Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1152: Teaching skills (first)

"But since you can increase the power of the magic shotgun, it doesn't matter if it is a consumable." Speaking of this, Guan Heng asked again, "Madam, can you make twenty spar magic shotguns before dawn?" "

"Yes, this is not a problem." Madam Jiang Ge agreed, and she said, "Come and pick something here tomorrow morning."

"Thank you very much, it's really hard for you." When thinking of the powerful spar magic shotgun, the magic guide was about to show off again, Guan Heng was so happy that he suddenly remembered something, so he asked. "When he came in just now, Mr. Sanqiu was tossing Borui. What were they doing?"

"You said those two idiots?"

Mrs. Jiang Ge has begun to study the magic explosion spar at this time, she said without raising her head: "I asked Sanqiu to teach Borui the kind of teleportation spell of his speed of light. Who knows what the two of them don't know? You have been making trouble outside just now. If you want to know what is going on, just ask yourself. "

"Haha, you have to watch it."

There was a playful smile in Guan Heng's mouth, and he immediately walked out of the cave. At this time, Borui, who was tired like a dead dog, finally ran for fifty laps. He was lying on the beach with his tongue out and panting, and he was furious and intermittent. Cursed: "Old, immortal Sanqiu, one day, sooner or later, I will roast you into a roast pig and report my revenge today ..."

At this moment, Sanqiu, who was chubby, flew a kick and banged on Borui's heel: "Mixed balls, roll up, the training has just begun!"

"Eh! Hahaha." Guan Heng, who was standing aside, couldn't help laughing at last: "Bo Rui is a bad mold."

"Huh? Boss Guan Heng ?!" Borui, who heard Guan Heng's laughter, immediately struggled to get up. He cried with tears in his eyes: "Boss, save me, my brother can't hold it anymore."

"Mr. Sanqiu, how did you train him?" Guan Heng deliberately pretended not to hear Borui's call for help, but he did not hesitate to talk to the fat old man: "The boy Borui always likes to sneak and play, I It feels like your brisk training method doesn't seem to work for him. "

"Hey hey, you can rest assured, Guan Heng." Sanqiu smile appeared on his face: "This is just the beginning, I will never give up without cutting him off three layers of skin."

"Ahhh! You two demons!" Borui saw that Guan Heng and Sang Qiu had the same opinion, and he was about to use a "poisonous hand" on himself, scaring him to run away.

"Want to leave? There is no door." Guan Heng's keel spear slammed Borui's ankle, and immediately made him thump a dog shit. Guan Heng turned his head and asked Sanqiu: "What are you going to do to train him?" ? "

"Simple, I thought of a good idea." The fat old man Sanqiu snapped his fingers, and he exclaimed, "Borui, I will teach you the speed of light teleportation spell now."

"Really? That's great." Borui's face just appeared laughing, and suddenly his face sank again. He thought to himself: "Uh, I feel a bit chill on my spine. I asked for this old thing for a long time. He Would n’t even teach me, now ... there must be a trick in it !!! "

"That ... Mr. Sanqiu, I suddenly don't want to learn the teleportation spell anymore." Borui refused with a nervous expression on his face. "I still prefer to study the spells of the ice and fire system."

"This guy wants to give up, Guan Heng, catch him!" The old man Sanqiu roared.

"Rest assured, he can't run." Guan Heng rushed forward, stepped on Borui's back, and tied him firmly with a rope.

"Bring Borui to the hillside of the island, there is a cliff here." Sanqiu led the way in front of the cliff, and Guan Heng looked down, looking at the sea water rolling by the huge waves. At this time, Sanqiu He tied a large stone to Bory's feet, and muttered a lot in his ear.

"Mr. Sanqiu, what on earth do you want to do?" Guan Heng looked at the sneaky Sanqiu, and suddenly a bad premonition rose in his heart. At the moment, Sanqiu chuckled: "Haha, see clearly, that's it."

"Bang!" Said the fat old man, and quickly lifted his feet to lower Borui off the cliff. In a series of screams, Borui fell into the sea and was swallowed up by the rolling waves.

"Borui ?!" Guan Heng couldn't help crying when he saw this scene. He jumped out of the sea to save people, but was stopped by the fat old man: "Wait a minute, what are you in a hurry? It's been a while. "

"However, Borui seems to have said that he can't swim." Guan Heng shook his head and sighed bitterly: "Mr. Sanqiu, are you playing too much? What if you kill yourself?"

"I've told him the trick and the use of the teleportation spell." The fat old man grinned his chin and laughed: "As long as Borui can master it before he drowns, he can use the teleportation spell to return to us Around. "

Guan horizontally said blankly, "So ... what if he can't master the teleportation spell?"

"From this we can also prove one thing," Sanqiu said with a blink of an eye, "that is, Bory is a short-lived ghost."

"Uh, it's crazy teaching method !!" Guan Heng shouted aloud, but his expression immediately resumed his smile: "But I like it."

Ten seconds ... Twenty seconds ... Thirty seconds ... One minute passed, Guan Heng glanced at Sanqiu next to him, and he muttered, "If the two goods from Borui don't come up again, we're afraid for him The corpse has been collected. "

"What are you anxious for? The old man saw Borui as a kid with an immortal cockroach momentum." Sanqiu said calmly, "wait again."

As soon as Sanqiu's voice fell, the two saw a magical light flashing in the sea, "Yeah!" He was tied all over, and Borui, who was tied with rocks on his feet, had fallen down on the cliff.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh two of you, you ca n’t save the dead, the beasts are better !!!" While breathing the fresh air greedily, Borui scolded: "Go to death, Sanqiu you dead fat pig! ! "

"Slap!" He politely slaps his hands on Borui's face, and the fat old man scolds him with anger: "I have taught you the teleportation spell, and you still scold you."

"What teleportation mantra ?! How am I confused?" Borui was obviously dozed off by that slap, and he said indifferently: "I, I wouldn't be at all."

"I'll untie the rope for you first." Guan Heng smiled and walked over to tie up Boruisong, he also asked curiously: "Mr. Sanqiu, you just said that you have taught Borui to cast the teleportation spell. This is really?"

—— [First update of 2016.5.9, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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