Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11391: Sturdy nails (third more)

"Swish!" Seeing that the Baojia dry turtle is so ferocious, the other two swallowtail earwigs swayed behind and hurriedly evaded, but the dry turtle whirred and chased it in an instant.



It's too late, it's fast, the earworm on the left sprang up suddenly, not only avoided the bite of the dry turtle, but also twisted its body, clinging to the nearby rock wall and sprinting upwards, and the time was up in the blink of an eye. The top of the head of the dry turtle.

"Kacha!" At the same time, the Baojia dry turtle had bitten the lower abdomen of the right earworm, and then tore it forcefully, "Pouch!" The intestines, viscera, blood, and flesh in the opponent's stomach burst out in a short time. NS.

"Huh! Bang!" In the next moment, the swallowtail earwig climbing on the top of the wall suddenly fell down, just pressing on the dry turtle, wanting to smash it into a meatloaf.

But the earworm just breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a cold in his abdomen, "Hiss, hiss...Puff!" In an instant, the dry turtle that was pressed under him bit through this guy's body and shook it. The head popped out.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" killed three swallowtail earwigs in one breath, Baojia Dry Turtle was so uncomfortable, immediately raised its head and shouted for joy.

"Good job, little dry turtle, doing a good job." At this moment, the sound of compliment sounded, and the earth palace toad turned his head to look closely and found that Guan Heng and the others had arrived, so he asked: "Master Guan, you are When did you arrive?"

"Hehehe, just when the dry turtle was facing three giant earworms." Guan Heng smiled and said, "The little guy can fight well, he did a good job."

"However, this cannot be used as an excuse for it to run around and leave the team." Ruotao said with her arms akimbo at this time: "I announce that the next snack for the dry turtle will be deducted, at least half deducted."

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, who almost cried after hearing this, ran over and hugged Ruotao's leg, whispering and begging for mercy.

"Huh, pretend to be pitiful, right? I won't be soft-hearted this time."

Ruo Tao said, he grabbed the dry turtle and lifted it up, then threw this guy on the back of the stone turtle, and instructed the white-bearded mud cockroach and the stubborn stone turtle to say: "Look at it, if the small dry turtle If you run around, you will also be jointly and severally liable, and snacks will also be deducted!"

After hearing this, everyone glared at the dry turtle and said to their hearts: "You are the one who caused the trouble, which made us suffer too. Damn it."

Baojia Dry Turtle felt that the eyes of his friends were like thorns on his back, and he was a little embarrassed at the moment, holding his head with his paws and shrank aside, and the pride of defeating the enemy just now disappeared.

"Taotao, your heart is so cruel, you want to deduct the snacks of the small dry turtle?" Gu Sangnu whispered. Ruotao also lowered her voice and replied: "Shhh, don't make your voice too loud, I'm just scaring it, not serious."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Upon hearing this, Gu Sangnu breathed a sigh of relief, and Ruotao continued: "This little dry turtle is naughty and disobedient. If you don't restrain yourself, you will get into trouble sooner or later, so the appropriate threat is Necessary."

After speaking here, she paused for a while, and Ruotao turned her head and asked, "My son, am I right?"

"Well, you did it right." Guan Heng said casually: "It's just that I want you to be a villain this time."

"Hahaha, it's okay, if I can keep the little things honest, it doesn't hurt for me to be a wicked person."

Ruo Tao didn't care. At this moment, the mandrill strode over with the icebreaker, and said in a loud voice, "Master Guan, there is a cave in front of it. The evil worms we encountered just now were different."

"Oh?" After hearing this, Guan Heng and the girls were all interested, and they all asked: "What's the difference?"

"The swallowtail earwigs in the caves are black and shiny, and according to the observation of the ice scorpion who passed by with me, the body of the other party seems to be extremely strong, able to withstand heavy blows without being destroyed." The Mandrill said.

"Do you have a pitch-black earwig with a strong outer armor?" After hearing this, Guan Heng pondered for a moment, his eyes lit up suddenly, and then he said: "I have a good idea, but I still need to make sure of these earwigs. Is your outer armor as strong as you said."

"By the way, where's Ice Jiao?" Qing Huang asked casually at this time. "I let it stare at the movements of the swallowtail earwigs in the cave ahead, and come back to report the news by myself first." The Mandrill replied.

"Go, let's go over and take a look." As he said, Guan Hengbian led his companions to the front.

On the other side, while the one-horned ice worm was monitoring the opponent, he was spotted by a few pitch-black earwigs. The opponent squeaked and rushed up, as if he wanted to make gestures with the ice worm.

"Ignorant beasts, don't know what to do, get out!"


"Ping pong pong!"

Suddenly flicking and sweeping, the ice scorpion flew these guys out in a violent rage, and arrogantly cursed: "Huh, it's easier for you to clean up, Master Jiao than to kill a bug."

"Squeak, chirp!" But at such a time, Bingjiao heard the screams from each other, and all of them got up when they suddenly turned over. From that look, they didn't seem to have suffered a serious injury at all.

Seeing this scene, Ice Jiao was also a little surprised, but thinking of the situation that he and Mandrill had observed just now, he muttered to himself: "Hey, it turns out that it is a tough guy outside the group, so it won't keep you even more. "

"Ice Jiao!" Just when the one-horned Ice Jiao wanted to kill the killer, a voice suddenly sounded nearby. It was Guan Heng who was talking, and he continued to raise his voice: "Catch as much as you can, I know you can do it. ."

"Hahaha, since it's Lord Guan's order, that's naturally no problem." The one-horned ice scorpion smiled triumphantly, and then rushed towards one of the earwigs. The other party relied on the firm outer armor and greeted it provocatively. Going forward, I plan to break my wrists with Ice Jiao.

It's a pity that people don't want to work with it at all.


In the next instant, the ice scorpion’s sharp claws slapped the opponent's head severely, "Lala!" The ice mysterious spirit that swept out instantly froze the body of the evil worm, fixing it in place, and then, the ice The Jiao did the same, and then froze the remaining earwigs in place.

"Master Guan, everything is settled, please check and accept it."

"Well, good job."

Guan Heng praised the opponent casually, and walked up to the pitch-black earwig. Then he slapped the opponent's frozen body, and a large amount of spiritual energy poured into the evil worm, crushing its internal organs forcibly, and the earworm was in a state of unconsciousness. So it was killed.

After that, Guan Heng melted the cold air covering the corpse of the insect again, picked up a piece of black earworm armor piece, gently squeezed it, and then turned his head with a hint of joy, and said, "Zhenwen, come and see these nail pieces, it's great. ."

"Really?" Upon hearing Guan Heng's words, Zhenwen walked forward with a smile, stretched out her hand to take a piece of armor, and then whispered: "It's really tough."

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