Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11475: Dark Mist Shadow

"Let's do it together!"

"Ping pong pong!"


As the mandrill yelled, its ancient gold icebreaker and the old monkey’s metal short stick hit the rock wall with the wind, and finally smashed the gap in front of it severely. Numerous earth and rocks fell with the sound of clattering, and then, The entire rock wall collapsed, with great momentum!

"Monkey, get out of here soon, it's going to collapse!"

"Huhuhu--chuckle--" It was too late, then soon, the mandrill and the old white-browed monkey jumped and jumped like lightning, flying down beside their companions.

At the same time, the rock wall several feet high really collapsed and rolled down. The earth palace toad jumped forward, opened his big mouth, and immediately took the gravel and dust into his mouth. Everyone immediately saw the scene inside.

"Sure enough, it is the entrance to the mine." The Earth Palace Toad sniffed the air coming from the opposite side, and then said: "And this mine is not small."

"At least medium-sized or above." Mandrill walked to the toad and said, "And there is also an indescribable feeling. It seems, it doesn't seem to be all loess mines."

"Yes, I think so too." Guan Heng nodded, then said: "Perhaps it is a mineral vein mixed with various associated mines. We need to confirm this after we go in and let's go."

"Hey hey, no wonder the evil spirits don't want us to find this place." The Shui Xuan spirit beast lying on the back of the armored king said lazily at this time: "The veins mixed with many associated minerals can derive different kinds of auras. , Enough for the evil spirits to absorb."

"In other words, for those evil spirits, this place is a rare ‘blessed place’." Hearing what the Shui Xuan spirit beast said, Guan Heng said with a smile, and then asked, "That’s right?"

"Yes, it's a blessed land." The Shui Xuan spirit beast sat up from the back of King Armor, and said: "Guan Heng, there must be many good things in this kind of mineral vein. You can do so much. pay attention to."

"Hey, what about good things?" Guan Heng said nonchalantly: "Honey and the like, have we seen few of them? It's not rare for a long time. Besides, if you want to hunt for treasure, you can find it yourself. Don't Always trouble us."

"Look at what you said, it seems like Xiaoye is very lazy." Shui Xuan Spirit Beast cried out with some dissatisfaction.

"I really want to be true, but it's not just me who said that." Guan Heng said slowly: "Everyone is talking, isn't Xiao Shuishui lazy?"

"Yes~~~" In the next moment, the girls and other companions all said so, and deliberately extended their voices.

"You, you all bully me!"

The Shui Xuan spirit beast yelled at this time and shook its paws. It meant that I wanted to pounce and tear it off, but this guy actually lay back, and then said: "Okay, I'm lazy, whatever you want It's okay to ridicule and laugh, and I don't bother to care about it either."

"Huh, little slacker."

"Yeah, yeah, have all the laziness on your body filled your mind?"

"Little Shuishui, big slacker, despise!" The girls, you said and I really tried your best to ridicule the water profound spirit beast, but this guy yawned and said nonchalantly: "Are you finished? After I finished speaking, I continued to doze off."

"Boy, you are hopeless." Guan Heng shook his head, and then said to the girls and other companions: "Don't pay attention to it, if you find something good later, you don't have to count it. If this guy can get enough sleep, we can even save food."

"Puff......" After hearing this, everyone laughed out loud. At this moment, the icy gluttonous beasts and gray-brown demon hedgehogs in front of the pathfinder screamed: "Woo, hoo!"

"I found the mine, go, and take a look." After that, Guan Heng led everyone to hurried over.

Just as they were about to walk over, "huhuhu--swish swish--" the area within a few meters in front suddenly blew forward, and a large ink-like aura engulfed several ice gluttons and monsters. Hedgehogs were so scared that they kept wailing strangely.

"Calm down, everyone, don't panic!" Seeing this scene, Mandrill was a little anxious, and ran over three steps in two steps to appease everyone.


Who knows that in the next instant, several icy glows suddenly burst out of the black mist. The Mandrill just tried to rush forward and was almost hit by the door. Thanks to its agility, he yelled at this moment: "You **** thing, who is it?" Release the Bing Mang? Want to kill Mandrill?"



Hearing the sound of the mandrill, the ice beast Xiaopangdun hurriedly screamed out of the area shrouded in black mist and plunged into its arms. The mandrill could not bother to scold him, and hurriedly put Xiaopangdun on the ground and asked: "Who else is in there?"

Xiao Pangdun shook his paws and gestured, saying, "Three ice beasts and five gray-brown demon hedgehogs, none of them got out of trouble at this time."

"Damn it, where did such a black mist come from?" The Mandrill gritted his teeth, and when he was about to rush in, Guan Heng said, "Wait, don't rush in, there may be an ambush."

"The ice gluttonous beast and the demon hedgehog..." As soon as the mandrill said here, Guan Heng opened his mouth again: "Simple, fat man, go and take a breath."


Hearing this, the King Jia Yao rushed over immediately, inhaling into the black mist in front of him, and then violently blew it out, "Hu Hu Hu-Whoosh whoo -" In a short time, the King of Brave The wind swept towards the front, and suddenly hit a large area of ​​black fog.

"Huh!" In an instant, this breath blows away the black mist, making it disappear without a trace.

At this moment, the scene that appeared in front of everyone was that a few evil spirit kings were about to fly silently to the ice gluttonous beast and gray-brown demon hedgehog, but they didn't know it. The Mandrill suddenly roared: "Beast, you are so bold!"

Seeing that his whereabouts were exposed, the evil spirit king immediately grew evil to the guts. Aoao screamed and rushed towards the mandrill. It sneered: "A beast who knows nothing about life and death, well come!"

"Xuanbing earth thorn!" At this time, the magic mandrill slammed the ancient gold icebreaker into the ground, "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! He froze the evil spirit kings who rushed forward, and froze them in the air abruptly.

"Ping pong pong!"


In an instant, those Evil Spirit Kings who were frozen fell to the ground and shattered to pieces. At the same time, the remaining two Evil Spirit Kings wanted to reverse their directions and escape.

"Suddenly!" At this moment, a few ice gluttonous beasts and gray-brown demon hedgehogs trapped in the black mist flew forward and stopped each other, intending to avenge themselves in the face of shame!

"Wow!" Seeing a few small beasts that I look down on, they even dared to block the way, so angry that the Evil Spirit King roared and roared. The two guys wanted to rush to tear them to vent their anger, but at this moment, they suddenly changed. pregnancy!

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