Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11420: Have a fever

Seeing this scene, King Jia Yao whispered with surprise on his face.

The Mandrill said: "Calm down, maybe it's just that the floating soil and gravel on the surface of that area blocked the entrance of the mine. At this time, a little bit of external force squeezed them, and they collapsed into the cave. It's no big deal."

"That...couldn't it be for other reasons?" King Jia Yao asked casually, "For example, there is an enemy lurking nearby."

"I don't know this well, and I don't want to know it now."

The Mandrill took a deep breath at this moment, and then slowly said: "Since we have found the entrance to the mine, our mission has been completed. Don't make any extravagances, just wait here for Lord Guan and everyone to arrive."

When the mandrill said this, he squinted at the old monkey with white eyebrows, and continued: "Monkey, especially you, don't be frizzy, just stay honestly, by the way, be optimistic about the big head, you two are not allowed to run around, or I will just Tell Lord Guan."

"Jike, whine!"

Hearing this, the old white-browed monkey who was eager to try the entrance of the prospecting cave had to retract his feet again. This guy was a little dissatisfied, and he couldn't help screaming, which meant saying: "You kid In addition to complaints, will you play other tricks?"

But at this time, the Mandrill did not pay attention to the other party, and then looked at the electric pulse green lizard in his arms.

"Huh, that's damn!" The next moment, the Mandrill suddenly yelled, and then said: "Why the little guy is hot all over, is he suddenly sick?"

"I'll take a look." As he said, King Armor came to the front and touched his forehead with the forehead of the electric pulse green lizard. Then, it also whispered: "It's very hot, this is You have a high fever, Mandrill, it has been in your arms, why suddenly something went wrong?"

"I don't know this, this."

Mandrill’s face has also changed now. It’s Mandrill’s idea to "snatch" the little green lizard out to help find the minerals. Tao must be furious.

"It's over, if I let the eldest sister know, I'll be dead."

The Mandrill muttered to himself at this time, his forehead was sweating and his back was cold. Obviously he was already very anxious, but it looked around at this moment and found that the king of armor, the old monkey with white eyebrows, and the big-headed 颙猱 all slowly receded away from itself. further and further.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Mandrill asked.

"What do you do? Of course it is to draw a line with you."

King Jia Yao looked around nervously, and then said angrily: "You came out of the idea, and you kidnapped the little guy. It's feverish now. It's naturally because you didn't take care of it well. I don't want to be burdened by you. , So hide away first, lest the eldest sister will be angry and beat you later and splash my blood!"

"Your kid is really loyal." Hearing the words of King Armor, Mandrill almost made his nose crooked.

Its teeth creaked, and then he said: "I said that the little guy would help, didn't you very much agree? That's why I can get it with ease. Now it's good. If something goes wrong, you immediately put yourself. It is really selfish to ignore the relationship."

"Hmph, I don't care what you say is selfish, anyway, the little green lizard has a fever, it's none of my business, maybe it's trouble is caused by the messy food you fed it, which has nothing to do with me."

While talking, King Armor turned his head and asked, "Hey, monkey, am I right?"

"Chiji, chick!" Upon hearing this, the old white-browed monkey nodded his head immediately, indicating that it was completely correct.

"Bah, a bunch of unrighteous cowards."

As the demon said, he gave a savage sip at the monkey and the king of armor, and then shook his hand to release a cloud of cold air to condense the ice cubes, and gently placed it on the forehead of the little green lizard, "Oh! Ooh! Ooh..." Who Knowing that in the next moment, the high temperature on the green lizard's forehead actually melted the ice immediately.

"What's wrong, where a normal fever can melt a big ice cube right away, there must be something weird in it." Thinking of this, the mandrill started to spin around in a hurry.

Seeing this, King Jia Yao was also a little anxious, and he whispered: "Hey, how is the little guy?"

"It's so annoying, won't you come and see it by yourself?"

The Mandrill said angrily at this time, and then it stomped and said, "Fatty, let's do it, anyway, I don't dare to evade responsibility, you should go to Guan Ye and the big sister headlines. News, let them come over and help solve the little guy’s fever problem."

"As for whether the big sister will blame me, it doesn't matter anymore. I just hope to find a way to help the little guy quickly reduce the fever." At this point, Mandrill waved his hand: "Don't be stunned, go now."

"Uh, okay, I'm here..." As soon as King Armor had said this, a voice suddenly sounded in the air nearby: "Master, I found the Mandrills, here they are."

"It's the worm mother!" Seeing this, Mandrill couldn't care about anything else, and hurriedly shouted: "Master Guan, Master Guan, come here soon, there is something wrong with the little guy, help—"

"What are you talking about?" After hearing this, Guan Heng who was not far away immediately flew over and rushed over. Ruo Tao followed him in a hurry. When he got closer, Guan Heng took the phone from the opponent. The vein green lizard, carefully checked it. Ruotao, who was next to him, stepped forward and grabbed the mandrill’s neck, and then snarled: "You fellow, you have not succeeded in success, and you have failed in more than failure. How did I tell you before, if something goes wrong with the little Shougong, I will Just tear down your bones!"

"Sister and sister, please calm down your anger first. I don't know exactly where the problem is." Mandrill said with a sad face at this moment: "Now I just want Master Guan to heal the little guy, and then you have to beat or scold. I have nothing to say."

"Huh." After hearing this, Ruotao was not good and immediately attacked. What's more, what she cares most about is the electric pulse green lizard. She immediately let go and cursed in an angry tone: "I don't care about you for the time being. "

"Madman." At this time, Guan Heng asked, "When did the little guy start to have a fever, have you noticed it?"

"This, this..."

Hearing his question, Mandrill scratched his head, recalled it carefully, and then said briefly and concisely what had happened before, and then said: "I just want to use the weak electric energy released by the little blue lizard to find a metal ore reaction. Area, Lord Guan, do you know this too?"

"Yes, at the same time, I also remind you to be careful, right?" Guan Heng said slowly: "It seems that your actions cannot be called cautious."

Mandrill's face was a little ugly, and he whispered: "Yes, sorry, it's all my fault."

"Okay, okay, don't rush to admit your mistake, I haven't found the specific reason for the little guy's fever." Guan Heng waved his hand and said.

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