Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1149: Magic Crystal Falling (first)

"Then I'll look for the magic spar first." Guan Heng turned and was about to step out of the cave. Madam Jiang Ge asked suddenly, "Wait Guan Heng, this smooth-mouthed Borui, is he a magician?"

Borui proudly said, "Yeah, I will do a lot of magic!"

"Well, stay with me first, I'll teach you something." Mrs. Jiang Ge said, "Guan Heng, you can go alone."

Upon hearing this, Borui asked with a smile on his face: "Madam, do you think I have a magical talent, so you want to accept me as a disciple?"

"No." Mrs. Jiang Ge gave Borui a glance with an angry temper: "I think your strength is too weak. If you don't teach you two moves to defend yourself, maybe your kid will let you in the next battle. The dragon slaps to death. "

After hearing this sentence, Borui plunged to the ground, and Guan Heng laughed and walked out of the cave where Mrs. Jiang Ge lived. At this moment, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved, and he thought to himself: "Sang Qiu The fat old man hadn't gone far. I heard him panting behind the tree a dozen meters away. "

Pretending to be indifferent, Guan Heng took a few steps forward, turned around suddenly, and suddenly darted behind the big tree, suddenly shocked Sang Qiu with his probe to observe the situation.

In anxiety, Sanqiu is about to perform the magic of light speed teleportation. Who knows, the keel spear in Guan Heng's palm flashed coldly, against the old man's neck throat.

"Mr. Sanqiu, do you want to gamble?" Guan Heng watched the fat old man sneer and smiled: "Just be it your teleportation magic fast, or my fast throat."

"Don't say a word," Sanqiu said with a sad face. "I'm just looking for Mrs. Jiang Ge. When did you become a gang with her?"

"No more nonsense, just grab the gift you gave to Mrs. Jiang Ge for love." Guan Heng didn't mean to respect the elderly at this time, reached out and grabbed Sanqiu's neck, then threw him into Jiang Ge. Madam's Grotto: "Get in, you!"

"Bang-pop-wow!" When the fat old man was thrown in, it seemed to knock over a lot of things, followed by the screams of Borui and Sanqiu, and Madam Jiang Ge's scolding: "Sangqiu, your old fat pig has broken my crystal vessel again!"

"Good luck, fat old man." Guan Heng's mouth turned upwards, revealing a smile, and then summoned the beak Long Lude in the tube of the magic pet, and rode it straight to the mountain region where the magic spar is stored. And go.

"According to the memory of the demon dragon knight, the place where the magic explosion spar appears should be in the mountains more than a hundred kilometers east of the ice vein volcano." Guan Heng rides the beak dragon, playing the dragon knight's soul in his hand. Stone, at this point they were close to their destination.

Guan Heng is thinking about another thing now: "In the secret cave where the magic explosion spar is buried, there seems to be a ferocious ancient beast inhabiting it, with a single horn and four eyes, with wings, and a large gray thick body. Scales, and a thick tail full of thorns. If you want to take all the magic explosion spar, you must defeat the ancient beast, or you must find a way to lead it out of the cave. "

"Let's watch and say it first, it's always right to be cautious." Guan Heng thought of this, and patted Lude's head lightly: "Find a place to land, I want to touch it by myself."

The bird's beak dragon nodded, huff-flanked and landed on a cliff, and Guan Heng waved his hand, letting it hide in standby nearby, but he leaned forward and walked over a mountain beam and came to that Near the cave.

"The bones of Warcraft are all around, and some of them are still very fresh." Guan Heng glanced around and said secretly in his heart: "It seems that the ancient strange beast has a strong sense of territory and does not like foreign visitors."

"Oh!" There was a beast roar suddenly from the cave, and Guan Heng frowned when he heard the voice: "Good guy, my voice is so big ..."

"Hey!" The heavy footsteps kept ringing. Guan Heng knew that the other party was about to get out of the grotto, so he quickly shrank behind a rock and watched the movement quietly.

A few seconds later, a stunned ancient beast walked out of the cave with his head raised, and his nose twitched suddenly. It seemed to smell something unusual. He immediately gave out an angry growl, and then set his eyes on him. Guan Heng hiding on the rock.

"I'm going, this big guy's sense of smell is too sensitive." Guan Heng was shocked in his heart, saying that time was getting faster, he suddenly felt bad, and hurried back.

At the same time, I heard the violent wind slamming, "Bang!" The thorny giant tail of the ancient beast had slammed the rock fiercely, with a loud bang, the rock was suddenly torn apart, and the place was gravel. The flying dust is diffused and cannot be seen for a while.

"Since the whereabouts have been revealed, let's do it." Guan Heng thought of it, and the keel spear in the palm of his hand was about to shoot, and suddenly a little alert came out: "Someone nearby ?!"

Between the flashes of light and fire, Guan Hengyu suddenly took a few ups and downs, turned over again and hid in a hidden corner, and at this time, a long dragon roar suddenly came in the air.

In the midst of the smoke and dust, the ancient beast did not find Guan Heng's figure, but was attracted by the dragon roar. It looked up suddenly and saw two powerful black dragons flying from the sky, with two handheld rifles sitting on it. Samurai, Guan Heng can also see clearly at this time, the opponent's dress is the same as the Demon Dragon Knight that he encountered before, they are also members of the Iron Dragon Riding Team.

"What are these guys doing?" Guan Heng turned to electricity, and suddenly understood a bit: "It was originally directed at the magic explosion spar. There were eight Dragon Knights who had disappeared before, and it was impossible to not alert each other."

At this moment, the ancient beast sent out a terrifying roar, sending a signal of a fierce battle to a pair of evil dragons in the sky. Two demon dragon knights sneered on the back of the dragon, one of them said: "It seems that our subordinates are all Destroyed under this beast's claw, this should be right. "

"Well, Your Excellency Deputy Commander once said that the places where the magic explosion spar is stored will be guarded by ancient beasts. It seems to be the cave behind this beast." Another demon knight said: "Can we ride our steel dragon The captain-level knight of the riding group is out, even if this beast is dead, it is not wronged, ready to start !! "

Speaking of them, the two suddenly pulled the reins in their hands, the two black dragons suddenly separated, divided into two directions, and rushed straight towards the roaring beast on the ground.

However, the two Demon Dragon Knights made a small mistake from the beginning: because the ancient monsters have been roaring on the ground, the two thought that this big guy would not fly, but this was very wrong.

—— [2016.5.8 First update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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