Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11419: Toss and turn to find (first more)

"You want to eat?" Looking at the other's outstretched paws, the Mandrill said: "I have already given you two of them just now. Are you afraid of indigestion after eating too much?"

Hearing this, the electric pulse green lizard widened his eyes and called out, which meant that he was urging the Mandrill to quickly take the thing out. It had no other way but to say: "Okay, little thing, I'm afraid of you, take it. go."

After all, the mandrill has taken out a small thunder bead and dipped it in the honey slurry pot that he carried, and then stuffed it into the green lizard’s mouth. The other party ate with open eyes and grinned, and couldn’t help rubbing his paws with a face of enjoyment. Looks like.

This is what the Mandrill uses to "buy" the electric pulse blue lizard. Of course, the power of thunder and lightning contained in the Lei Shangzhu is not to be said, but the Mandrill accidentally knew that this guy likes to eat sweet things, so he thought of using it. The method of dipping into the honey thunder and falling beads to lure the little green lizard, this greedy little guy was really fooled.

Of course, it cannot be said to be a complete deception. Everyone is just getting what they need.

The devil came to the front of the tunnel with the armor king, the old monkey, and the big head yongxun, and then murmured a few words in front of the electric pulse green lizard. The other party immediately nodded and agreed, and then he fell on the flat ground. Then he rushed forward.

Mandrill waved to his companions beside him: "Quickly, hurry up and keep up."

"Woohoooo——wow whow——" In this way, everyone followed the Qingliu and hurried to a few feet away. The little guy stopped abruptly, and then began to look left and right. He asked: "Hey, did you find any clues?"

The electric pulse green lizard turned its head back, nodded at it, and then shook its body abruptly, "Hao hao ha-hah!" In a short time, the pattern on the green lizard's back suddenly became dark and light, and then released dozens of small details. Ruofa's electric strength rushed towards the surrounding ground and rock walls.

"Cracking, crackling!"

The ear-piercing sound was steep and constant. The Mandrill and the Armored King came closer to take a closer look, and said to themselves: "The little thing is really amazing. If I accidentally discovered that it has this ability, just I almost missed the opportunity to make good use of it."

"Hehehe, speaking of it, it is also our luck." King Armor smiled beside him: "Who would have thought that this little green lizard would use the weak electric and magnetic force of his body to lock the position of the metal ores in the underground area? "

"Yes, but this kind of work that consumes a lot of thunder and lightning is more reluctant for the little thing, so we have to let it rest appropriately, otherwise, the little green lizard will be tired, and the big sister will definitely clean up. we."

"It's right, it's right." Upon hearing this, King Jia Yao remembered the scene of Ruo Tao shaking his fist in anger, and involuntarily shrank his neck.

"Squeak, squeak!"

But at this moment, the electric pulse green lizard noticed that the electric energy it released was bouncing on the rock wall and the ground. It was very interesting. It couldn't help but jump happily. He planned to continue playing like this, but in the next moment, "Pump!" Doujue's weak limbs slumped on the ground.

"That's awful, little ancestor, you can play big this time." Seeing this, the Mandrill shivered and hurried to the green lizard to hug it. It found that the opponent's expression was a little languid, so it was low. Called: "Hello, little guy, how do you feel?"

"Squeak..." The little green lizard shook his head which was a little heavy at this time, then opened his eyes and looked at the big faces of the mandrill and the armor king, and then shook his head, indicating that there was nothing serious.

The Mandrill said at this time: "Okay, you have released so much electric energy. After they fly and spread out, they will definitely be able to bounce around the metal mine. According to this clue, we will be able to find the location of the mine. Thanks for your hard work. Little things." After hearing this, the electric pulse green lizard knew that this was complimenting him, so he struggled to prop up his body and stretched out his small paw towards the mandrill, intending to ask for a reward. "Okay, I'll give it to you right away." As he said, the mandrill took out two honey-dipped thunder beads and stuffed them into the electric pulse green lizard's mouth, and the other party immediately retracted into the mandrill's arms to sleep soundly.

"Take a good rest for a while and regain your energy. Don't let the elder sister see any flaws later, or I won't be able to eat it." The Mandrill gently stroked the little green lizard's forehead and said.

At this moment, the white-browed old monkey and the big-headed young man had already rushed out for a long distance, and whispered at him and the king of armor: "Chiji, Chichi!" That meant that they should quickly follow along.

"I see, don't rush." ​​Mandrill smiled bitterly: "Why are you two more anxious than me?"

"Don't be fussy anymore, chase it." King Jia Yao said as he ran forward, his mouth whispered: "If the little things run out of electricity later, we won't find the metal. The clues to the mineral deposits."

"I know, let's go quickly." As he said, Mandrill had already rushed away with the armor king and two monkeys.


Until a few breaths later, the old white-browed monkey and Yong Liao discovered a strange area, which was a patch of rugged rocks everywhere. The monkeys landed on one of the largest and tallest stones in three jumps, and suddenly, Big Tou Yongxu pointed to the front left and screamed: "Squeaky——"

"Hey hey...heh la la la..." The white-browed old monkey heard the sound of the weak electric current, and looked down, just to find the sound coming from the direction of the big head, so he turned his head to face the king of armor and the demon behind. Mandrill shouted: "Zhenzhizhi."

That means: "Come here, it's weird here!"

"Really? I'll take a look."


It's too late to say, it's fast, the mandrill has already rushed, falling like lightning next to the stone where the old white-browed monkeys are.

Immediately afterwards, King Armor also rushed over. At this time, Mandrill saw the area where the electric light burst in front. It touched its chin, and then said: "Well, it should be that place."

"This is the location of the mine? Why didn't I see it?" Jia Yao Wang said in a voice. "Fool and fat, if you could see it, the hidden mine would have been found."

Mandrill rolled his eyes and said angrily. "Then, shall we go over and check it right away?" King Jia Yao was a little impatient, so he wanted to go over and check.

"Wait, there is weirdness around that electric light."

Mandrill stretched out his hand to stop the king of armor and the eager white-browed old monkey and the big-headed young man, then picked up a stone, and shook his hand and threw it forward.

"Huh! Pop!"

Amidst thunder, fire and electricity, the stone happened to fall in the area of ​​shining electric light, "Ping pong pong-bang bang!" In the blink of an eye, a series of violent sounds suddenly sounded, and the entire flashing electric light immediately appeared in the spot. It collapsed and formed a big pit with a depth of more than ten feet!

"Uh, what's the matter?"

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