Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1151: Full load (third more)

"Thank you guys for your help, now let me introduce myself."

The larger beast first stepped forward and said, "My name is Dauphin, and next to me is my wife, Kam, we are a kind of native strange beast called the Sabison Beast. Our ears are clear, Open your eyes to see the sights from a hundred miles away, and your ears to hear the movements from a hundred miles away, so I just noticed that you were hiding in the stone gap just now. "

"That was the case, but you did, you could guess that I would save you." Guan Heng smiled and said, "What if I am the same bad guy as the two dragon knights?"

"No, Mr. Guan Heng is not such a person." The strange beast Kam said: "We can feel the goodwill and evil thoughts in people's hearts, you are a good person."

"Haha, thank you for your compliment." Guan Heng laughed. "But, I am a nice person, and now I have a small request. I wonder if you can agree?"

"Whatever the benefactor has, we try to satisfy it," said the beast Dove. "Just leave your mouth open."

"Is there such a spar in the cave you live in?" Guan Heng took out the nail-sized magic explosion spar given by Mrs. Jiang Ge and shook it in front of the second beast: "Have you seen it?"

"Well, I've seen it before." When he saw this, the strange beast Kam suddenly said, "My husband, this kind of stone seems to be buried in the mountain wall on the side where we live."

"That's right, I also think that those stones can automatically absorb the energy of the surrounding elements, which is very interesting." The strange beast Dove said: "But it is not useful to us, benefactor, if you want, you can take it.

"I'm welcome." After saying this, the two beasts led the way and led Guan Heng into the grotto. They turned east and west and came to where they lived. Guan Heng found the surrounding mountains. There were crystal clear magic explosion crystals on the walls, and they were shocked.

When Guan Heng quietly told the two beasts about the explosive power of the magic explosion crystal, Dauphin and Kam did not expect that the area around their residence turned out to be dangerous, and they could be blown up at any time.

"Mr. Guan Heng, it seems necessary to move all these magic explosion crystals out of the hole and take them somewhere else." The strange beast Dove said: "Otherwise my wife and I would feel unsafe living here."

"All right." Guan Heng said, "Let's do it together, take it lightly and move these magic explosion crystals out of the cave."

They immediately dug out the crystals in the stone wall, and then Guan Heng installed them with a storage belt. Soon, hundreds of small magic explosion crystals were packed, but in the end, a foot appeared. With a few cubic meters of huge spar, even Guan Heng looked worried.

"It seems that this magic explosion spar is left." Guan Heng scratched his head and said, "But I can't put it in my storage belt anymore, what should I do?"

After careful consideration, Guan Heng thought of a way, so he said to the two strange beasts, "Dofin and Kam, can you help me transport this largest spar to the island at sea? Isn't it a long distance? You can go back and forth in tens of minutes. "

"Well, okay, I'll take a walk with benefactors," Dauphin said to Kam, "ma'am, just wait, I'll go back when I go."


After a while, the strange beast Dove had already carried the cube-sized magic explosion spar, led by Guan Heng riding a beak dragon, and came to the island where Mrs. Jiang Ge lived.

"Dangdang!" The strange beast Duffin gently unloaded the magic explosion spar on the beach, and it said to Guan Heng: "Engong, the mission is completed, then I will leave, what will happen in the future, despite coming to our couple ,Goodbye."

"Okay, goodbye." When Guan Heng waved his farewell, the strange beast Doffin had already flew up into the sky, and just left.

"Oh, really a kind of friendly beast." Guan Heng sighed as she watched Dove's disappearing back, then took the magic spar and strode toward the place where Mrs. Jiang Ge lived.

Before going to the cave entrance, Guan Heng heard a series of screams: "Wow, ah! Stop!"

"Why, what's Borui's voice ?!" Curiosity suddenly began, and Guan looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Borui running dead on a big rock, and the fat old man Sanqiu was sitting on that rock. Get your hands on the whip and yelled, "Run faster, you lazy boy, run faster for Lao Tzu."

"Kill the fat old thief with a thousand knives, are you trying to exhaust Master Ben?" Borui ran swiftly, mourning unceasingly: "I curse you not to die!"

"Less nonsense, now it's forty-seven laps, run another three laps around the island, and your task is completed." San Qiuyi flicked the leather whip in his hand and pumped unbiasedly in Borui's On the hind hips, he shouted angrily: "I don't want to suffer, I'll give my life away!"

"What the **** are these two living treasures doing?" Guan Heng muttered, but now he has no time to bother with the two second goods, so he stepped into the cave in front, and shouted, "Mrs. Jiang Ge, I Bring the magic explosion spar back, you come to inspect the goods. "

"Oh, you are quite efficient." Mrs. Jiang Ge was busy at her laboratory table at this time. She was studying the magic shotgun left by Guan Heng. Hearing that the magic explosion spar had been brought back, Jiang Mrs. Ge quickly put down her hand and walked over to check the spar.

"Well, it's good, it's all high-definition magic spar." Madam Jiang Ge said cheerfully, "This time my experiment can go smoothly."

"By the way, Mrs. Jiang Ge." Guan Heng took out more than a dozen small pieces of spar, and asked: "Can these fragmentary magic explosion spar make me a magic bullet?"

"There should be no problem."

Mrs. Jiang Ge held up a piece of broken spar, and said slowly: "I have also studied the magic bullet you left behind. It is a mountain dwarf's craftsmanship, and the craft is not very complicated. Just give me a few hours. It can make dozens of magic bullets, and because it is a magic explosion crystal as a raw material, its power should be four or five times more than that of ordinary magic bullets. "

"Really? That's great." Guan Heng laughed with his palms: "This has helped me a lot."

"But there is a flaw in the spar shotgun." Mrs. Jiang Ge said, "It can't be used like a normal shotgun, you can recover the shell, and you can continue to use it after refilling magic energy, because the spar shotgun is Consumables that can only be used once. "

"That's the way it is," Guan Heng said, scratching his head. "Everything is good and it's bad. That's true."

—— [The third update of 2016.5.8, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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