Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11383: Qiwu Lingzhi (fifth more outburst)

"Let the soul-recovering urn try it now." Guan Heng said, holding the red flower towards the soul-recovering urn, and then threw the flower into the big belly urn.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ , Even the soul-recovering urn was also excited.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked at each other, Guan Heng also felt a little reckless, but now it is too late to regret and can only wait and see what happens.

"Choo!" The next moment, even the mysterious snails, blue flower miasma, and drunken soul monster bone flowers lying on the surface of the soul urn all rushed to the other end of the stone turtle beast's back, and everyone stared at the soul. Urn's reaction, wanted to see what would happen.


Suddenly, an invisible force lifted the monster safflower from the urn. This thing kept shining with red and strange light, and it was indescribably weird. At this moment, the safflower trembled, and the things attached to it seemed to be Unable to bear the pressure exerted by the soul-recovering urn, he suddenly rushed out.

"Squeak!" The next moment, everyone's ears rang sharp insects, and Ruotao covered her ears and shouted: "It's so noisy, who can stop that guy?"

"It's easy."

"Pop!" Guan Heng, who was speaking, had already grabbed his hand and slapped the soul body in his palm to make it unable to move. After a few breaths, it stopped struggling.

It was also because the worm soul that was caught was too weak, so it didn't dare to struggle too much, because it might burst into pieces at any time, and then it would really be finished.

"Look, the color of the safflower does not seem to be as weird as before."

"Yes, and the pattern and veins on it are also clear."

"It seems to be... to make it look good." Xiaoxin took the red flower that fell in her palm homeopathically, and the sisters gathered around and started talking.

"I seem to have seen this thing somewhere, but I can't remember it anymore." At this moment, Zhu Xin Gu Zhu next to him said.

"Hey, don't tell me, I have also heard legends similar to strange flowers, but, to be honest, our memory has deteriorated a lot, and it is not easy to remember specific things." The Beast Soul said the same.

"Hahaha, you two demented old guys, you really laughed at me." Xingmo Xueyu couldn't help but laughed, and said with a playful expression on his face.

"Hey, you're an old guy too, and you're an old guy who's been dead for a long time, what right do you have to laugh at us?" Zhu Xin Gu Yun said unconvincedly. "Hey, don't tell me, I really have a reason to laugh at you."

As he said, Xueya kept his nose, and said with a smile: "Because my memory is much better than you."

"So, do you remember the origin of this safflower?" Gu Xiao asked. "Nonsense, of course I remember." Star Demon Bloody said confidently: "How can I say I am much better than your memory?"

"Pop!" At this moment, a hand stretched out from the oblique thorn, just to hold the **** beast soul, it turned out to be Guan Heng, he pinched the bloody, and then said: "Listen to you here. I've been talking about it for a long time, now that I know, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Uh, this, this, sorry, Lord Guan, I just remembered it just now, and I was about to report to you." Xueya said with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, I hope you won't lie to me." Guan Heng's mouth turned slightly, and a hint of mockery appeared on his face, and then continued: "Otherwise, I will throw away all the things in your treasure cave. It makes you feel bad."

"Don't don't don't, I dare not lie to you, don't embarrass my baby." Xueya has always been a money fan, and he regards his hidden treasures as his lifeblood, and usually refuses to be touched.

So when Guan Heng threatened itself like this, it immediately raised its claws to surrender, and then said: "In ancient times, there was a kind of spiritual plant that could strengthen the soul body so that it was not easy to collapse, and could also help it absorb spiritual energy to strengthen itself. Treasure, Lord Guan, you are so knowledgeable, you should have heard of that kind of thing, right?"

After listening to Xueyu's words, Guan Heng narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then said: "There are such records in the ancient books of the spirit world. Are you talking about the "Soul Flower"?"

"Yes, it's that kind of thing." Upon hearing this, the Star Demon Bloody gave Guan Heng a thumbs up and said, "Master Guan, you are really knowledgeable and talented, and my respect for you is like a surging river..."

"Stop it, it's serious." Guan Heng interrupted the other party's flattery impatiently, and Xuelu had to continue to get into the subject, and then said: "This flower in your hand, it is possible to cultivate the soul flower, so there will be insects. The soul stays in it to keep one's soul from collapse."

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Guan Heng pondered for a while, and then said: "But as far as I know, there are more than one kind of soul-raising flowers. There are similar things in almost every different space. They will evolve into various forms due to different environments. And kind, right?"

"Yes, you are right." Xing Mo Xueya said: "This is also the reason that Gu Xun and Hao Fen can't remember the soul cultivation flower just now. What they saw, and the soul cultivation I saw in the ancient years Flowers, maybe they are not the same kind."

"All in all, the leaves, petals, and rhizomes of this flower are all red, so you might as well call it the "Red Leaf Cultivating Soul Flower"."

Gu Ling said with an idea beside him. "Interesting, this name is not bad."

Hearing Zhu Xin Gu's suggestion, Guan Heng nodded and agreed.

"Master Guan, I think we should try to cultivate the soul cultivation flower."

The Star Demon Bloody said at this time: "Although it is not easy to cultivate the soul flower, it is a matter of ancient times after all. Things are not humans, and you have the three elements of soil, water, and wood. Any spiritual plant is not a problem, and the soul-cultivating flower is naturally the same."

"Yes, this soul-cultivating flower is very useful for soul body temperature cultivation. If a flowerbed flower field is formed, the temperature-cultivation ability will also be greatly increased." Haofeng Beast Soul also said the same. Guan Heng smiled slightly and said, "Especially for the three of you, right?"

"Hahaha, it was seen by Lord Guan."

"Yes, we are also soul bodies after all."

"Master Guan, for the sake of our three brothers, please work hard to cultivate this soul-raising flower, work hard!"

"Hello, do you three expect me to be a gardener?" Guan Heng was a little bit dumbfounded, and then said again: "But it doesn't matter, I also have this plan."

"Guan Heng, this soul-raising flower does have some magic." Xiong said at this time: "Especially when I hold sister Huang and Xiaohei in our hands, we all have a very comfortable feeling."

"Really? What's the reason for this?" Guan Heng touched his chin. Suddenly, he guessed the reason and said, "I know!"

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