Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11413: Go astray (fifth more outburst)

"Bang Dang!" The hapless worm-shaped evil spirit king fell to the ground, enveloped in flames, now it can only wait for bad luck. "Should we move on?" King Armor said.



Hearing this, the white-browed old monkey and the big-headed young man yelled joyfully and agreed, and the mandrill nodded, and then said: "Okay, anyway, Lord Guan also said it, let's just go forward and see the evil spirits. Capture alive immediately and look for clues to the mineral deposits by the way."

"Let's go!" The group of beasts was fighting high at this time, and rushed toward the front in a rush.

In just a short while, Mandrill and King Armor caught many evil spirits alive in the tunnel in the cave.

After trapping the opponent with cold air or flames, they swiftly walked away without worrying that the evil spirits would escape, because they would reclaim the caught evil spirits after they came to Guan Heng.

"Look, it's the **** of ore." The Mandrill grabbed a handful of soil from the ground, pulled it open in his palm, and then said: "It should be the colorful metal ore **** that Guan Master held before."

"Then let's look for it nearby." King Jia Yao said, "Perhaps there are other clues nearby."

"That's what I said." The Mandrill nodded, and then showed the old monkey and the big head yongxuan the **** in his hand to watch, and said: "See you, if you see this kind of thing, you must tell me."

"Woo, woo!" Upon hearing this, the old white-browed monkey patted the mandrill on the shoulder and patted his own chest again, which meant saying: "Don't worry, everything will be given to me. Absolutely no problem."

"Uh, the more this guy says this, the more I feel the bottomless, I hope I don't be enthusiastic about it because of it." The mandrill thought in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and he still said with a grin: " Oh, are you? Monkey brother, you are really reliable."

"Hey, Mandrill." King Armor leaned closer to it at this time and said in a low voice, "You said this with a false expression. Even if a monkey has no brains, it can be seen to be perfunctory."

"You don't have to be long-winded." The Mandrill glared at it at this time, and then said: "If you have that idle time, it is better to look for clues about the ore."

"Well, well, I'm too lazy to talk to you, just look for it." The king of armor took a puff, and walked forward. After a few breaths, it suddenly whispered: "Hey, Mandrill, come and take a look. this thing."


Hearing this, Mandrill ran to it in three steps and made two steps. King Armor raised his front hoof and pointed to the front. The mandrill picked up something on the ground and whispered: "Already of average quality. Metal ore, it looks like the mine is nearby. We should search around."

"Hehehe, my eyes are better." King Jia Yao grinned and said with a smile.

"Yes, this time you did meritorious service." The Mandrill said casually, and then turned the metal ore in his hand to look at it. King Armor said: "Isn't it just a piece of ordinary ore? Are you looking at it like that?"

"After all, this kind of colorful metal ore was rarely seen before." The Mandrill said: "It would be nice if it had other special uses."

"Haha, how can there be such a coincidence?" Jia Yao Wang smiled and said, "Even if there is, it may not be met by you, is it?"

"Hey, could it be said that I didn't have any luck with good things? Just kidding!" Demon cried a little unconvinced.

"I said it was a waste of energy for us to argue about something useless here."

King Jia Yao curled his lips and said. "That's right, hurry up and look for it again, otherwise there will be no clues when you meet with Lord Guan, and he will inevitably be scolded by him, saying that we are lazy by fishing."

"Find, find." The two guys said as they walked forward, but they didn't notice that the old white-browed monkey and the big-headed Yongxun behind them took another fork in the road. Of course, the two simple-minded monkeys also I didn't notice this until... more than ten breaths later.

"Huh, where's the monkey? Where's the big head?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Hearing the words of Mandrill, King Armor frowned, and said angrily: "It's not because of you that you kept urging me to keep moving forward. As a result, neither of us noticed the movements of the two monkeys."

"How can you blame me?"

As soon as the mandrill heard this, his eyebrows were twisted, and it was about to start cursing, but at this moment, strange winds suddenly came from the front, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-" Jia Yao Wang whispered: "Something seems to be flying over."

"Well, let's let go of looking for monkeys first, let's go and take a look before we talk about it."

"Yes, anyway, the monkeys will find that they are taking a wrong path, and they will find it immediately. Although they are stupid, they still have this common sense." In this way, the mandrill and the king of armor rushed to the front.


Let’s talk about the white-browed old monkeys and big heads. They are not fake when they have reached the fork in the road. Fortunately, the fork in the road is not very long. It didn’t take long to reach the end and found that the old monkey who had gone the wrong way gave the big head. Yong Yao slapped his forehead, reproaching him for not reminding himself that he was on the wrong path.

The big head rubbed his forehead, thinking that it was clearly your own fault, but let me get beaten, it's really unfair! But it didn't dare to say these words, if it annoyed the old monkey, it would not be a joke.

Although he slapped Yong Xuan, the old monkey didn't use too much force. He just felt bored in his heart, and he just slapped the other party casually. At this moment, the old monkey is about to take Yong Xuan back down the same road, but at this moment. , Big Tou Yongao suddenly whispered: "Haw!"

Hearing it yelling, the white-browed old monkey immediately turned his head and looked at it, and saw his big head rushing to the front of the rock wall and hitting it with his scorpion claw double sticks.

"Ping pong pong!"

"Boom boom boom! Wow! Wow!" said

It's too late, it's fast, countless earth and rocks splashed around and fell to the ground in a blink of an eye. At this moment, the old monkey also came over. It turns out that there are many uneven things on the rock wall. Look carefully, those are actually It is a large number of animal bones stuffed into the crevices of the rock wall, large and small.

The white-browed old monkey is just grumpy and reckless, but it doesn't mean that he is a fool. On the contrary, this monkey also has anxious wits, and when he shows his wisdom, now is that moment!

Stretching out his paws to touch the bones, the old monkey's eyes burst into light. After a little thought, he knew why animal bones appeared here. It was some kind of creature that feeds on animal bones and stores food. Hid the bones here, but he was accidentally discovered by Big Tou Yongxuan.

The corner of the monkey's mouth was slightly raised, and a sneer appeared on his face. It was very clear in his heart that nine out of ten people who like to chew beast bones were dirty things like evil spirits.

A plan gradually took shape in the mind of the white-browed old monkey!

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