Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11417: The Legend of the Silver King Crab

"Jiji grumble!" Getting remark, browed Laohou suddenly screamed, then shaking claw toward the front Fangyi She, "whistling call - whiz -" Fire Aura between the flash of light, the four surrounding all of a sudden It was all taken back into the body.

"Well, that's about it." Seeing this scene, Mandrill nodded, and then said: "Everyone, let's go, it's time to continue looking for the real mine."

"Okay." Hearing these words, the king of armor, the white-browed old monkey, and the big head Yongxuan immediately ran behind the mandrill, and walked along with it towards the entrance of the small mine.

After a while, everyone found the entrance to the real big mine, but what they didn't expect was that there were many unexpected things around the entrance.

"It's animal bones." After seeing the things in front of him, the mandrill continued: "Unexpectedly, there are so many animal bones here, can it be said..."

"Woo, woo!" At this moment, the old white-browed monkey tugged the mandrill’s arm and described it repeatedly. The mandrill nodded: "Well, I understand, then let’s Just clean up the bones here and wait for Master Guan and the others to come over."

In a short while, the animal bones around the entrance of the cave were all cleaned up, and at this moment, the sound of footsteps came from behind everyone.

"Hey, Mandrill!" Guan Heng's voice sounded from not far away. He had already arrived here in an instant, and then said with a smile: "The ancient'Silver King Crab' shell you found before is very good. ."

"Silver King Crab?!" Hearing this, Mandrill was startled for a while, and then said: "This is the name of that huge crab shell?"

"Yeah, I was recognized by the Star Demon Bloody at a glance." Qing Huang said with a smile next to him: "And Xiao Shui Shui also knows it. This is a huge ancient sea beast, it seems to be more famous than the blue worm."

"Is the silver king crab's carapace useful to us?"

"Of course it works."

Hearing the question from King Carapace, Guan Heng nodded and said, "Xueya and Xiao Shuishui said that a complete silver king crab shell is quite rare, because these guys have their own special cemetery. When they know that their death date is approaching , The silver king crab will go to the cemetery at the first time, waiting quietly for death."

"Because of this, the shell of the Silver King Crab is generally not left to the outside world." The Shui Xuan spirit beast flew down to everyone at this time, and continued: "And no one knows where their graves are. Hehehe, naturally there is no way to robber the tomb."

"Xiao Shui Shui, when you said this, you seemed a bit unwilling." The Mandrill said with a playful look at this time.

"This is indeed the case, the Silver King Crab group used to have a feast with me." The Water Profound Spirit Beast scratched its head and said so immediately.

"Oh?" After hearing this, everyone's gossip heart suddenly swelled, and the girls said in unison: "What is the holiday, let's listen to it."

"Uh, all in all, it is a memory from a long time ago. I have basically forgotten it all, but the grievances against these guys have not completely disappeared."

The Water Profound Spirit Beast laughed at himself, and then said: "At that time, I had not yet become an aquatic animal. I wandered around and caused trouble. Once I had a fight with the overlord of a huge ancient sea, that is, the Silver King Crab. It is dim and dark, the sun and the moon are dark, I show my power..."

"Okay, okay, there is no need to talk about the process." Guan Heng waved his hand and said with a smile: "We just want to hear the result now."

"Haha, of course I won in the end...cough cough, to be precise, there is no difference between the winner and the loser, because the number of opponents is a bit larger, I have to retreat strategically."

After hearing the words of Shui Xuan Ling Beast, Guan Heng said to the girls and other companions: "It seems that Xiao Shuishui was severely repaired by the other party."

"Hey, Guan Heng, don't guess wildly." Hearing what he said, the Shui Xuan spirit beast became anxious: "I have said it before, it's a tie, a tie!"

"Hahaha, okay, it would be considered a tie. I am also to satisfy your boring pride." Guan Heng's mouth was slightly raised, and he said so deliberately.

"Guan Heng, don't interrupt." Xianxin said at this time: "Let Xiao Shuishui talk more about the silver king crab."

"By the way, Xueya, tell everything you know, we didn't have time to inquire just now." Ruo Tao also spoke next to her.

"All in all, the ancient sea beast overlord like Silver King Crab is very powerful." Star Demon Xueya said: "According to rumors, they even had clan wars with spirit-eating blue worms, which even lasted for hundreds of years. This shows that , These guys are extremely ferocious."

"That's true. Ever since I was bullied by them...ah no, after a tie with those guys, I have been paying attention to the information about the other party."

The Shui Xuan spirit beast said: "However, not long after that, I will never hear from them anymore. It is estimated that by that time they were already dead."

"Dead race extinction?" Hearing this, Gu Sangnu looked a little surprised, and asked: "Can a powerful sea beast king race be destroyed so easily?"

"In ancient times, the current situation changed rapidly, and nothing was impossible."

The Water Profound Spirit Beast spread its two claws, and then said nonchalantly: "I have seen a race that is more powerful and larger than the Silver King Crab, and it will disappear in a flash. This is not unusual."

"Xiao Shui Shui is right." The Star Demon Blood Lu next to him said: "But, I didn't say it to the point. I guess you don't know the real reason for the extinction of the Silver King Crab, right?"

"Hey, I don't know, don't you know?" Shui Xuan spirit beast asked with a slanted look at this moment.

"Ha, I don't know either." "Idiot, I thought you were a jack-of-all-trades. Isn't this the same as me?"

The Water Profound Spirit Beast was so angry that it rolled its eyes, but the Star Demon Bloody said hurriedly: "My little Shui Lord, you just listened to me to finish. Although I didn't see how the Silver King Crab perished, but A lot of rumors have been received."

"Oh, let's talk about it then."

The expression of the Water Profound Spirit Beast became serious at this time, so the Star Demon Bloody said: "Back then, I heard that the Silver King Crab angered a certain powerful evil race, but the other party was angry with the power of the whole family to encircle and suppress. Kill them all, Silver King Crab."

"Then what?"

"Then? Then there will be no more!" Hearing the Shui Xuan spirit beast's questioning, Star Demon Bloodya replied somewhat embarrassingly: "I know only these things."

"Bah, doesn't that mean not saying it?"

Shui Xuan spirit beast said and sipped each other, but Guan Heng said: "You two should converge, stop talking about those useless things, just talk about the use of the silver king crab's carapace? This is me. The thing I want to know the most."

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