Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11418: Mandrill's plan (fifth more outburst)

"Yeah, this is what we want to know." The girls also said in unison.

"In a word, the carapace of this silver king crab is extremely strong, it is not invaded by water or fire, and has a very strong defense." The water profound spirit beast said at this time: "It can also become a very good raw material, suitable for all kinds of utensils. Manufacturing."

"Hahaha, I like this." Upon hearing this, Zhenwen said with a smile, and the Shui Xuan spirit beast said again: "Furthermore, considering the shell area of ​​a silver king crab, it can even be transformed into the shell of a flying boat. Improve its defense, right?"

"Yes, that's it." Zhenwen said with a smile, her eyes glimmering at the moment, "I'm going to order this silver king crab carapace."

"Originally, these kinds of things were given to you." Guan Heng said casually: "Don't worry, no one will grab it with you."

"Then I would like to thank Brother Guan first." After a short pause, Zhenwen glanced at the Mandrill and King Armor, and then slowly said: "Well, thank you by the way."

"Uh, it's not fair. We found it. We just dropped it. Thank you by the way." The Mandrill and King Armor hugged each other, tearfully crying in unison: "We are too miserable."

"Hey, don't be awkward, can you just point your face?" Seeing this, Ruotao was so angry and funny, and kicked on the back of Mandrill: "Get out of here, don't be ashamed, and have nothing to do!"

"I don't, I want a reward!"

"I want too!" Mandrill and King Jia Yao deliberately yelled, if Tao Tao was so angry that he wanted to punch his fist, Guan Heng laughed and said, "Hahaha, little girl ghost, forget it, you too Angry, the happier these guys are, they are on purpose."

"That's it, it's really cunning."

After hearing this, Ruotao retracted her fist, glared at the demons and them angrily, and asked casually: "But, you have no credit and hard work, let's say, what reward do you want, but you should not ask too much. Can satisfy you all."

"Really? Great." Mandrill smiled: "Then you can lend us the electric pulse blue lizard for a while."

"What?" After hearing this, Ruotao exclaimed: "I'm hitting my little Shougong's idea again? No, no. Last time you frightened it together. I was already very angry. This time I absolutely can't."

"It was just a joke last time, we apologized immediately afterwards, didn't the Qingliu continue to be angry?"

Mandrill folded his palms together and said with a smile on his face, "Big sister, please, let the little green lizard play with us for a while. You can ask for its opinion. If the little guy doesn't want to come, we will give up."

"Okay." As soon as she heard this, Ruotao felt reasonable, so she whistled.


It's too late, it's fast, the electric green lizard playing on the back of the stone turtle beast with the mysterious shell spirit snail heard the sound, and immediately rolled off the back of the turtle, just landing on Guan Heng's shoulder, squeaking and asking what's the matter? Guan Heng smiled and said, "It's not me looking for you, it's the demons and them."

After speaking, he pointed at the other party. The electric pulse green lizard tilted its head and looked at the mandrill. The other party immediately took out an object from the storage clam and shook it in front of it: "Hey, green lizard, do you want this toy?"

"Squeak!" Seeing the thing, the electric pulse green lizard immediately yelled for joy, suddenly fell into the mandrill's arms, and stretched out its claws to grab it.

"Don't grab it, don't grab it, it's for you..." The Mandrill said and stuffed it with something, and then said to Ruotao: "That's it, big sister, I will borrow the green lizard for a while, when the time comes I'll pay you back."

"If it is frightened or even injured, Mandrill, you know what the consequences will be." Ruotao said, and made a deliberate gesture of wiping his neck. The Mandrill immediately nodded and bowed and said, "Yes, you can rest assured, Big Sister. Bar."

After speaking, it picked up the green lizard and ran. At this moment, Ruotao touched her chin, and then said to herself: "Strange, how come I feel like sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth?"

"Hehehe, I think it's almost like this." Upon hearing this, Qing Huang pursed his lips and smiled.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, if Xiao Shougong comes back and complains that he has been wronged, I will remove the mandrill and the fat bones to vent his anger." As she said, Ruotao shook her fist and straightened the sisters next to her. Amused and laughed: "Hahaha—" At this moment, everyone has walked into the huge mine and has been walking inside for a while.

Along the way, the things that everyone found most were all kinds of ore fragments and animal bones that had remained here for many years.

"The loess mine and the associated colorful metal mine have not been found yet." The Mandrill embraced the leisurely dormant electric-veined green lizard and walked to Guan Heng's side to report: "Master Guan, if it weren't for there are so many ore fragments here. , I doubt if we have found the wrong place."

"It doesn't matter, after all, this mine tunnel hasn't come to the end. We still have a lot of opportunities to find the specific location of the ore." When saying this, Guan Heng glanced around, and then continued: "Hey, you take the green lizard What are your plans to get to yourself?"

"Hey hey, even if I don't say it, don't you already guessed it, Lord Guan?"

A sly smile appeared on Mandrill's face, and Guan Heng snorted: "I have guessed it, but you brave enough to think of using it to do that kind of thing. It's kind of clever."

After a short pause, Guan Heng continued: "But remember not to overdo it. In case Ruotao knows that you are squeezing the electric pulse green lizard, she will really tear down your bones, and I won't cover it. To you."

"Yes, Lord Guan, you can hide it for me for a while." Mandrill smiled carefully and said in a low voice, "After we find the veins, everyone will be happy."

"I hope this is the case, but don't be too happy too early." Guan Heng said lightly, "That method is nothing more than a theory in the end. I haven't tried it, so be careful."

"Okay, thanks Guan Ye for reminding." After saying this, Mandrill smiled and ran towards King Armor, holding the green lizard. Looking at this guy's back, Guan Heng thought to himself: "Don't make trouble, you kid, I hate the aftermath."

"Hey, Mandrill, what are you doing so slowly?" King Armor turned his head and said impatiently at this time: "The little green lizard has already gotten his hands. If you don't have to start, you will be watched by the eldest sister. If there is a flaw, it would be bad to **** it back."

"Hey, what are you worried about, the little thing has been'temporarily' tamed, and it will definitely execute according to what I said." At this point, the mandrill lightly patted the electric green lizard in his arms and asked casually : "Hey, do you listen to me?"

But at this moment, the electric pulse green lizard did not immediately answer the mandrill, but lazily stretched out a small paw.

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