Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11384: The awkward flower (first more)

Xianxin asked immediately: "What the **** is going on, you can talk about it."

"This matter is actually easy to explain."

Guan Hengyan said: "You have just been resurrected, and the fit between the soul body and the body is not perfect. Moreover, Qinghuang and Xiaohei lack the fragments of the soul body, so when the three of you came into contact with the soul cultivation flower, Only by being warmed by its breath inadvertently will you feel very comfortable."

"Think about it, everyone, isn't that the case?"

"It's true, A Heng, you are right." Upon hearing this, Qing Huang nodded and Xiao Hei also said: "Yes, just like what brother-in-law said."

"That said, the soul-cultivating flower is really good for us." Coriander smiled and said: "Guan Heng, you should cultivate more in the Toad Ding space."

"I think so too." Guan Heng said: "It's just a specific operation, and it has to be considered carefully." After saying that, he beckoned to Gu Sangnu, and the other party immediately walked closer.

"Hehehe, I think it's time for you to discuss with me." Gu Sangnu said with a chuckle.

"Yes, come and take a look." After Guan Heng said, he handed the Soul Cultivation Flower to Gu Sang Nu and said: "Let's guess what kind of aura this guy needs to grow better."

"Yeah." After the other party took the Flower of Cultivation of Souls, she looked left and right, and then counted her breaths silently. Seeing this scene, Ruotao became a little impatient, she hurriedly asked.

"Completely--no!" Gu Sangnu smiled a little awkwardly at this time, and then whispered: "I took a lot of effort to communicate with the consciousness of this soul-raising flower, but this guy just ignored me and seemed to be awkward. "

"Why is it making trouble?" Upon hearing this, Feng Xin, Qing Huang, An Yan, and Ruo Tao looked at each other and looked at each other. Guan Heng casually said, "About this, I seem to have a bit of a clue. "

Guan Heng said: "Probably it has something to do with the worm soul that I grasped. After all, the worm soul has been attached to the soul cultivation flower for many years, and it is estimated that it has feelings."

"So, after I caught the worm soul, the Red Leaf Cultivating Soul Flower was a little unhappy."

"Well, it seems that this is really the case." Gu Sangnu nodded, and then asked: "Guan Heng, is that an ordinary worm soul?"

"It shouldn't be." Guan Heng looked at the other side carefully at this moment, and then continued: "Its appearance and breath are very similar to the evil insect in the cave just now-the spotted short-winged wasp. I guess it should be the short-winged wasp. The same race, maybe they were their ancestors before they were demonized."

"Ha, son, it's better to use this worm soul to scare the soul cultivation flower, and see if it will give in because of fear." Although she knew that Ruo Tao was joking, Gu Sang Nu was still a little unhappy, she said: "Tao Tao, don't talk nonsense."

"Hey, don't be angry, I don't think you are wrong, so tell a joke to make everyone happy." Ruotao smiled: "This girl is a master, how can she bully a little insect soul."

"Mother Worm, according to your opinion, how can I comfort the soul of this Worm?" Guan Heng turned his head and asked the Mother Worm.

But the worm mother shook her head, and then said: "Oh, if I change to a normal Zerg, I can use the coercion of the Worm Emperor’s Orb to scare this guy a bit, but it’s too weak now. I want to just fight. Sneezing, I guess it can blow it away. It's too risky and not cost-effective."

"Oh, that's what I said." Guan Heng didn't dare to hold the worm soul too tight at this time, and said his heart: "Otherwise, put this guy back on the soul cultivation flower again? But I guess it's not that simple. "

Because after all, the Red Leaf Cultivating Soul Flower and the Worm Soul that attached to it have been trapped in the Evil Bone Demon for many years. In order to fight the evil attack, both the Flower and the Worm Soul have spent a lot of energy, and they are both extremely weak at the moment.

Guan Heng separated the two of them, in fact, to prevent them from consuming each other's strength together. Otherwise, the worm soul would disappear, and the soul-cultivating flower would not last long, and then it would wither and die.

"What should I do?" When Guan Heng was thinking about this issue, the Shuangmei Gu donkey approached from the side and called to him, "Ah."

"Eh?" Glancing at the donkey, Guan Heng suddenly stretched out his hand and patted the cage on its neck, and asked casually: "Hey, worm embryo, what can you do? Think of a way to save the worm soul and the soul flower for me. "

"Buzzing—buzzing—" It was too late, it was fast, when Guan Heng said the words, the ancient locust king worm in the cage trembled slightly, and suddenly released a grayish breath. This breath instantly entangled the surface of the worm soul in Guan Heng's palm. At this moment, the worm soul made a faint cry: "Squeak...squeak..."

"Is it saved?!"

Seeing this, the girls and other companions gathered around and watched the situation, but Guan Heng shook his head and said: "It still doesn't work. The worm itself is also in the recovery stage. If it abandons too much of its own breath. Saving this ancient bee and insect soul will make you weaker."

"Oh, why is this?" After hearing this, Gu Sangnu's expression was difficult to look, but at this moment, the breath that covered the ancient bee and insect soul suddenly floated and flew towards the stone turtle beast. .

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng stomped his feet and laughed: "Hey, I don't know how to use my brain anymore. The Soul Recovering Urn is rich in various spirit powers. Let it try to save the weak state of the Worm Soul. It should be no problem. ."

"Oh, that's right." After hearing this, everyone was a little relieved.

At this moment, the worm’s fetus was floating above the soul-recovering urn for two laps, and then disappeared silently. It seems that, because of Guan Heng’s words for help, the ancient locust king’s worm’s fetus has also been exhausted. It's worth it.

Guan Heng held the soul of the ancient bee and insect and walked to the side of the soul recovery urn, and then said: "Hey, recently you have only been refining soul power, but you have been only able to get in. This time, you should give up a little bit. Save the worm soul?"

"Huh—" Guan Heng spoke in the end, and the soul-recovering urn trembled a little, and immediately released a few wisps of pure soul power, but three of them rushed to the worm soul in Guan Heng's palm, and the other two were. Drifting around the red leaf nourishing soul flower in the palm of the ancient mulberry girl.

"Chuck!" The next moment, the soul power entered the insect soul and the soul flower, constantly moisturizing their weak spirit and body.

"Well, it looks like it's almost done." At this time, Guan Heng gently poked the soul of the ancient bee insect with his finger, and the guy immediately uttered a crisp and loud cry: "Squeak, squeak!"

"Excellent." Guan Heng said with a smile: "Regained a bit of vitality, Sangsang, how about the Soul Cultivation Flower?"

"Ha, this guy is recovering better than the worm soul." Gu Sangnu curled her lips and said, "But even if she doesn't care about people, she still refuses to communicate with me."

"Forget it." Guan Heng said, "I'll ‘negotiate’ with it."

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