Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11464: Battle of Shidongkou (first shift)

"Hey, this kind of trifle, let me do it." As he said, the ancient horror roar walked forward with the venomous insect bone sword, and slammed it against the fat and strong evil beast's abdomen.

"Hiss!" It was too late, and it was fast, and the evil beast's stomach immediately opened up, and the fragments of intestines, entrails, blood, and flesh rushed out to the ground with a clattering sound.

It’s also thanks to the fact that Shui Xuan Ling Beast frozen the body of the evil beast with the cold air, so that the blood of this guy would not be splashed everywhere, and the roar used the worm bone sword to pull in the belly of the evil beast for a while, then grabbed something and dragged it. Came out.


"Found it." Hou Li pointed at the thing that fell on the ground and said, "Master Guan, is this the thing?"

"Well, yes, hard work."

As Guan Heng said, he released a lot of water aura and washed away the blood and filth on the surface of the topographic mural fragments. At this moment, Zhenwen has handed the other half of the mural forward and said: "Brother Guan, you Can you fix them, right?"

"It should be no problem, as long as you use some earth profound aura." After saying that, Guan Heng has merged the two fragments together, and then released a large amount of earth profound aura. In a flash, the entire terrain mural is stuck. Together, the restoration is as before.

"Huh, it's finally done, this **** evil beast will really cause us trouble!" As she said, Ruo Tao kicked the dead evil beast's corpse fiercely.

"Okay, okay, calm down." Guan Heng smiled at this time: "There is no need to waste energy on a dead waste dregs, anyway, the things have been taken back."

"By the way, son, is the terrain painted on this nearby?" Ruotao asked.

"Well, it should be." Guan Heng said, "When those underground spirits made terrain murals, they chose the nearest location carefully. This is a very good job."

"Let me see, where we should go next is more appropriate." After saying that, Guan Heng began to scan the route on the terrain mural. At this moment, the Fire-Swallowing Nine House Sparrow suddenly passed through the air and landed on Qinghuang's shoulder. , It smiled and said: "Sister, I'm back."

"You little guy, have you flew out to play again?" Qing Huang said, poking the other's head with his hand, and continued: "Sooner or later, I lost it. We won't find you back."

"Hehe, don't worry, I have already figured out the terrain around here." Jiu Gongqu said triumphantly at this time: "Now I just fly with my eyes closed, and I won't get lost."

"Oh, I have learned to brag." After hearing this, Guan Heng smiled and said: "Since you are so good, come over and let me test your ability."

"Tweet, brother, how do you want to test me?"

"Hmm!" As he spoke, Jiu Gongqu had already landed on Guan Heng's shoulders. At this moment, Guan Heng pointed his finger at the surface of the terrain mural and said: "Look at this, can you find out where we are now?"

"Simple, right here." After all, the Fire-Swallowing Nine House Sparrow pointed at one of the positions with its wings, Guan Heng took a closer look, and then smiled: "Yes, it's completely correct, come, tell me again, where is this place? "At this point, Guan Heng pointed to another location.

"Huh? It's this place." Jiugongque said with joy: "It's a coincidence. When I flew back just now, I happened to pass by that place. It was the entrance to the cave of the boss."

"Yes, it's there." After hearing this, Guan Heng smiled: "Quer, you are a genius, really a smart little guy."

Jiugongque said: "Brother, let me guess smartly. Next, do you want me to lead the way and lead everyone to find the cave?"

"Sure enough," Guan Heng said with a smile: "Then let's hurry up."

"Everyone, follow me--"

"Hah la la!" As he spoke, Jiugong's wings fluttered and flew, and then swept straight ahead. Guan Heng and everyone followed closely. After a while, they arrived near the entrance of the huge stone cave.

"Brother, it's not wrong here." Jiu Gongqu was hovering on Guan Heng's head at this time, and said in his mouth: "I just passed by here just now and didn't go in to check it. Now I will go check it out and see if I find anything."

"Wait, Queer, it's all right here, you don't need to..." Before Guan Heng said this, the Fire-Swallowing Nine House Sparrow hurriedly flew into the cave, and Guan Heng immediately said: "Mother Worm, You take Xiaojin and Howard to follow up to take a look, and pay attention to protect the safety of the bird."

"Yes, Master, I understand." Upon hearing this, the evil worm mother immediately fluttered her wings and soared, and led the two insects into the cave with anger, but it was still a step too late. At this moment, Jiugong The sparrow is already fighting the enemy that suddenly appeared in the cave.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Zhi Zeji, soaring into the air in a flash, flashed through the flames.

But at this moment, the Nine House Sparrows burst into flames covering their body, and then slammed into one of the evil spirits, "Bang!" The violent sound suddenly rose, and the evil spirits immediately burst into pieces and annihilated on the spot!

Seeing that he succeeded, the triumphant Nine House Sparrow laughed: "Hahaha, you trash and scum, you have no skills at all, you deserve to be wiped out by me!"

"Ooooooo!" But at this moment, dozens of extremely angry huge evil spirits and evil spirit kings all flew over, vowing to encircle and wipe out the Nine Palace Sparrows that killed their companions.

"Oh, it seems a bit bad." Jiu Gongque realized that he was a little stunned. It was a little panicked and wanted to retreat to avoid it, but at this moment, the worm mother's voice came from behind: "Don't be afraid of the bird. Here we are!"

"Haha, the little master's helper is here, you guys are all going to die!" After that, the Nine House Sparrow flew towards the sky suddenly, and then did everything possible to release a large amount of fire aura.

"Boom--" In an instant, these flames rushed towards the evil spirits who were chasing them with the wind. The other party never expected that the Nine House Sparrows would fight back fiercely, but they were burned by the flames and screamed strangely. At the same time, the three insects were also killed.

"Dare to bully Que'er, you **** will all have to pay the price!" In a short time, the ancient roar broke out with fierce and unrelenting coercion, rushing toward many evil spirits, and the other party shivered continuously, and the body looked like a sifting chaff.

But after thinking about it, Howard didn't directly attack the killer. It said at the moment: "Boss, catch them alive, you can kill them like this, and it's better to refine them into soul power!"

"That's right, dare to take the initiative to come and attack our comrades, how can this group of guys be killed well, they must not be cheap." King Golden Sting also said.

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