Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11466: Little Wood Spirit Warriors (third more)

"Huh, huh!" Only the two evil spirit kings were far away from their companions. When the opponent was brutally attacked by a group of beasts such as Mandrill, the two guys reversed the direction and hurriedly fled.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!"

"Suddenly!" It was too late, it was fast, and the earth palace toad on the back of the ice flood suddenly spit out several mud bombs and attacked the opponent's location. Unfortunately, it was still a little slow and the mud bombs fell through.

"Oh, it's a pity!" Seeing this scene, the unicorn ice dragon whispered.

The earth palace toad said, "It doesn't matter, you take a closer look."

"What?!" Hearing these words, Ice Jiao immediately widened his eyes, and saw that the mud bomb had slammed on the rock wall, and a few swift shadows suddenly emerged from it, which could block the escape of the evil spirits. The way for the Spirit King was just a few flying-winged little earth toads.

With the cooperation of the black marsh evil flies, they have the ability to fly quickly, so it is easy to intercept the enemy in the air.

"Woo woo woo -" Seeing that he was intercepted, one of the evil spirit kings was so angry that his body was shaking like a sifting chaff. It felt that I could not deal with the powerful enemy. Is there no way to take your two little toads?

This fellow furiously rushed towards the little earth toad, intending to tear it into pieces.



In an instant, the little earth toad spit out a series of swift mud bombs, hitting the Evil Spirit King who leaped in the middle.

This guy was caught off guard and was hit by the mud bomb. Although the mud bomb was not as powerful as the earth palace toad body, it was enough for this guy. The Evil Spirit King fell out in embarrassment, "Dang!" , Just hit another companion, and the two evil spirit kings fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the Ice Jiao flew towards them, spitting out a big mouth of Ice Profound aura at the two hapless eggs.


"Lala!" In an instant, there were harsh freezing sounds one after another, and the Evil Spirit King was frozen solidly, and then was taken into the ethereal toad cauldron by the earth palace toad.

"Hehehe, I have gained a lot, and it's time to go back to meet Lord Guan and the girls, let's go!" The Mandrill waved his hand after he said, and motioned everyone to follow him and rush in a certain direction.


Back in time for a while, after discovering the traces of the evil spirits, Guan Heng immediately sent the demons and them to chase each other, while he walked in the other direction with Qing Huang, Xiaoxin and the others.

This was done because Guan Heng used Mu Lingzhiyan and Zifu to detect the whereabouts of the mine, so he went to see the situation first.

"Buzzing--buzzing--" In a short time, the sound of flapping wings one after another, the evil worm mother, the golden sting king, and the ancient wild roar turned back not far from the front. Guan Heng asked, "How is it?"

"A location similar to a mine has been found." Mother Worm said: "But from my point of view, there seems to be a lot of evil spirit bodies around, and it's not uncommon in this cave."

"Hmph, then it means that we will gain more." Guan Heng said lightly, "Is there any inference about the specific number of evil spirits?"

"The number of leader-level evil spirits, evil spirit kings, and great evil spirit kings is not less than 500. The rest of the small ones can be ignored, but there is still a small problem that needs to be solved."

The ancient barren roar next to him said: "Master Guan, the area near the mine is very narrow. If we catch them at that location, a slightly larger trick will also cause the tunnel to collapse. Less burden."

"Well, that's a problem." Guan Heng nodded slightly, and then said: "Then find a way to lead all the evil spirits out of the tunnel and catch the opponent alive outside. Can you do it?"

"Hehehe, there is nothing like the boss's fine wire fire net, the evil spirit that my spiritual energy golden net can't catch." The Golden Sting King said confidently at this time.

"Very good, then it's up to you." After Guan Heng finished speaking, she whispered a few words to Gu Sangnu. She smiled and said: "Okay, this idea sounds good, so let's do it."



As soon as she said this, Gu Sangnu immediately brandished her wooden scepter, and more than ten wooden spirit soldiers were summoned.

These soldiers did not have any tall stature, each of them was only two feet tall, but their speed of action was extremely agile. Gu Sangnu said to them: "Everyone’s task is very simple, that is, to enter the tunnel, approach the mine, and try to bring the evil spirits away. Bring it out."

"You don't need to fight against evil spirits, you just need to exude your own wood spirit aura, go." As she said, Gu Sang Nu waved her hand.



Hearing this, the extremely fast-moving little wooden spirit soldiers sprinted and rushed into the tunnel leading to the pit in an instant. As expected, the aura emitted by these little wooden spirit soldiers was extremely powerful to the evil spirits. Tempting.

Although Mu Xuan's spiritual energy has the effect of breaking evil, as long as the hostility to the evil spirit body is reduced, these guys will not have a sense of crisis.

"Huh, huh, huh!" It was too late to say, then soon, a huge evil spirit king flew up suddenly, stretched out a pair of sharp claws and fiercely clasped the wooden spirit warrior in front of him, trying to capture it.

"Wow!" At the next moment, the wood spirit war soldiers fled out for a long time with lightning speed. "Bang!" Splashing, the other evil spirits also screamed and surrounded them.

However, the movements of these guys were still a little slower, and the Xiaomu Ling soldiers had already rushed towards the outside of the cave. The many evil spirits were violently chased by the wind, and just like that, hundreds of evil spirit kings and great evil spirit kings chased wildly, and in a flash, they gushed out of the cave entrance.


But in an instant, a huge golden aura screen suddenly fell in the air, covering two-thirds of the evil spirit body like lightning, and then tightening it violently, "Crack!" The huge golden net was wounded in pain. The evil spirits, tightened tighter and tighter, and were caught alive.

As for the remaining evil spirits, seeing that the situation is not good, they all want to retreat and flee immediately, but unfortunately, it is too late.

"Dang!" In an instant, Qinghuang's lotus miraculous blade and the faintly starry spirit spear hit each other, and suddenly released the icy mysterious aura. They immediately froze the entrance of the cave and formed a thick layer of ice. In this case, the evil spirits are counted. It's impossible to escape back.

"Stone turtle beast, take them."


"Boom boom boom!"

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the giant stone tortoise rushed over with a heavy stride, and then shook the soul-recovering urn on its back, "Shoo!" Hundreds of evil spirit kings were absorbed by the soul-recovering urn. Just now, Jin Sting Those captured by Wang were also "accepted" by the soul-recovering urn.

"Well, good job." Seeing this, Guan Heng nodded.

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