Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11394: Fire-burning Earwig King (first watch)

"Whew!" Hearing Guan Heng's compliment, the pure land catfish looked very happy and joyful. Guan Heng immediately threw a few bricks to it, and the catfish took the little catfish to the side to enjoy the food slowly. .

"Now, let's clean up this guy first." As he said, Guan Heng had already walked to the front of the swallowtail earwig king, and then kicked the opponent's head with his foot. The earworm king shuddered with pain and his mouth was trembling. Squeak.

"I'm not dead yet?" Guan Heng smiled with a bit of joking at this time: "Get out of here, let this young master see what else you can do!"

"Huh!" The furious King Earworm suffocated his breath, stood upright suddenly, rushed towards Guan Heng with his teeth and claws, vowing to have a fish-to-death with the other party.

"Pop!" Guan Heng didn't look up at this guy, and slapped him with a slap, just hitting the guy's cheek, "Puff!" This palm suddenly collapsed half of King Earwig's head, causing it to appear as a turtle. Cracking marks, constantly spraying blood mist.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The Evil Insect King who felt a terrible pain kept retreating from his feet. This guy had been beaten now and had almost no sense of direction. The next moment, his feet slipped and fell to the ground.

"Hehehe, you have become this dying look, is there any meaning to be alive?"

At this time, the mandrill grabbed the skull of King Earworm, and then said to it with a grinning smile: "It's better to let Grandpa send a benevolence, and send you on the road now, as it is to relieve the pain."

"Squeak!" Unexpectedly, at this moment, the earworm king's fierce heart did not change, and he opened his mouth to touch the poisonous breath, and rushed towards the mandrill's face. "Be careful!" The armor king and the unicorn ice dragon next to them all reminded loudly.

"Don't worry, I've been guarding against it a long time ago!"

"Huh!" It was too late, it was fast, the icebreaker from the mandrill's palm suddenly fell quickly, and the wind pressure that it drove quickly dissipated the poisonous breath, and it also smashed on the skull of King Earwig, hitting the opponent's skull. The first burst.


Originally, he didn’t care much about killing the evil insect king Mandrill. It only thought it was crushing a bug, but in the next instant, it suddenly reached out and copied the dead body of the other party, and then said, "Master Guan, look at this. What's in the gap between the back of the guy's head and neck?"

"Wait, I'll take a look." After saying that, Guan Heng had already leaned forward to take a look, and then he said: "Madman, hurry up and take a look at those places."

"Good." After hearing this, the mandrill immediately reached out and grabbed the sides of the gap in the opponent's body, and then let out a low growl: "Go!"

"Hiss!" The next instant, Mandrill expanded the gap between the armor pieces around the opponent's neck several times, "Dang Cang!" In the next instant, something fell from under that armor piece. He shouted: "Master Guan, it's blood crystals!"

"Well, it's the size of a fist, and the quality is good." After taking a look at what the Mandrill passed, Guan Heng said again: "Look through it again, maybe there's more."

"Yes." Hearing this, Mandrill immediately searched enthusiastically.

"There's more here!"

"Hey, there are two here too." The Mandrill whispered while flipping the armor on the opponent's back: "This guy is like a treasure house of blood crystals. There are so many?"

"Hey, Mandrill, are there any more?" King Jia Yao said in surprise after hearing its words, "Now you have found more than twenty!"

"There are indeed, you see here, there are three more."

With that said, Mandrill shook the crystal that it found in front of everyone and Guan Heng, and then continued searching. Guan Heng said, "Find it slowly, don’t worry, according to my estimation, this guy’s blood is crystallized from head to toe. , There are no one hundred, there are eighty, no, there may even be more."

"Hey, why is there so many crystals in the earworm king?" Ruo Tao said: "We have killed a lot of evil insects along the way, but no one has as much'reserve' in his body. what."

"Probably because this guy has swallowed a lot of the same kind, that's why even the crystals in the opponent's body are also occupied." Guan Heng analyzed in this way.

"Why can the eldest brother see that this earworm king likes to swallow the same kind?" An Yan asked.

"It's very simple. The mandrill has pulled its abdomen away. If you look closely, you will know that there are a lot of undigested swallowtail earwigs in its stomach." Guan Heng said casually: "So I infer that this guy likes to eat his own. similar."

"So that's it." An Yan and the other sisters nodded in agreement when they heard Guan Heng's statement.

At this moment, Mandrill raised his head again and smiled: "Master Guan, Master Guan, I have found seven or eight blood crystals."

"Well, just these alone are already quite rewarding."

Guan Heng nodded, and then said: "Demon Mandrill, I think you have almost found it. Now let the insect mother and the old monkey pick off all the pieces of this guy, and then start to burn the corpse, and then see if there is any Other crystals exist."

"Good." After hearing this, the mandrill immediately nodded, and then retreated to the side. At the same time, the evil worm mother and the old monkey with white eyebrows rushed forward, and the king's outer armor was divided by three and five. Stripped all of them and took them to the earth palace toad for storage.

"Boom!" At the next moment, the insect mother and the monkey released fierce fire at the same time, covering the entire body of the earworm king, making it crackle and crackling. At this moment, the Frosty-browed ancient donkey approached Guan Heng and used it. He arched his head slightly at his elbow.

"Oh, I forgot this!" Guan Heng slapped his face when he saw the ancient donkey coming over, then smiled bitterly at it: "I'm sorry."

"What's the matter, Guan Heng?" Qianxin asked, twisting her hair when she heard him.

Guan Heng pointed to the cage on the neck of the ancient donkey, and shook his head and said: "I promised to give all the evil insects to the ancient locust king's fetus for refining, but the dead corpse of the earworm was forgotten."

"Uh, it turned out to be this!"

When Xianxin, other sisters, and other companions heard this, they all became a little embarrassed, but the ancient donkey screamed twice, which meant to say: "It's okay, the worms mean you are now The time is right to put out the fire."

"What do you mean, does Chong Fei still like to eat cooked evil worm meat?" Ruo Tao asked with a blink of an eye.

"Little girl ghost, I think I can explain this matter." Guan Heng said, pointing to the corpse of the insect wrapped in flames in front, and continued: "Look at what it looks like."

"Oh?" After hearing this, all the companions focused their eyes on the corpse of the worm that was burned by the fierce fire. Everyone discovered that even though the corpse had been burned for more than ten breaths, the corpse of the worm was still just crackling. But it didn't look like it was burned down at all.

Guan Heng only explained at this moment: "Everyone, have you seen it? King Earworm's outer armor is not only light and strong, but it also has a certain degree of fire resistance."

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