Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11372: The Harvest of the Worm's Nest

"Want to go? No way!"

Suddenly, the golden sting king flapped his wings and swiftly, and in an instant he had already glided out several feet away, and chased over the heads of those guys, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" A large number of red scale flying insects were nailed to the ground in one effort.

These pinned flying insects couldn't breathe for a while, all shook their paws and shivered in place, until the last moment when their blood ran out.

"Chi Chi Chi!" When it was too late, it was fast, and a hoarse scream suddenly sounded. King Golden Sting shook his head, then coldly said: "It's noisy, is it the leader of these flying insects? Out?"

"It should be, so many red scale flying insects, if there is no boss suppressed, the sky would have been shaken." The evil worm mother sneered slightly, and then said: "It came just right, I want to see if this guy It's worth killing."

"Haha, boss, I have an idea..." King Golden Sting opened his mouth with a smile at this time. The worm mother knew it well, and said, "Why, do you want to single out with the other party?"

"Yeah, it is expected that a small insect leader is not worth the boss and me to deal with, it is better for me to come and compete with him first."

"All right, then you go." The evil worm mother did not refuse King Golden Sting's request, she just said: "Be careful, never underestimate the enemy."

"Don't worry, boss, I'm notoriously cautious."

"Huh la la!" The moment the voice fell, King Golden Sting had already flapped his wings and flew towards the roaring place.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the extremely angry Red Scale Flying Insect King caught a few little ones and threw them to the ground, turning them into meat. It can be seen that this guy is extremely cruel, in order to prevent his family from escaping. Momentum, not hesitating to kill a hundred, can be called a cold-blooded bird of prey.

"Chirp!" Seeing the tragic death of their companions, the flying insects who wanted to escape were indeed stunned, but the golden sting king's voice suddenly came from behind: "Beasts, why didn't you run away? If you don’t move, then Grandpa will send you on the road."



In an instant, dozens of hundreds of light golden awns swiftly fell down, abruptly penetrating the red-scaled flying insects, and then the awns blew themselves up, "Ping-pong-pong!" The bodies of countless flying insects were blown to pieces. The fragments soared everywhere, and even splashed all the faces of the Flying Insect King.

"Hahaha, how about this ‘meeting ceremony’?"

At this time, the laughing golden sting king had already flown nearby, and it continued: "Trash things, do you still want to save the lives of your scumbags? Don't dream, because even you yourself will die here soon. !"

"Squeak!" After being insulted and ridiculed by a powerful enemy, the Red Scale Flying Insect King was so angry that his body was shaking like sifting chaff. This guy didn't even think about it, and rushed to King Golden Sting without hesitation, bowing his head. Attacked with a fit and slamming trick, trying to smash the golden sting king directly.

"Rather than head-to-head? Okay, grandpa has never been afraid of anyone!"

"Huh!" At the next moment, King Golden Sting also hit it directly with his head mallet.


"Rumble—" There was a sudden violent sound, and the two bodies of one large and one small were fiercely touching each other. The small one was naturally the Golden Sting King, but its brute force was far better than the other, plus Jin Xuan's aura suddenly exploded, then The flying insect king's forehead suddenly showed signs of bursting blood.

"Haw! Puff—" The howling red scale fly insect king spurted blood mist, and even his brain was extremely shaken. Then this guy's eyes, nose and mouth overflowed with bloodshot eyes, and his body shook.

"Stupid things, defeat means death, understand?"

"Puff!" King Golden Sting said, he used his forepaws wrapped in profound spiritual energy to pour into the opponent's neck, and then with a violent stroke, the fly insect king's skull soared away from the cavity, and the dead body without his head shook. After a few strokes, he immediately fell to the ground with a plop.

At this moment, the evil worm mother shouted: "Xiaojin, get out of the way. I'm going to dismember this guy and check if there are blood congealed crystals in his body."

"Okay." The golden sting Wangzhi, who had already won, returned to the insect mother happily and triumphantly.

At this time, the evil worm mother suddenly released more than ten fiery filaments, which quickly entangled the remains of the Flying Insect King, tearing it forcefully.

"Sizzle, plop, bang!" The body of the big red scale flying insect king was divided into more than a dozen equal pieces. At this moment, the insect mother said: "Don't waste the corpse, let the cubs eat it. , By the way, you can also search for Ning Jing's whereabouts."

Upon hearing this, the group of clams immediately fluttered their wings and flew over, ate up all the flesh of the Flying Insect King, and actually turned a few huge crystals from the body of this guy.

These gadgets are different from the condensed crystals they encountered in the past. First, they are relatively large, and secondly, they are of high quality. Third, the condensed crystals have very few impurities on the surface and become perfectly round individuals. There are three in total. "Good stuff, put it away quickly."

"Yes, boss." King Golden Sting promised, and then took out the storage clam and collected the blood condensed crystals. At this moment, it asked: "Boss, what should I do next?"

"Search the neighborhood again, and then immediately go back to meet the owner and everyone." Mother Evil Condy said: "What we found this time is definitely worth a huge gain. We should quickly let everyone see the results."

"Yes, what the boss said makes sense." Upon hearing this, King Jinzhe nodded in agreement, expressing his approval.


At the same time, on the other side is Guan Heng acting with the girls and other partners. Ruo Tao said: "My son, the worms have been scattered, should we follow our own methods to find the whereabouts of the evil worms here?"

"Well, it makes sense, then..." Guan Henggang said at this point, and the ancient donkey with Frost Mei came up next to him, calling him and the girls twice: "Ah, ah."

"Yeah, donkey, do you want to eat snacks again?" Xiaoxiao smiled and patted the ancient donkey on the forehead. He thought that the other person would nod, but the ancient donkey shook his head, then bowed his head and motioned everyone to look at themselves. The cage on the neck.

"Ancient locust king insect embryo?!"

In an instant, Guan Heng understood what the ancient donkey wanted to express, and then smiled: "I know, this ancient locust king is also an ancient zombie. It should be able to lead us to find some useful clues, or even direct us directly. Go find those evil worms."

Hearing this, Shuangmei Gu donkey nodded again and again, indicating that it was so.

"But the ancient locust king doesn't seem to help in vain, right?" Qing Huang said next to him: "Let's make sure first, what kind of'remuneration' it wants."

"Oh, you're right." Guan Heng nodded his head, then walked to the cage, patted the object lightly, and asked: "Hey, ancient locust king, what do you want, tell me."

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