Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11414: Forget very thoroughly (first more)

He waved his hand to the big head Yongxu next to him. When the other party came over, the white-browed old monkey murmured a few words in his ear. After listening to the big head Yongxu, he nodded again and again, and then carried the scorpion claws and double sticks and slammed towards the rock wall in front of him. .

"Ping pong pong!"


"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, there were repeated violent sounds, and the broken stones on the surface of the rock wall and the animal bones fell to the ground one after another. Then, the old monkey spit out a large amount of flames at the animal bones, which made the bones "cracking", and then the old monkey and Ying Yan He hid in a nearby rock and waited quietly.

"Woooooooooooooooooooo-" Just after a few breaths, a sharp roar sounded quickly, and more than a dozen huge evil spirits hurriedly flew out, all brushing down in front of the burned beast bones.

For the evil spirits, the fierce and hot flame is a dangerous thing that makes them deadly, but these guys are reluctant to give up the ancient animal bones that have been accumulated for a long time, which are important food, so even if it is an adventure, they must also Put out the fire.

"Oh oh!" It was too late, then soon, a huge evil spirit in the lead screamed frantically, Huo Di picked up a large pile of sand on the ground, and fiercely pushed it toward the fire in front of him, "Hah la la, ah la la! "Sand covered the fire like lightning, actually shrinking them a lot.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the evil spirits were ecstatic, and they all learned the same, picking up the sand to extinguish the flames. In this way, they can put out the fire from a long distance, and never have to get close to the one that makes them afraid of fear. Flames out.

But the happy state did not last long, and the evil spirits ushered in bad luck.

"Huh! Pop!" A paw stretched out from behind a certain evil spirit in the flash of lightning. Before this guy could even notice what was going on, he was enveloped in a hot breath, and then lost consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, the second, third... and tenth evil spirits all received the same treatment.

It wasn't until after seven or eight breaths that the biggest evil spirit king felt a lot quieter around him. It suddenly turned around, and found in shock that all his companions had disappeared. Only two monkeys were walking towards him with grinning smiles in front of them.

"Oh!" The biggest evil spirit king screamed, and then immediately rushed to the big head with the wind. From this guy's point of view, the white-browed old monkey is far more dangerous than the big head, so cunning like it, of course he will choose to be weaker. The opponent as a breakthrough.

But this evil spirit king never expected that even if he was weaker than the old monkey, the big head was far from an enemy he could challenge!

"Pop!" "Dang!" The big-headed scorpion claw struck the evil spirit king's body and hit the guy upside down and hit the rock wall. The evil spirit king slid to the ground and looked embarrassed. pole.

It originally wanted to stand up and resist, but in the next moment, the grinning old monkey with white eyebrows had already swooped over, reaching out and clasping his spirit body.

"Boom!" In the blink of an eye, the Evil Spirit King was enveloped in large flames, and the spirit body of this guy kept "screaming". The Evil Spirit King originally wanted to make a scream, but in a flash, the flames Wrap it, compress it into a ball, and slam to the ground.

At this time, the white-browed old monkey made a high-five with Big Tou Yongyu to celebrate his victory. Then, the old monkey asked Big Tou to collect all these guys into the Persian Soul Orb that he carried with him. At this time, the two monkeys thought of one of the best The important fundamental question—they can't find their way back!

After pondering for a few breaths, the old white-browed monkey, who was not stupid to the end, remembered that he still carried the wooden spirit wisdom eye on his body. With this thing to guide the way, he could naturally find other companions. In this way, the old white-browed monkey let the wisdom eye float in the air. In this way, he led the big head Yongxuan forward.

Let's talk about the Mandrill and King Armor. They were attracted by the weird wind and rushed to the front, and in the blink of an eye they ran to the place where the sound came out.

"Swishwwww!" When it was said that it was too late, it was soon, and the weird wind mixed with swift shadows pounced on them, planning to carry out a sneak attack, but these guys chose the wrong opponent and brought deadly misfortune to themselves!

"Ping-pong-pong!" In the light of the lightning, King Armor raised his hoof and kicked, and immediately kicked the worm-shaped evil spirits that had rushed in front of him. The other party fell for more than a long time, hitting the earth wall, and then fell to the ground. I fell a lot of meat and vegetables.

At the same time, the icebreaker in the mandrill's palm flew up and down, "Boom!" The hapless guys who got close to it were immediately beaten to the ground and rolled, wailing in embarrassment.

It was just a few breaths of time, and more than ten leader-level worm-shaped evil spirits were repaired by the two beasts. If they were not to capture these guys alive, they would have been crushed to death by the mandrill and armor kings.

"There isn't even an Evil Spirit King, bah!" King Armor sneered at this time, and then said: "None of these guys have appeared, is it dead?"

"Not necessarily, the more powerful the evil spirit, the more cunning."

The Mandrill casually said: "The countless experiences we have played against each other have shown one thing. They don’t need to have a high level of intelligence. They can only rely on their instincts to weigh the strength of the enemy and us. The evil spirit king level guys will Choose to escape before encountering an invincible enemy."

"Yes, it is true." King Jia Yao curled his lips, and then said: "That's why I hate this kind of miscellaneous evil spirits. I don't have the courage to fight us. Then what is the value of them to survive? never mind."

"Hahaha, I think so too." After hearing this, Mandrill couldn't help but burst into laughter. At this time, King Armor Tilted his head for a moment, and then continued: "Did we forget to say Something?"

"It seems... I also feel that I have forgotten something'unimportant' in my heart." The Mandrill said: "Forget it, don't think about him, go ahead."

In this way, Mandrill and King Armor, who had completely forgotten about the two monkeys, continued to move on. Only a moment later, when the old white-browed monkey and the big-headed Yonghuan rushed behind them, the Mandrill suddenly whispered: "Ah, it's them!"

"Indeed, the presence of these two guys is too low."

King Jia Yao smiled bitterly: "So we didn't remember that they were also behind just now, right?"

"Uji?!" The voice of King Jia Yao was a bit loud, and the old monkey heard him. This guy immediately shook his fist at King Jia Yao, meaning that he was saying, "I have been missing for so long. , You are not worried at all, are you? Damn it, owe it!"

"Master Monkey, Master Monkey, don't be angry." Seeing this, King Armor was so frightened that his back was cold, and he hurriedly said with a smile on his face: "It's all the blame for that guy in Mandrill, because he said he doesn't care about your life or death, so I... "

"Fatty man, you fart!"

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