Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11476: The queen of ants fights evil spirits (third)


It’s too late to say, then it’s almost time. A few gray-brown demon hedgehogs violently sprayed large beams of light yellow gas toward the evil spirits. That is the "fringe benefit" of their frequent loess digging. This gas caused two evil spirits. The Spirit King suddenly lost the ability to see things, and before the two guys could react, the ice gluttonous beast behind the demon hedgehog also shot.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

In the next instant, several ice gluttonous beasts, led by Xiao Pangdun, opened their mouths and spit out large swaths of sharp boulders, which immediately penetrated through the bodies of the two evil spirit kings. Don’t look at these attacks when they are released in a single release, but they can be gathered together. No less than violent hail, the Evil Spirit King was immediately frozen!

"Ohhhhhhh..." The panicked Evil Spirit King just wailed and stopped abruptly, then fell from the air to the ground and turned into countless ice crystal powder.

"It's good, the ice gluttonous beast and the gray-brown demon hedgehog are doing well!" Ruo Taoyang claimed praise, and the other sisters also nodded and nodded: "Yes. The two evil spirit king level enemies are also very powerful!"

"Although...some tricks, it's okay." Guan Heng touched his jaw and said with a smile: "It's time to teach them stronger attack methods."

"Master Guan, you mean..." Hearing this, Mandrill's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly. Before it could finish speaking, Guan Heng hooked his finger at Mandrill and said, "Come here. I tell you what to do."

"Yes." The Mandrill leaned closer to Guan Heng, he immediately whispered a few words, and the Mandrill nodded again and again: "Good, good, or your idea is clever, I'll listen to you."

After the Mandrill had finished saying this, Guan Hengbian said, "Okay, go ahead and look for the mine, and beware of other evil spirits."

"Yes." While agreeing, the mandrill called all the ice gluttonous beasts and gray-brown demon hedgehogs. At the same time, the ancient sang girl also released more than a dozen wood wise eyes, making them pay attention to the surrounding movement. In order to prevent the evil spirit king from attacking again.

In this way, everyone walked forward for several tens of meters, suddenly, the mandrill shouted at the corner in front: "Everyone, I found the mine. It is between two huge stones, the ice beast, the gray-brown hedgehog, and me. All can pass, wait a moment, I will take them to gather the ore immediately."

"This should be a'multi-type compound mine', remember to bring some more samples back to show me." Zhenwen solemnly warned: "There must be something useful to me."

"Okay, let's do it." The Mandrill nodded and motioned to the group of beasts to follow him, and everyone entered the entrance of the stone crack mine one after another.

At this moment, Tu Gongchan approached Guan Heng and said, "Master Guan, have you noticed?"

"Oh, you mean ‘that’?" Guan Heng seemed to be nonchalant, and said in his mouth: "Don’t worry, I have asked the ghosts and the mad queen to check it out. It is estimated that there will be results soon."

"Uh, that's good." Tu Gongchan nodded, expressing relief. At the same time, the mad queen ant took the seven ghosts and flew in another direction of the mine. The order they received was to explore every area around them.

Because the things Guan Heng and the earth palace toad found are different from ordinary evil spirits, if they are not dealt with immediately, it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble for everyone. Those guys are ‘worm-shaped evil spirits’!

"It's really a shame that Lord Guan and Toad can discover the existence of those guys, even I didn't notice it." The mad queen thought to herself: "This also shows that the other party is a group of enemies who are good at hiding. If it weren't for the seven ghosts. Then, I might not be the opponent's opponent."

"No, I actually have a killer." Thinking of this, the queen looked at the colorful bone stick in her hand, and then said to herself: "If you meet those guys, let them **** power. Hehehe—"

"Squeak, squeak." At this moment, the Yingbaigui flew over, patted the mad queen on the shoulder, and then pointed to a certain area in front of him.

"Oh, is that there? Okay, let's go!"

"Swishwwwww!" In an instant, the colorful bone stick in her palm was turned abruptly, and the mad queen ant laughed wildly: "Hahaha, finally we can have a good fight!"

"Woohoo!" At the same time, the big ghost, the infant white ghost, the four husky and Qinyuan giant bees also roared, and followed the crazy poisonous queen ant and killed them forward.


"Beast, the noise before you die is very noisy!"

"Ping pong pong!"

In a flash of lightning, the mad queen ant has already swung her bone stick into the enemy group. With a series of violent noises, countless people were killed and shattered by it. The other worm-shaped evil spirits were all scared when they saw this scene. After all, I wanted to fly away, but it was too late.

"Swish swish swish!" In the next moment, the big ghost is on the left, the infant white ghost is on the right, and the scumbags are hitting head-on, and the giant bee instantly releases ghostly poisonous haze, attacking from the top of the head, everyone surrounded all the worms in one go. Evil spirits.

The mad queen ant screamed: "Everyone, pay attention, Lord Guan has instructed you to stay alive as much as possible, catch it back and give it to the soul-recovering urn."

Upon hearing this, the group of ghosts whimpered, expressing their understanding, and then they began to besiege the worm-shaped evil spirits.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"


The group of ghosts fought fiercely, and the worm-shaped evil spirits hugged their heads, but they still couldn't get rid of the embarrassment of being surrounded. Within a few breaths, many people had already been poisoned by the psychedelic ghost poison of the giant bee. One by one, unable to control their own spirit bodies, they fell to the ground one after another, completely losing consciousness.

This is the ghostly poison of the Qinyuan Giant Bee. It is extremely sharp and can kill the invisible. It is also effective in capturing the target alive. Even the invisible soul body cannot escape the doom of being caught alive.

"It's amazing, this psychedelic ghost poison is pretty good." Seeing this scene, the mad queen ant was very envious, and then said: "Hey, giant bee, can you give me some of your ghost poison?"

Hearing this, the Qinyuan Giant Bee flew to the queen ant and whispered a few times, indicating that it is absolutely fine, but you also have to exchange the poison in your colorful bone stick. If this happens, none of us will suffer. Each has it's own benefits.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect you to be a savvy bee. No problem, so let's do it."

After hearing the other party's suggestion, the mad queen ant readily agreed. Then, it said: "But now, we have to clean up the worm-shaped evil spirits first!"

Qinyuan Giant Bee and Big Ghost both agreed, and then the mad queen ant shouted: "Guys, let's go on, the general attack begins!"

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