Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1150: Save one's hand

Just as the two black dragons rushed straight down from the air, the strange beasts covered with grey thick scales suddenly trembled, and a pair of huge wings bounced out from under the scales.

"Oh!" The ancient beast suddenly caught up with a dragon with a thunderbolt. "Bang!" Extremely fast and violent power, the beast of the strange beast has hit the belly of the dark dragon.

"Hoo--" After hurting the enemy with a unicorn, the strange beast exhaled a breath and bombarded the other person. After Kara sounded strangely, the dragon showed signs of petrification on half of his body.

"Wow!" Although the unicorn is not sharp, this blow is also full of power. He suddenly cut the dragon's belly through a long and narrow crack. "Wow!" The big red mist suddenly flew out, hurting this head. A scream from the dark dragon cricket, at this moment its body was petrified and stiff, unable to move. After rolling twice in the air, an onion fell into a distant mountain stream.

"Hell, this guy turned out to be so powerful?" The injured dragon knight was agile. When he flew out of his mount, he jumped to the back of his companion's dragon in an instant, and the man shouted loudly. : "Fast resolution, my mount is no longer good, we can only take this opportunity to kill it together!"

"Ahhhhhh!-Dark Dragon Magic Gun!" The two riding knights of the Demon Dragon Knight suddenly surrounded a large amount of black gas, which seemed to be the prelude to a fierce move.

Immediately afterwards, two huge and swift whirlwind guns struck the two ribs of the other beast one after the other, "Bang Bang-噗嗤!" Gray scale armor, the strange beast caught off guard and was seriously injured! !!

"Oh!" Sudden pain hits the whole body in an instant. Rao is thick and thick with ancient animal skins and amazing defense. It is also painful to die. Just when the two Demon Dragon Knights were overjoyed, and the dark dragon was about to chase again, the strange beast suddenly made a loud roar, and the next time, the same roar came from the cave behind it.

"Another beast ?!" Guan Heng, who sneaked into the cave while the beast and the dragon knight were fighting, was also startled: "It's dangerous and dangerous. If I meet the guy in the cave on the narrow road, I must It will be passive. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng suddenly stopped, and stumbled into the stone gap next to him.

"Well." Sure enough, another strange beast strode heavily, whispering and rushing out of the grotto. When the beast saw his companion bathing in blood, he had been injured by the dragon knight. Furious!


"Hey!" With an angry roar, the beast that came out suddenly spread his wings to help run, and flew up to the sky, and its one-horned flower bloomed at this moment, suddenly a half-meter grow!

"No, this guy is desperate!" One of the Demon Dragon Knights yelled, "Let's also hit with a hand."

The knight's companion promised that the pair's pair of dragon lances suddenly collided together, generating a maximum power of their merger, and then suddenly greeted the surging monolith of the beast. "Boom!" The sky appeared immensely wide. The vortex-like energy surges and spreads quickly!

"Kad!" There was a sudden sound in the sky, "Whoo!" The beast of the other beast had collapsed into several sections. It screamed and bleed, and an onion fell back to his companion. This time, the two ends are ancient. All the beasts were seriously injured and fell to the ground.

The two dragon knights riding on the dark dragon were also not good. The dragon lances in their palms were also twisted and cracked, turning into burning sticks. The two chests trembled and they spit and bleed, but because of the competition just now The dark dragon flew away in the air to take off part of the force, and the dragon knight was significantly more injured than the two strange beasts.

"Cough ... Quickly ... let the dragon land, and kill the strange beast quickly, so as not to regenerate the incident." One of the demon dragon knights coughed up another blood, and he shouted in spite of the injury: "They are no longer available, now they are good time."

The two men drove the dark dragon directly towards the injured pair of strange beasts, raising their weapons and slaying their poisonous hands.

Just then, Guan Heng, who was hiding in the corner of the stone gap, heard a voice shouting, "Help ... help us ..."

Guan Heng, who was about to get into the cave looking for the magical spar, was shocked. He was wondering, and the voice called out, "Come on, the two bad guys who ride the evil dragon are going to kill us !!"

"Another beast can speak human words? Can he pass the voice into my head ?!" Guan Heng laughed bitterly in his heart, before he could think about what the reason was, but he had no interest in the Dragon Knight of the Dragon Army. It doesn't matter if you kill the other person.

"Oh!" Guan Heng's figure suddenly jumped out of the hidden stone gap, and between a few landings, he had already met the ferocious dark dragon.

"Dragon spear, stretch!" Guan Heng drank, and suddenly the keel spear suddenly reached a length of seven or eight meters. "Spirit" spear tipped into the dragon's left eye socket, and then straight into the brain !!

"Hello!" Guan Heng's hands quickly twisted, only listening to the sound of a thump, the huge dragon's head suddenly burst open under the agitation of the rotating gun, and the red and white objects splashed the two dragon knights in one face.

"Flop through!" The dragon's corpse lost its head and fell to the ground. The two dragon knights caught off guard and were immediately under the dragon. They were seriously injured just now, and the blood was sprayed again.

Guan Heng strode up at this time, one shot, straight through the heart nest, the two Demon Dragon Knights died so called a sorrow, they did not know where Guan Heng came from, they suddenly gave a small life Throw it here.

After stabbing the dirty blood on the tip of the dead knight on the dead knight, Guan Heng turned and walked in front of the two injured beasts. At this time, the voice of help just now sounded in Guan Heng's brain: "Thank you, stranger. "

"Wow, it was you who spoke just now!" Guan Wangmian said in amazement. "And your voice can even directly pour into my mind. What is this trick?"

"We are one of the sacred beasts on the land of St. Lomplon. At the beginning of this world, our family already existed, so we have the power to communicate with humans."

One of the strange beasts looked up at Guan Heng, and his voice still sounded directly in Guan Heng's brain: "But we can't talk, we can only talk in your mind with mental strength."

"Ahem, husband, don't rush to chat with benefactors." The voice of the other beast beside him also passed into Guan Heng's ears: "We have been seriously injured. Could you please ask the benefactor to get some treatment for the wounds? When the plants come, they grow in the bushes of the burrow. "

"No problem, I'll go as soon as I can." Guan Heng ran to the cave entrance immediately and picked up a puffy exotic plant. He looked at the two strange animals and ate them. This plant seems to have the magic effect of healing. Not long after eating, such a severe wound healed quickly, and Guan Guan was surprised.

—— [Second more of 2016.5.8, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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