Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11393: Dry Catfish Fighting Insect King (Fifth Outbreak)

In a short while, hundreds of corpses of the pitch-black earwig were refined by the ancient locust king worm, leaving only piles of armor pieces and bloodline crystals left in place.

"Not bad, these nails are well preserved. Thanks for your hard work." While checking, Zhenwen smiled and touched the forehead of the ancient donkey Shuangmei, and said: "And you, thank you, little donkey. Son."

"Ah, ah." Hearing this, the Frosty-browed Gu donkey raised his head triumphantly, looking extremely happy.

"I will let the earth palace toad collect the first piece for you. As for these blood vein crystals, according to the old rules, the small pieces are reserved for the worm embryos. As for the large ones, let the earth palace toads be collected in the toad first."

Guan Heng hugged his shoulders and said these words with a calm expression. Suddenly, he paused and then turned the front of the conversation: "I don't know if you have paid attention, since we entered here, something strange..."

"What's the weird situation?" Ruotao asked rushingly.

"That is, we have never encountered the strongest among swallowtail earwigs, the insect king!"

Guan Heng said this sentence lightly, and then continued: "But there are so many swallowtail earwigs inhabiting, it is impossible to have the existence of the insect king, otherwise, they would have been divided into large and small separate ones. Group."

"Yes, I think the son is right." Ruotao nodded slightly, and asked: "Sisters, what do you think?"

"I think A Heng is right." Qing Huang also nodded: "After all, we have encountered so many evil insect swarms before, and there are king-level guys in the swallowtail earwigs that are much smaller in size and number. This group of earworms can't be without, right?"

"That's right." Gu Sangnu said: "After walking in this field of earworms for so long, I have seen a few giant earworms at the leader level, but even the small dry turtles can balance those guys. If they can command thousands of people. It seems impossible to just stab the army."

"So, this earworm group must have a strong leader, but why hasn't this guy shown up yet?" An Yan said, reaching out and patted Puxing next to him, and said, "Don't patronize and look at me giggling. You also talk about your own speculation."

"Uh, me?" Puxing touched his chin, and after a little thought, he said: "If it is the reason, it should be because we are afraid of us."

"Fear of us?"

"That's right, you and I kill into the nest in the rock wall and continue to slaughter earworms. The information must be known by the other party. So if that guy wants to save his life and hide without showing up, isn't it a normal choice?" Pu Xing analyzed this way.

"Well, it's basically like what Puxing said." Guan Heng nodded and said casually: "Actually, I think so too, but we have to figure out a way to lure it out and kill it."

Having said that, Guan Heng winked at the earth palace toad, and the other party knew it immediately. He summoned hundreds of small earth toads in an instant, allowing them to sneak into the earth in an instant to search for the whereabouts of the hiding person.

At the same time, Guan Heng murmured a few words to the nearby underground sand catfish and pure land dry catfish, indicating that the two of them took a dozen small catfish into the ground and began to search for each other's whereabouts from another direction.

"A Heng, can you find the other party?" Qing Huang approached Guan Heng at this time and asked quietly.

"As long as the other party is hiding in the soil, there should be no problem." Guan Heng said: "And according to my guess, the other party seems to have nowhere else to go except hiding in the ground."

"Hahaha, I understand." Upon hearing this, Qing Huang relieved his heart and nodded with a smile.


After more than ten breaths, Tu Gongchan suddenly whispered: "Master Guan, it was discovered that it was a signal from the little soil toad on the left front. There were more than one opponent. Maybe that guy is still carrying his own confidant."

"Okay, tell Xiao Tuchan that you must drive the opponent out of the ground. Give me as much energy as you can!"

Guan Heng gave the order to die, and the earth palace toad agreed, and immediately communicated with all the little earth toads with mental power, "Boom-boom boom -" In an instant, there were dull noises from the ground, look. Get up, the two sides have already started.

"Ping-pong-pong!" It was too late, it was fast, dozens of small soil toads were unearthed in an instant and landed nearby.

Immediately afterwards, there was another rumbling sound from the bottom of the ground, "Hah la la—" At this time, the sand carp that couldn't help spinning came out, and it made a sharp cry: "Squeak!"

"Attention, the little earth toad and the pure land catfish teamed up with the other guys. Everyone quickly retreated." Hearing the cry of the underground sand carp, Guan hurriedly waved to remind his companions that the girls and the group of beasts immediately backed a few times. step.

"Chichichichi!" In the next moment, more than ten little catfish rolled out of the soil, they rolled in the air, and then they fell to the ground.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the huge earworm that was hit hard flew out of the ground with the wind, and then slammed to the ground, spraying a big mouth of blood mist. This guy has only air intake and no breath, and it will soon be dead.

"Is this guy the King Earworm?" "No, it's just a little bit at best." Guan Heng shook his head at this time, and inferred.

"The earworm king is still fighting with everyone underground." The Mandrill said, "Master Guan, or let's go down and check now."

"It's unnecessary." Guan Heng just listened for a few breaths, and then said to everyone: "The battle is basically over. The little earth toad and the pure land catfish have the upper hand, and they are about to win back."

"Really?" After hearing this, Xian Xin couldn't help but smiled: "I can't believe it when I hear you say this?"

"If you don't believe me, wait for a while, I think they will be back soon." After saying this, Guan Heng raised his finger to the pit in front of him, muttering: "One...two...three ...Four...Five...well, it's almost there, they should be here."

"Bang!" It was too late to say, it was fast, just after Guan Heng said this sentence, two breaths of time passed, a violent sound suddenly spread from the deep pit, and a huge figure was abruptly knocked out, and then fell viciously. On the ground nearby.

This guy was thrown into a dizzy head. He originally wanted to struggle to get up, but found that he couldn't get up anymore. "Hey!" Amidst the electric light and the fire, the Pure Land Catfish sprang out of the cave, and then used his body to overwhelm the hapless worm. King chuck.



The bones of King Earworm, who was suffering from severe pain, were crushed by 70% or 80%. This guy was so painful that his eyes were staring at Venus, and he spouted a mouthful of blood mist, then his head tilted, and he passed out with complete pain.

"Haw, haw!" After a fierce battle with the opponent underground, even with the help of a small earth toad, the pure land dry catfish can't help but breathe. Guan Heng stepped forward at this time and patted lightly. Its forehead smiled and said, "Thank you, you did a good job."

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