Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11366: Somewhat weird (third more)

"Squeak, squeak!" Just as the ancient wild roar swung the insect bone sword to cut off the skull of a single-spotted ladybug, an abrupt sound of insects suddenly came from the opposite corner.

The mad queen ant next to her immediately rushed over, and now their actions must be absolutely kept secret, so when they see the enemy, they will immediately shoot and kill, and will never miss one.

"Puff!" It was too late to say, then soon, the colorful bone rod in the queen's palm suddenly flew out, impartially pierced through the head of the neighing ladybug, and nailed it to the rock wall.

"Huh, it's risky."

The ancient wild roar wiped the blood stains on the sword with the corpse of the insect, and then stepped forward and said: "There are more and more ladybugs appearing now. If you didn't pay attention just now, maybe this guy will alarm his own kind. It will be a little trouble for us to clean up."

"Where is the ape soul?"

"All the ladybugs were picked up on several fork roads nearby, and when the enemies were cleared, they would come back and meet."

"Yeah." Hearing howl, the mad queen nodded and immediately said: "We don't have ape soul guard around us now. We should slow down and wait for them to come. After all, it will be more convenient for everyone to act together."

"Yes." Howard nodded with deep conviction, and then began to check the two colorful ladybugs that had just been killed. It suddenly whispered with a hint of surprise: "Hey, queen ant, come and take a look. "

"What's wrong?"

"Papa!" The queen ant flew and landed beside Howard, and saw that the other party took out something from the corpse of the worm, and then smiled: "It's the bloodline of the zerg!"

"How is it possible?" Seeing here, the mad queen ant was a little surprised: "I thought there wouldn't be such a thing in the body of ordinary young men!"

"There is no absolute in everything, maybe this kind of individual is a special existence, only there is blood congealed crystal in its body." Howard said.

"Really?" As he spoke, the mad queen ant stretched out his hand and tore apart another corpse. "Dang!" A crystal fell to the ground. The queen said in a daze, "Look, it has appeared again."

"It's really Ningjing, it's really strange. We didn't find it how we searched just now, but now they came out two at once. Could it be..." Howard and the queen looked at each other and yelled at the same time: "Haha, it's us The luck of the two is here!"

"Hush, be quiet, don't alarm the other colorful ladybugs." Guhuang Howler said.

"Right, right." The mad queen nodded just now. At this moment, the sound of the wind rose behind them, and suddenly a few rapid shadows flew in. Roaring and turning his head to look closely, it turned out that it was a few ape souls carrying the wind. Returning, the one in the lead was still holding something.

"Huh, did you get the crystals too?" Seeing what was in the other's hands, Er Chong was surprised and delighted. Immediately afterwards, he handed the Ning Jing to Howell's Fireclaw Ape Soul, narrating what he and his companion had experienced before.

It turned out that they gathered up the ladybugs that appeared at various forks in the vicinity, and killed dozens of them in one rush. They were about to leave there. When they met with the roar and the queen, suddenly there appeared twenty or thirty weird scoops. insect.

After pondering for a while, the ape souls decided to kill the opponent before leaving, so as to save any omissions. This kill does not matter. There are crystals in the dozens of ladybugs, without exception.

"It looks like something is really evil." Gu Huanghou scratched his head, then looked at the blood crystal in his hand, and suddenly said, "Hey, have you noticed something?"

"What's the matter?" asked the queen. "These crystals are generally very small, and at most they are still walnut-like in size. They are much smaller than the kind we got from killing evil ticks before."

"Well, I think so."

The mad queen nodded, and then said, "Maybe it’s just because these guys are just the little ones among the ladybugs, so the crystals in their bodies are too small. We should look for bigger prey. Besides, these little ones can’t. Let it go, let's send two ape souls to search for each other around."

"Um... you are right." After thinking about it for a while, Gu Huang Roar nodded in agreement, and then said: "There are two ape souls, it is enough to clean up Xiaoyou."

Immediately afterwards, Roar called two Fireclaw Ape Souls, and said to them: "Go, yes, give you a storage clam, as long as the bloodline crystals are collected, Pack it in and carry it."

The headed ape soul took the little clam and nodded, and hurried away with his companions, while the ancient roar and the mad queen continued to search forward.

The more you go forward, the more the two insects feel that the area in front of them becomes wider.

The queen said in a low voice: "It seems that these ladybugs have dug through the underground area on the side to widen the inside. This way, from the outside, this is a small rock wall opening, which is actually criss-crossed inside. , There are many fork roads."

"Well, I think so too." Upon hearing this, Guhuang Roar nodded, and then said again: "But it seems to take a lot of time to search such a large area, what should I do?"

"It's okay, I don't think it's necessary to search all of them." The mad queen thought for a while, and then said: "Just pick up the area where the ladybug is."

"Why?" After hearing this, Howard was a little puzzled.

"As long as we attack a few big ladybugs or ladybug kings, do you think the other party will be so indifferent that they won't call their companions to help?" The mad queen smiled and continued: "So, we only need to deal with the big ones, naturally Will attract the little ones too."

"Shrewd!" Upon hearing this, Guhuang Roar gave a thumbs up to the mad queen ant and said, "You are still smart."

"It's just some clever tricks." The mad queen said modestly: "This is nothing, and it has to work."

"I think it will definitely work." Guhuang Howard said: "We just have to try it and we will know the result."

"Okay, let's go." After speaking, the mad queen ant flew towards the front area with a roar.

It is not difficult to find the trace of the ladybug here, because there are several ape souls around as helpers, plus the queen ant and howler are all masters who are good at finding the traces of the enemy. Soon, they are on the lookout. Four beautiful ladybugs walking together.

But what surprises Howard and the queen is that these guys are not doing anything else, but devouring the corpses of a few dead little ladybugs, and they seem to be eating very sweetly, which means a kind of feasting.

"Are these guys demonstrating cannibalism?" Howard muttered, "It's disgusting."

"Hey, it's not uncommon for a guy like this." The mad queen ant said in a leisurely manner. Then, the roar suddenly saw some doorways, and it continued to speak: "Hey, have you seen it? There seems to be something in those corpses. Flashing."

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