Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11477: Unexpected loot

"Squeak, chirp!"

Originally, the many worm-shaped evil spirits were no longer the opponents of the queen ants and the group of ghosts. When they stepped up and besieged, all of them were wailing and screaming, suffering beyond words, a few breaths, and the caught worm-shaped evil spirits. There are countless spirits, at least two-thirds.

Seeing the results of these battles, the mad queen ant was very satisfied. It exclaimed with joy, "Ghost brothers, work harder, we can go back to receive the reward from Lord Guan, hahaha—"

But at such a time, a sudden change occurred!

"Wwwwwwwwwwwwww..." Suddenly, there was a sudden sound of wind nearby, and the mad queen realized that a few guys had appeared from the rear left and attacked like this, and it shouted: " You deal with the remaining evil spirits first, and I will hold those guys!"

After saying this, the queen suddenly shakes the colorful bone stick in her palm, and immediately greets the guys.

"Three evil spirit kings, one big evil spirit king? Well, this kind of opponent is not bad, then I will take care of you!"

The mad queen ant was fighting like a rainbow at this moment, where she would put her opponent in her eyes, and immediately shook the bone stick in her hand, "huhuhu——wishwishwish——" In a blink of an eye, a large amount of poison swept through. Going away, the three evil spirit kings were covered in one go.

The other party wailed strangely, trying to fight frantically to get rid of the poisonous breath, but there was no way to get rid of the shackles.

Seeing this scene, even the Great Evil Spirit King was shocked. How could this guy think that he and his three companions would encounter tough and powerful enemies in an instant, and those three would be completely trapped before they could come up with their skills. Live, leaving my own brother, how to deal with it?

Before the big evil spirit king thought about a way to deal with the powerful enemy, the mad queen ant had already killed her with a grin.

"Hmph, you are the only one left, let me see what other tricks you can use!" The mad queen ant had finished saying this, she had shaken the colorful bone stick in her palm and killed her.

"Ooooooo!" After all, the worm-shaped evil spirit king is the strongest in this group. Being so provoked by the queen ant, the guy screamed wildly with anger, and then shook his claws to meet him, vowing to die with the strong enemy. spell!

"Bang!" As soon as they made contact, the two sides fought recklessly.

The big evil spirit king was trembling all over by the queen's colorful bone stick. This guy knew that he couldn't please, and the situation of the three trapped evil spirit kings was not optimistic, and this guy was also anxious. Then, a big evil hurricane suddenly blew up and slammed into the queen ant in front of him viciously.

"You can't help yourself, do you want to fight with me? Let's dream!"

"Huh!" It's too late. It's fast. The roaring queen waved her bone stick and slashed downwards, "Hiss!" In an instant, the Great Evil Spirit King was split into two by it, but the opponent's strength was not weak. It can be restored with the help of evil spirits, so I don't worry about a crisis in my own.

But when the Great Evil Spirit King thought so, he was so wrong!

"Shabu shabu - whistling call -" twinkling of an eye, bone multicolored stick release poison has been covering the rest of it is divided into two, and then continue with this guy toxin corrosion spiritual body.

After a few breaths, the Great Evil Spirit King realized that something was wrong with him, because his spirit body was constantly declining and couldn't be glued together again.

"Hahaha, my venomous effect is really good." At this moment, the mad queen smirked: "Stupid thing, when you realize that something is wrong, you can't get rid of the poisoning effect."

"Haw-Haw-Haw-" Upon hearing this, the Great Demon King Insect-shaped involuntarily let out a stern mourn.

This guy feels very regretful for what happened to him. If he didn't come to die, but fled immediately after receiving the news that his subordinate Xiaolu was captured alive, he might still be alive now, but now it's too late to regret it!

"Be obedient and catch you. When I throw you into the soul-recovering urn for refining, you will be regarded as wasteful use."

The grinning crazy poisonous ant queen said, and rushed towards the Great Evil Spirit King. This fellow understood now that he couldn’t run at all. In that case, the Great Evil Spirit King screamed strangely. Before welcoming, I plan to fight with death and leave myself a little dignity!

"Just like you trash, you deserve to work hard with me? Overwhelming!"


"Ping pong pong!"

It's too late, it's fast, the mad queen's bone rod suddenly slammed into the wind, and hit the big evil spirit king repeatedly and twice, causing the opponent to retreat again and again, and even the cracks that just cracked. Expansion, this time, let alone parry and fight back, the Great Evil Spirit King didn't even have the strength to escape.

"Pop!" The queen shook her bone stick and hit the big evil spirit king's body severely. The guy wailed and fell to the ground fiercely, making a bang. Before it was struggling to get up, the four squalls had already caught the wind. Pounced on, firmly holding on to the Great Evil Spirit King.

"I caught it now, ghost brothers, you have worked hard." The mad queen said with a grin: "Then we are ready to go back."

"Squeak, squeak!" Just after the queen ant said this, the infant white ghost not far away waved at it and the rest of the ghosts, beckoning everyone to come and take a look.

"What did you find?" Seeing the mysterious appearance of Yingbai ghosts, the queen inevitably stretched out her curiosity, and immediately flew over to check it out. This didn't matter, even the queen was shocked.

"Hey, this thing is quite rare. If you take it back, Lord Guan and the girls will be happy." The mad queen said, "It should not be too late. Let's work hard together, come and come, dig them out and take them away!"

Just when the queen ant and the seven ghosts were working hard to dig out "those things", they didn't notice that a few pairs of weird eyes more than ten feet away had already focused on everyone, but those guys were afraid of the queen and the ghosts to kill the evil spirits. Wang's arrogant strength, so he didn't dare to step forward, because it was tantamount to looking for death.

But the other party was greedy for what the queen ant and the group of ghosts dug up, so the group of guys decided to keep an eye on them secretly, looking for an opportunity to start again.


After a while, the queen ant led the group of ghosts back to Guan Heng and other companions. At this time, the mandrill had also completed most of the mining work, allowing the little earth toads to transport back various ores one after another.

Among them were metal deposits, and even some jade mines of various colors. The girls liked them very much. They all picked them with a smile. When Guan Heng saw what the queen ant had brought back, he smiled and said, "Lingmai heather, this thing Where did you find it?"

"I found it inadvertently from the habitat of those guys while fighting the worm-shaped evil spirit." The mad queen ant said, "Master Guan, is this a good harvest?"

"It's more than good, this spiritual heather is a good spiritual tree that can become a material. It has been extinct for a long time, and I didn't expect to find it in the underground area."

When Guan Heng said this, Gu Sangnu hurriedly walked here, she saw this little heather sapling, and she immediately touched her palm and smiled: "Haha, it's mine!"

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