhuang Roar said nonchalantly: "In fact, it's okay to fly far away..."

"This is what Lord Guan meant, and you look around here." The queen said, pointing to the vicinity, and then continued: "The terrain is more complicated, and there are many fork roads. If you get lost, wouldn't it be more troublesome?"

"Uh, that's true." After hearing this, Hou Zeng nodded his head after a little thought, and said, "Really, I'm not afraid of anything else, I'm worried that I will get lost."

"Huh?!" At such a time, the mad queen pointed to the front left and whispered: "Listen, there seems to be a noise over there."

"Oh." Upon hearing this, Guhuang Roar turned his head and listened. After a few breaths, it nodded and said: "Well, it seems to be the sound of wings flapping, let's go and take a look."

"Whhhhhhhhhh!" The next moment, the two insects fluttered their wings suddenly, and flew out of Zhangyu in an instant.

At this moment, they all vaguely saw a few dark shadows in front of them. With the excellent eyesight of the two insects, they could barely see clearly. The other party was a number of weird ladybugs all over, and they also exuded evil auras.

"Look at me going up and leveling them." As Hou said, he wanted to fly over, but was blocked by the mad queen with a colorful bone stick.

The queen whispered: "What's the urgency? Guys like this are more in groups. These little guys are not worthy of our action. Let's quietly follow and take a look. From my point of view, the other's nest is definitely It's nearby, wouldn't it be better to have a nest at that time?"

"Hehe, yes, yes, what you said makes sense." Upon hearing this, the ancient huanghuang nodded with a smile, and immediately returned the sword to its sheath, and then said: "Listen to you, let's go."

In this way, the two insects quietly trailed behind the colorful ladybug, and flew forward for about ten meters in one breath. The ants did not guess wrong, and the other side's nest was at the end of a blocked road.

The two of them quietly touched the place nearby, and suddenly solved a few colorful ladybugs outside who were responsible for patrolling and guarding them, and then entered the nest of others.

As they marched towards the end of the nest, the queen ant and the roar cleared the ladybugs they encountered on the road. In fact, it was not the two that shot, but a few fireclaw ape souls, because the flames of the ape souls can instantly The ladybug burned to the dust.

But because they killed all the little ones, no Zerg's bloodline crystals were found in the opponent's body, which disappointed Howard and the Queen.

But just after a few interest rates, things had an unexpected turnaround!

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