Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11415: Exploring the small mine

Hearing the king of armor pushing the responsibility on himself, Mandrill suddenly became so angry that his nose was crooked. It pointed at the other party and shouted, "Do you dare to wrong me? Mandrill will never end with you today!"

"It's not going to end, I'm afraid you won't be successful?" King Jia Yao glared at the mandrill fiercely, and then shouted: "I've seen you not pleasing to your eyes a long time ago, now I will beat you down!"

"Come on!"

"Kill you believe it?" The magic mandrill and the armored king slammed their heads against each other. Seeing this, the white-browed old monkey and the big-headed Yonghuang were both stupid. The old monkey looked at his fist and said to his heart: "I haven't started, why did these two guys fight on their own? It's strange."

"Squeak, squeak." At this moment, the big head yelled to the old monkey twice, which meant to say: "If these two guys are fighting each other here, it will not be good for us. When the time comes, we will be off. If you blame it, you will be implicated, boss."

Hearing this, the old white-browed monkey nodded with deep approval, thinking that what the guy said was reasonable, so he hurried forward, stretched out his paws to separate the two beasts, and then whimpered at them for a while. It means, good buddies don't fight, just expose the matter just now.

"Huh, for the sake of monkeys, why don't we care about you?"

"Hey, if it wasn't for the old monkey to intercede, I would have beaten you all over."

The Mandrill and the King Armor each screamed at each other. In fact, the two guys secretly gave their eyes and almost laughed: "Sure enough, when we quarreled, the monkey panicked. This is really a good way."

"Okay, now the quarrel is over, we should do something serious." The Mandrill didn't miss the opportunity to change the subject: "Monkey, after the breakup, what's the matter with you?"

So, the white-browed old monkey briefly recounted the process of capturing the bone-chewing evil spirits alive. The mandrill and the armored king looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Well, yes, it's a gain."

"Let's put the evil spirits aside first, I want to know the specific location of the mine now. If Master Guan asks about it later, we might have a right answer." Mandrill put his hands on his shoulders and said.

"Ujiji!" At this moment, the old white-browed monkey pointed to the Mu Lingzhiyan beside him, which meant to say: "We can rely on it."

"Yes, yes, monkeys are really rare and smart. We should have used the wood spirit's wisdom eyes long ago." King Armor said: "Madman, summon those few stars on you, plus me and the old monkey, The big head, can you get ten Wood Lingzhi eyes, right?"

"Well, that's almost the number." The Mandrill nodded, and then continued: "From now on, we will rely on Mu Lingzhi Eyes to explore the location of the mineral deposits."

After discussing in this way, the demons drove more than ten Mu Lingzhi eyes towards the front. After a few breaths, everyone discovered that there were a lot of ore fragments on the ground nearby, and they were immediately overjoyed.

"It should be right here." King Jia Yao looked left and right, then said: "It is estimated that the mine is not far away, Mandrill, or let's rest here for a while and wait for Lord Guan and everyone to come over. That's it."


It stands to reason that King Jia Yao’s suggestion is safe and practical. Mandrill actually wants to approve it, but the old white-browed monkey just can’t stand it. It pulled Mandrill’s arm and shook it, which meant: "Let’s go forward again. Well, maybe we can find other useful clues."

"Well, the monkey's suggestion can actually be considered." The Mandrill thought for a while, and then said: "Let's go a little further, hey, did you leave the ‘signpost green vine’ on the road just now?"

"Squeak!" Upon hearing this, Big Tou Yongxuan nodded and nodded, indicating that she must have done so.

"That's good, Guan Ye and the others will definitely follow the road signs, so we have nothing to worry about. Let's move on."

As the mandrill said, he had already strode forward, and the two monkeys followed closely behind. Although the armor king was a bit tired, he didn't want to leak air in front of them, so he gritted his teeth and said with an urn sound: "Okay, I Stay with me to the end!"

Soon, everyone found a small mine along the **** all over the floor.

After careful observation, Mandrill shook his head, and then said: "This is not what we are looking for. It is probably the associated small mines around the real big mines. Usually there is nothing. You can just ignore it. Let's just go ahead. Just look for a big mine."

"Is there really nothing in it?" As he said, King Armor suddenly kicked a small stone away, "Hoo! Pada, Gululu——" It was too late, then it was fast, and the stone rolled into the small mine in an instant. Inside the cave, Dou suddenly heard a weird sound of "clanging".

"Hey, it's weird, what sound is this?" King Armor said with a little puzzlement: "It's like hitting some metal object."

"Yeah, I think it's very similar." After that, Mandrill scratched his head, and then said: "Well, let's go down and have a look. Anyway, it won't take long."

"Whhhhhh!" Upon hearing this, the old white-browed monkey leaped forward and slid into the entrance of the mine. The big-headed antlers followed closely. King Carapace smiled and said, "These two guys, really can't wait."

"Hey, maybe they think there will be something fun in it." Mandrill said: "Walk around, let's go in and take a look."

At the same time, the two monkeys who entered the small mine first have turned over and landed.

The white-browed old monkey noticed the dark surroundings and couldn’t see his fingers. It would be inconvenient to move. So he released more than ten small fireballs, let them shine in the air, and immediately illuminated the area within a radius of several meters like daylight. generally.

"Hey, it's pretty bright." Mandrill and King Armor also came to the two monkeys along the ramp at this time. Everyone looked up and suddenly found a strange giant black shadow not far away.

"Madman, what is that thing?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" When he said this, Mandrill curled his lips, and then said again: "In short, let's go over and confirm before talking."

"That's right." King Armor said, already walking forward, and while advancing, he said: "Hey, you are all careful to step, there are many smooth stones here, in case you step on it accidentally, It's easy to fall on the ground."

"Haha, who do you think we are? It's just a few stones, uh..." The Mandrill was about to say a big talk, but he staggered under his feet and almost fell to the ground. King Armor gave it a slanted look. It's like looking at a fool.

At this moment, everyone had already reached the huge black shadow.

"It's so big."

"Well, it's really big. When I walked closer, it was several times bigger than expected." "But this guy looks a little weird, right?"

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