Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11390: Dry Turtle Fighting Evil Insect

"Swish-swish!" It was too late, and it was fast. Several swallowtail earwigs that couldn't hold back their fierce hearts suddenly screamed, and then flew up and took the Baojia dry turtle, because they saw the drought. The turtle has a small body and thinks it's good for bullying, so it will be shot at it.

"Huh! Huh!"

But in the next instant, the Baojia dry turtle jumped away, and hit the head of the oncoming earworm, smashing half of this guy's body abruptly, "pop!" The turtle slammed into the body of the second earwig again, breaking it in two.

"Hiss, sizzle!" After killing the opponent, the dry turtle quickly tore the earworm's body, peeling off all the scales on the opponent's back.

That part is the tenderest and most delicious part of this insect's body. How could the baojia dry turtle, a "old glutton", have let it go so delicious? Of course, with the crowds of enemies waiting around, it was so easy to devour it in a hurry.

"Hey, you little thing, now it's not just time to eat." Seeing this, Tu Gong Toad couldn't help but smile wryly.

But at this moment, a large group of swallowtail earwigs have swooped around and tried to attack them. The big toad sneered: "Ignorant beasts, really think that you can bully your grandfather with this amount? Blind your dog. Eyes!"

"Little Earth Toad clone, give me up, kill them all!"

"Guckoo, guckoo!" In a short time, under the powerful mysterious spirit of the earth palace toad, small earth toads appeared in a radius of several meters.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

"Swish swish!"

"Ping pong pong!"

The violent noises one after another, they sprayed large mud bombs at the swallowtail earwigs that were surrounding them, and they screamed and retreated one by one. After a few breaths, he died horribly.

"Huh, take it for yourself!" Tu Gongchan sneered and said this, and then glanced at the "Willful Baby" Baojia Dry Turtle. After eating the meat, this guy was still thinking about picking his teeth with his claws.

In this situation, the big toad was angry and funny. It cursed: "Small things, killing the enemy and getting tired are all my business. You know how to eat, don't hurry up and help!"

"Woo woo woo!" Hearing this, the dry turtle agreed. It is already full anyway, and now it is good for activities to eliminate food.

"Sud, 噌, 噌!" It was too late, then soon, the Baojia dry turtle jumped to the group of dead earworms with lightning speed, and suddenly displayed the "earth spirit deterring evil roar".


Suddenly, a large number of swallowtail earwigs were shocked and they fell to the ground and couldn't afford it. Seeing this scene, the earth palace toad nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well, it's almost the same. If you just eat and don't work , Then Lord Guan and us will feed the little things in vain."

"Woo, woo!" Baojia Dry Turtle exterminated the enemy with one move, and looked triumphant. He strode back to the front of the earth palace toad and shook his small paw at it, which meant saying: "I'm so good, isn't it? Should I compliment me, what reward or something?"

"Go go, I don't have anything for you here. When you see Master Guan, you can ask him for it." The earth palace toad looked at the surrounding environment while hesitating the dry turtle.

The big toad thought to himself: "Anyway, I have already gone so far with the little guy, the dry turtle. If you go back without doing anything, it must be wrong."

"It's good for Lord Guan and the girls to say that the guys in the Mandrill Armored King will definitely find the opportunity to tease us. It's better to walk around and see if there are other prey."

"Hey, boy, come here." The earth palace toad shook its webbed claws and greeted the dry turtle. The other side slid and ran to the big toad. When he looked up, the earth palace toad whispered a few words to it, and the dry turtle immediately Nodded, then raised his paw to point to the front left area.

"Okay, that's right there, let's go." The earth palace toad said, with a whistle in his mouth, and all the small earth toads got into the earth. They seemed to disappear, but they were in fact alert around.

In addition, the big toad is more mindful, leaving road signs along the way, green vines and a few small earth toads. When Guan Heng and everyone will follow, they will be responsible for leading the way. After all these arrangements are properly arranged, the earth palace toads Then followed the Baojia dry turtle to rush forward.

It has to be said that the Baojia dry turtle has a keen sense of smell and is also very alert. It is a piece of cake and a breeze for it to find the enemy's tracks. Just after more than ten minutes of work, they sent a group of nests. Swallowtail Earwig hurriedly marching inside.

As soon as the other party saw the big toads and dry turtles, their feet were a little weak in fright. Although this nest is big, the earworms have their own methods of delivering messages. These evil worms have already known that there are powerful enemies that are hard to resist. Nest, if you meet each other, you will die without life!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" At this moment, Baojia Dry Turtle screamed and rushed towards the other side, screaming.

But the earth palace toad held his mind to watch the battle temporarily, and said secretly: "Let's see if the dry turtle can suppress the opponent. If it can, then I won't need to take action. On the other hand, if the little guy can't hold it, I can go up again. Not too late."

There is no doubt that the decision of the earth palace toad is correct, because the dry turtle is now like a rainbow. It has already killed a few in the enemy's battle. Those swallowtail earworms face the magical golden dry turtle, and even prevent it. There is no chance to fight back!

"Kacha!" It was too late, then soon, the dry turtle suddenly jumped up and bit the neck of the earworm in front of it, and then abruptly tore its skull off.

"Puff!" Then, the dry turtle vomited casually, and the skull of the evil worm immediately hit another swallowtail earwig outside Zhang Yu. Half of the other party's body was shattered by this huge impact, and the dead body was soft like a puddle of mud. Slumped to the spot.

"Good, good, good kill." The earth palace toad who was watching the battle laughed loudly: "Hahaha, clean up this group of beast evil insects!"

As the earth palace toad said, the Baojia dry turtle was killing more vigorously, and saw its body drifting and moving through the enemy group like lightning. Everywhere it passed, a screaming evil insect fell to the ground. Dry turtles are their terrible evil star at this time!

"Squeak!" Seeing that the companions couldn't hold the dry turtle's violent charge, a few leader-level swallowtail earwigs immediately screamed and surrounded them, trying to stop the dry turtle with their body, which was much thicker than their counterparts, and then faced each other. It carries out joint rolling.

This kind of thinking is good, but it's a pity that the reality is too cruel...


"Sizzle, hiss!"

In the light of thunder, fire and lightning, the leaping dry turtle swung its small paws, and suddenly slashed the neck of one of the chief earworms, leaving several deep blood marks on it. The other party didn't even hum, and collapsed to death. , Immediately afterwards, the dry turtle pounced towards other targets.

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