Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11371: Kill each other (third)

"Then kill them all," said King Golden Sting.

"Well, do it now, so as not to startle the Red Scale Flying Insect." As soon as the Mother Evil Conspiracy said this, she immediately flew out with the Golden Sting King.


The other party was struggling and screaming, and had been tightened by the large net of spiritual energy, the outer fire net burst into fiery flames, and instantly burned them to ashes.

"It's settled, this is too easy to solve, right?" King Jinzhe said with a smile: "I don't believe it anymore."

"It's mainly because the two of us work together. No matter how powerful the enemy is, I can't bear it." The evil worm mother said lightly, and then said again: "Let's take a look in the cave in front. Maybe there is still something that hasn't come out. Worms, also get rid of...Huh?!"

Just after saying this, the worm mother suddenly noticed something on the ground, looked down, and suddenly said: "Xiaojin, look, there is something left by the burnt worm."

"Ah?! Is this... Bloodline Condensed Crystal?" King Jin Xing's eyes lit up, and then he whispered: "There are crystals in the larva, hahaha, this is an unexpected gain."

"Yes, although the quality of these condensed crystals is not considered top-grade, they are pretty good."

The worm mother said immediately: "Let’s put these crystals away first, or just like that, go into the larval hole in front to investigate if there are any worms that have slipped through the net, and then look for the adult worms."

"Yes, boss." King Golden Sting hurriedly spit out the storage clam, and used it to fill the bloodline crystals on the ground. There were probably more than a dozen of these things. After they were gathered and collected, it and the evil worm mother hurriedly Entered the hole in front of him.


In an instant, the dozens of red-stranded worms remaining in the cave screamed and screamed, trying to escape. Dare to see that these guys have been so scared after seeing the tragic death of their own kind. Now they see the enemy coming in, they can't hate it much. Escape with a few legs.

It's a pity that they have only one dead end in front of the Chongmother and the Golden Sting King.


After a while, the worm mother and the golden sting king solved all the red-stripe worms and harvested a batch of bloodline crystals of different sizes before leaving the cave.

"Buzzing--" It was too late to say, then it was fast, and the sound of wings flapped one after another. A few glancing black stings had quickly flew to their sides, and then whispered several times at the golden sting king: "Squeak!"

"What? Have you found the location of the red scale flying insect? Well, you are all good." The golden sting king saw the insect mother nodding her head, so he immediately said to the black stings: "Hurry up and lead the way, let's Go find each other together."

In this way, under the guidance of the glancing black sting, the evil worm mother and the golden sting king rushed to the gathering place of the red scale flying insects at the fastest speed. Across a long distance, they heard the extremely noisy sound of insects. The other party seemed to be engaged in a fierce quarrel, and the insect mother immediately sent a stealth child to investigate the situation.

After a few breaths, Zifu hurriedly flew back to report the news, saying that the red scale flying insects were fighting in chaos at this time, and the winner would continue to devour the flesh and blood of the loser, making these meat-eating flying insects quickly change. Got even more violent and crazy.

"Do you swallow each other?" After understanding this situation, the worm mother pondered for a while, and said: "It seems that this is a way for their clan to become stronger."

"It's really disgusting. There are obviously many ways to become stronger. For example, I happen to meet a master Guan..."

Before the Golden Sting King finished speaking, the insect mother knocked on its forehead angrily: "This is not the time to be kidding, we should think of a way to wipe out these red scale flying insects."

"What is the method? According to me, just kill it directly?" King Jin Xing said: "With the strength of our brothers, it shouldn't be a problem to solve them, right?"

"It's true, but I'm afraid that the surrounding terrain is complicated and there are many forks in the road. It is easy for the other party to slip away after being frightened...Huh?!" As soon as this was said, the insect mother suddenly made a surprised voice, and the Golden Sting King immediately asked: "Boss, what's the matter?"

"It was the message sent by the children I sent to guard the entrances of the various rock caves. They separated some of their companions and explored towards the end of the fork road. As a result, they are now close to where we are."

The evil worm's mother said: "This means that all intersections are now occupied by gnats. It's time for us to start operations. There is no need to worry that the other party will run away because the worms will block each other there."

"Great." Upon hearing this, King Golden Sting was overjoyed, and then, the insect mother said again: "I will send fifty sons, you send all the glancing black stings, let them block all the entrances and exits in front. Then you can act."

"Okay, little ones, go." In a short time, the golden sting king issued an order, and the glancing black sting immediately flew with the colorful fierce stings with the wind, blocking all the roads ahead, and then, the evil worm mother led the golden stings. Wang rushed forward.

At this moment, the large group of red-scaled flying insects are fighting frantically with each other, and they have reached a state of total selflessness. They did not expect an enemy to break into their own nest. As a result, this group of unlucky ones fell into a situation of absolute passive beating. .

"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"


The sound of heavy blows came one after another, and the rushing insect mother and the golden sting king slammed into the bodies of the red scale flying insects unscrupulously, causing their bodies to be broken and tragically killed on the spot.

As a result, all the evil worms were frightened mad, and the sudden fear of death enveloped their heads, causing the red scale flying worms to split their livers and gall. They could not even afford the courage to resist, and they had fallen to the ground one after another. It's horrible.

"It's not over yet, you are all going to die!"

With a roar, the golden sting king released a spiritual mesh, which covered more than a dozen red-scaled flying insects like lightning, and then tightened suddenly. Shengsheng broke off the heads and bodies of those flying insects, and then they were completely ground into pieces of meat!


Seeing this scene, the evil worm mother laughed, and immediately released a wave of rippling fire spirit energy all over her body, which directly burned the red scale flying insects around. The other party was full of evil spirits. As long as it touches the flame, it will immediately Will burn crazily until those flying insects are completely reduced to ashes.

It was just seven or eight breaths. There were no less than a hundred red scale flying insects that died in the hands of the insect mothers, all of which were boneless.

When the other flying insects saw this, they were so scared that they were frightened. These guys didn't dare to summon the courage to resist, so they fluttered toward the depths of the cave, seemingly trying to find a place to escape.

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