Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11392: The benefits of the insects are here

"It's not just toughness." Hearing what the other party said, Guan Heng said again: "The main advantage of this piece of armor is lightness. You can feel it by yourself. The whole piece of armor is held in your hand, and it is almost like a feather. Bar?"

"It's really light...ah, I know." Zhenwen said with a smile: "Brother Guan, this earworm is very useful for us. You can make a lot of tools, right?"

"Yes, this is what I want to tell you." Guan Heng smiled and asked: "Sister, do you want it? Later I will ask everyone to remove the outer armor and concentrate when killing the evil insects. Leave it to you to study."

"Okay, that's it, thank you, Brother Guan." Zhenwen was very pleased to hear this, and Guan Heng said immediately: "Okay, everyone act quickly and strive for a quick decision."

"Okay!" The girls and the group of beasts all agreed in a loud voice, and then walked towards the large cave area under the leadership of Guan Heng.

"Squeak, squeak!" Just a few breaths, the dark earworms on the opposite side discovered Guan Heng's whereabouts, and then they screamed and rushed over.

"court death!"


It was too late, it was fast, the Mandrill severely smashed his ancient gold icebreaker into the ground, and then shouted wildly: "Xuanbing Earth Spike!"


In the thunder, fire and lightning, numerous sharp ice thorns suddenly appeared on the ground. They penetrated the lower abdomen of the screaming pitch-black earwig with lightning speed. Only that position would not be protected by the outer armor and became the earworm's. The only weakness is that they were killed by the Mandrill on the spot.

"Kill--" Seeing the mandrill's first victory, the armor king immediately shook his spirits, fluttered with his four hoofs, and rushed towards the evil insects. "Roar of the scorching wind!"


In the next instant, its sonic attack hit dozens of earworms. Although it did not cause any damage to the opponent's outer armor, the noise had completely destroyed the opponent's internal organs, causing the insects to spray blood and fog. , Did not hum, died tragically!



"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

On the other side, the white-browed old monkey played with a short metal stick, and while dashing, he beat every pitch-black earwig passing by to its bones.

Seeing this, Ruotao shook her head, and then said: "This monkey is too irritable to kill the insects. After being hit by its short stick, some of the earworm's outer armor was shattered. Isn't this ruining? Something?"

"Haha, it's okay. It's important to fight quickly. It's not a problem to break a few armor pieces occasionally." Guan Heng said, "And the old monkey is also very accurate in his shots. It just smashed the smallest piece of the opponent's body. The nails, the rest are well preserved."


Hearing this, Ruotao looked up, and then whispered: "It seems to be so, son, you look really careful."

"Hehehe, if you look closely, you can see it too." Guan Heng said as he walked forward, he continued: "Everyone, let's take the action together. It's the same sentence. End the battle as soon as possible. , So we should hurry up and deal with earworm nail pieces."

"Mother Worm, you also go to fight."

"Yes, master." After receiving Guan Heng's order, the evil worm mother led the Golden Sting King and the ancient screamer into the sky, and then shot towards the group of pitch-black earworms who were trying to hide in the cave.



It was too late, then soon, the first shot of the ancient wild roar swung the venomous insect bone sword, releasing a series of fast sword lights, "Ping pong pong!" The earworm screamed and rolled by these sword lights.

However, in order to ensure the integrity of the opponent and the armor, Howard adjusted the power of the sword light, only to make the body of those guys shake, and temporarily unable to get up. The real killer move is the toxin carried by the sword light, and they can hide their ears with lightning speed. The speed penetrated into the body of the pitch black earwig, poisoning it.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ten light golden awns penetrated the opponent's skull.

In this way, the evil insects can be killed without harming the armor pieces on them, which can be called high efficiency.

"It's my turn!" As the boss of the three insects, the evil worm mother is naturally extraordinary. It roared in an instant, and suddenly released a large stream of original flames, suddenly towards the remaining forty or fifty worms. The moth swept away.

The other party suddenly felt that the oncoming flame was so hot that it was so frightened that it was so frightened that it was too late to scream and want to dodge. Trapped them for the wall of fire.



Feeling the pain of being roasted more and more, the group of insects screamed and screamed, and the water in their bodies continued to evaporate for a few breaths.

"Hey, the boss's trick works." Seeing this, Guhuang Roar was amazed, and immediately waved his hand and shouted: "Ape souls, everyone, too."

"Woo woo woo -" Upon hearing this, the souls of a few fireclaw ape immediately rushed to take the remaining pitch black earwigs.

The other party wailed and flew away, but unfortunately, he still couldn't escape the chase of the ape souls. In an instant, these unlucky ones were trapped by the flames released by the Ape Soul. After being burned, they suffocated to death, without exception.

"Ah, ah!" At this moment, even the Frosty-browed Ancient Donkey was vigorous, rushing into the enemy group, spitting out dozens of gravel darts, and killing many pitch-black earwigs.

At the same time, the cage on the neck of the ancient donkey trembled slightly, and the ancient locust king insect fetus inside released a wisp of grayish aura, entangled the dead earwigs like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood of the pitch-black earworm was corrupted by the fetal breath, and then all was absorbed, leaving only pieces of outer armor piled there.

"Hey, this one is quite convenient."

Seeing this scene, Guan Heng said with a little surprise: "It turns out that the worms are also interested in the flesh and blood of these evil worms. That's right, everyone pay attention. As long as the corpses of the earworms that have not been damaged, they will be sent to the little donkey. Come, let the worms refine the opponent’s flesh and blood, so that we don’t have to work hard to peel off the armor pieces."

"Good idea." After hearing this, everyone agreed and followed their instructions.

In a short while, the corpses of the earworms in front of the Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey were already piled up into hills, and the fetuses of the ancient locust king insects in the cage were already busy, and it was trying to refine the blood veins in the cage. On the one hand, the flesh of the earworm must be refined.

However, these things have a great effect on restoring the state of the ancient locust king's fetus.

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