Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11370: Larvae are ferocious

"Probably the flying insects have already gotten into the hole, so there is no trace of them around here."

King Golden Sting said to himself, and didn't care about other things, but at such a time, he rushed around in a swift shadow and quietly reached the nearby area. This guy's pair of thief eyes had already focused on King Golden Sting.

Suddenly, a long and narrow shadow suddenly stood up. It sprang out from behind the stone with the wind, and opened its mouth to bite into the body of King Golden Sting.

But the golden sting king seemed to have not noticed it at all. He stood there leisurely, "Kacha!" It was too late to say, then soon, the fangs and sharp teeth of this flower scale poisonous anaconda bit on the golden sting king's back. This guy still wanted to chew the body of King Jin Sting hard, but it was a pity that King Sting King did not move.

At the end, King Golden Sting said coldly: "Is there enough bite? If enough, I will fight back!"

"Hiss?!" Hearing this, the scaly scale poisonous anaconda screamed in fright and shook back abruptly. With the instinct of beasts, it seemed to feel that it was in a lot of trouble today, and it was still at any time. The kind that will die.

But before the flower scale poisonous anaconda retreated more than five feet, the golden sting king suddenly shifted his figure and suddenly appeared behind it, and then slowly said: "What are you running? Huh, I want to run after I bite, your heart is true. It's big."

"Swish-squeaky -"

While saying this, the Golden Sting King suddenly released dozens of aura filaments, which entangled the Flower Scale Poisonous Anaconda like lightning. The other party wanted to struggle, wanted to open his mouth and scream, but could not make any sound. He just felt terrified. pole.

"You provoke me yourself, don't blame Lord Jin for being ruthless."

"go to hell!"

"Gluck!" As soon as the words fell, the golden sting king had already begun to tighten the filaments, intending to directly cut off the opponent's body. At this moment, the evil cricket mother flew nearby and asked, "Hey, Xiaojin, what's the matter?"

"Boss, you are here just right." King Golden Sting said: "This **** poisonous anaconda dared to attack me from behind. Do you think it deserves to die?"

"Bull my brother? Of course you deserve to die!" The insect mother yelled, and then said: "But you shouldn't use this method of death to deal with it." "Eh?" Upon hearing this, the Golden Sting King was a little puzzled. Solution, casually asked: "What do you mean, boss?"

"Isn't this going to enter the territory of the red scale flying insect? It happens to use this guy to be a sling tool for asking directions."

When she said this, the worm mother's tone was full of joking, and then she continued: "This is much better than killing it directly, at least it can be used as waste, can't it?"

"Yes, yes, the boss's words are very reasonable." King Jin Xing thought about it, the insect mother was right, and then he asked: "Then what are we going to do? Just throw this guy into the hole in the rock wall? "

"Let it go inside for a while. If you find traces of red scale flying insects, it won't be too late to use this waste. Let's go, hurry up and get things done."

With that said, the worm mother had already fluttered her wings, and the golden sting king asked a few black stings around him to pick up the flower scale poisonous anaconda that was bound by aura filaments, and then followed the worm mother into the hole in the rock wall in front.

The two insects took a poisonous anaconda, and not long after they walked inside, the mother evil worm suddenly raised her claws and whispered: "Stop, there is a noise in front of you, temporarily watch the change."

"Okay." Upon hearing this, King Golden Sting winked at the black sting that was dragging the scaly anaconda behind him, and everyone stopped moving immediately.

"Shashasha...shashasha..." Just after two or three breaths, a rustling sound came from a few meters away from far to near, and it seemed that something was creeping slowly over.

The evil worm mother looked closely, and then whispered: "It looks like these are fat worms with twisted red lines on their bodies, hiss... these guys are..."

"Boss, they should be the larvae of red scale flying insects, right?" King Jin Sting rolled his eyes and inferred like this.

"Well, you are right, it should be a larva." The mother worm nodded and then whispered: "Let's go, keep up with these guys."

With that, the worm mother waved her claw at the back, and the golden sting king immediately called on the black stings and asked everyone to drag the scaly anaconda like a dead dog toward the front.

For the Glimpse Black Stings, who have been smashing their muscles and being moisturized by spiritual energy during this period, the small poisonous boa is as light as a feather, and it is easy to move, and it is also in a hurry, without taking into account the status of the prisoners. .

But the unlucky poisonous anaconda suffered a lot. Not only the scales of the whole body were rubbed off a lot, but also the skin and flesh were scratched by the sharp stones on the ground. If it weren't for the golden sting king to use a handful of wet mud to block it. The guy's mouth, I'm afraid it would have screamed long ago.

"Keep up." At this moment, the worm mother pointed to the area ahead, and the red-stranded worms got into a huge cave and did not come out again. King Golden Sting smiled and said, "Boss, I guess it's time for you to decide to use waste?"

"Hahaha, that's not bad, Xiaojin, you will use your brain." The insect mother jokingly smiled, and then said: "Let the black stings throw the poisonous boars at the entrance of the hole. Remember, let everyone move faster, and don't let the other side get caught. Found."

"Boss, don't worry, the black stings are so good at doing this kind of secret work." After saying this, the golden stings winked at the glancing black stings around him, and said: "Go!"

"Bass bass bass Shua la la! -" Getting remark, are bracing sting black, pulling it toward the front hapless drug Nam Ji Ben away.

"Dang Dang!" In an instant, the flower scale poisonous anaconda was struggling to fall to the entrance of the cave by the glancing black sting. Then, the black stings rushed away with the wind, leaving no trace of staying, except for the panic. The poisonous anaconda shivered there.

After a few breaths, the poisonous anaconda felt that the aura filaments that bound him did not know when it had disappeared. This guy was secretly happy, and suddenly stood up and wanted to crawl outside, but at this moment, suddenly Suddenly change!

"Huhuhu—huh, huh—"

Suddenly, strong winds came and went one after another, and more than ten swift shadows emerged from the hole behind. It was the red-stranded worm. These guys seemed to be extremely hungry. When they saw the boss of a fat poisonous anaconda, they naturally stepped forward and bite unceremoniously. Tearing, eating happily.

"Hissing, hissing..." At first, the scaly scale poisonous boa could make a scream or two, but after a few breaths, the body of this guy was eaten up by the red-stranded worm, and there was no bone scum left. The second half.

"Oh, these guys have a really good appetite."

"Hmph, I'm just afraid that a poisonous boa is not enough to stuff their teeth."

Upon hearing King Golden Sting’s words, the worm mother said casually: “It seems that their food intake is amazing. It is estimated that it will not be too long before they turn into adults. These things contain a lot of evil spirits and cannot be kept!”

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