Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11490: Barely win

"It's really useless. Twenty breaths have passed, but now it's all gone." Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao curled her lips, obviously a little dissatisfied. Guan Heng said, "Don't worry, the battle between them is not over yet."

"What?" After hearing this, Ruotao was a little surprised. The other sisters also looked at Guan Heng with puzzled eyes, and asked in unison: "What's the matter?"

"See it for yourself." Guan Heng raised his finger and pointed to the front, and said casually, "Isn't that right? Both sides have already stood up."

"Hey, it's true!" After hearing this, An Yan looked intently and immediately whispered: "I thought these two guys had died, but I didn't expect that they still have the strength to continue fighting!"

"That's good, if you die right away, it would be boring." Xiong nodded at this moment, and then said to Guan Heng: "Hey, you just said that you gave them 20 breaths time, right? It's already overdue now. What should I do?"

"It doesn't matter, these two beasts are already confused anyway, who would have a sense of time?" Guan Heng blinked and said with a smile: "Let them fool around if nothing has happened. This is also very kind of me."

"Hehehe, son, you are so generous." Ruotao said with a smile next to her. "Look at it, it's already fighting."

"You guys tell me, who will win?"

"Uh, that's not necessarily the case."

Qing Huang opened the mouth and said: "Now both sides have gotten red eyes, and both want to put the other side to death, but the injuries are about the same severity, so it's still hard to tell who wins and who loses."

"Hmm..." After a moment of indulgent thought, Feng Xin said, "I think the Blue Scale Giant Snake King has a better chance of winning. After all, this guy's strength is a line higher than the Evil Gerbil King."

"The princess analyzes this way, it is quite satisfactory."

Guan Heng's mouth turned slightly and smiled slightly: "But now, it is impossible to use common sense to infer the strength of the Rat King, especially the cunning degree of this guy is also unpredictable than that of the Giant Snake King. Also, here is its territory. This is also true. Please don't forget."

"Oh." Hearing this, An Yan blinked and asked, "Do you think that Big Brother can turn defeat into victory?"

"It also depends on the situation. Let's take a look. The next step is the key to the victory!" As he said, Guan Heng raised his finger to point to the battlefield in front of him.

"His hiss—"

At this moment, the crazy blue scale giant snake king decided to give the enemy a final blow. It hissed wildly, twisted its huge body and rushed to the rat king viciously. With the clattering sound, this guy flicked its tail forward. Sweeping, the badly wounded Evil Gerbil King had no time to dodge, and was caught up in his body.

Seeing this, the girls widened their eyes and thought to themselves: "The Rat King is going to be over now, right?"

"Hahaha, Guan Heng, it's rare for you to make a mistake in inference." Xiaoxin grinned at this moment, and then continued: "Look, the Rat King has been trapped by the Giant Snake King now, and he doesn't want to escape or escape. It's possible."

"Yes, brother, how you look at it now, this evil gerbil king looks like meat on a cutting board, it's dead!"

An Yan said the same. But Guan Heng didn't care when he heard what they said. He said casually: "Don't worry, what you see may not be the truth."

"What? It's still hard-talking until now. This is not your style." Gu Sangnu smiled with a hint of joking at this time: "Is it so difficult to admit that I made a mistake in inference?"

"Hush, look ahead."

By now, Guan Heng had a full grasp of the battlefield. The girls saw that Guan Heng’s expressions were different, and then they all turned their eyes to the battlefield. In the next moment, everyone’s expressions became more exciting. Tao muttered to herself: "How could this be?"

The evil gerbil king who was originally entangled by the blue scale giant snake king not only did not become weak, but the evil light appeared in his eyes, and he suddenly screamed and bit his opponent's body with his mouth open.

It turned out that the snake king shed a lot of scales on his body during the fight, revealing a lot of flesh and blood, which became the area where the rat king madly attacked.

"Sizzle, puff!"

Without the protection of the scales, the flesh and blood of the King Snake was madly torn and destroyed by the fangs and sharp teeth of the King Rat, and even a lot of bones appeared in many places. The pain caused this guy to die alive, so he could not struggle to entangle the body of the King Rat. .

"Hey!" It was too late to say, then soon, the evil gerbil king shook his body and got out of the other party's entanglement. When this guy landed, he began to gasp.

In fact, it was seriously injured. Just now, it was entangled and strangled by the body of the Blue Scale Giant Snake King, and its own ribs had also been broken several times, so it was somewhat weak.

But even so, the evil gerbil king is now slightly stronger than the snake king's physical strength, because this guy has just torn the snake king's flesh and blood, and he has not forgotten that he has swallowed a few big mouths, taking this opportunity to regain his strength.

"Squeak!" Suddenly, the grinning evil gerbil king rushed to the blue scale giant snake king again, and this time, the severely injured opponent finally became frightened.

The Snake King’s strength is not inferior to the opponent, but it is higher than the opponent. The reason for the defeat is not because of other things, but because the Rat King will use tactics, coupled with the crazy determination to kill the opponent, whether it is No matter what mood, let the evil gerbil king one more point to win!

"Kacha!" At this moment, the evil gerbil king bit the opponent's tail with lightning speed. The blue scale giant snake king felt terribly painful and couldn't help taking it back vigorously. This time, it was the mouse in the middle. The king's trap.

The evil gerbil king opened his mouth and let go of the opponent's body. The snake king suddenly felt unstable and involuntarily fell back. What was behind? Of course it's a wall of fire!

"Hey hey--hiss--" It was just a blink of an eye, and the fierce fire immediately began to surround the wounded giant snake king, burning this guy with a harsh sound and the smell of burnt flesh and blood, making the blue scale giant snake king painful It's almost a breath away.

This guy was struggling, trying to roll his body to put out the fire, but found that he couldn't even do this kind of thing. Every time he delayed in the fire, the giant snake king’s physical strength and even vitality would consume one more point, until the end, its The huge body fell to the ground with the bang, and stopped moving.

"Squeak, Squeak!" At the next moment, the evil gerbil king, who was wounded and not much stronger than his opponent, screamed and screamed, which meant yelling: "I won--I won--"

But this is just a tragic victory! The evil gerbil king’s laughter affected the wound, and immediately after that, this guy grinned with pain. He looked at Guan Heng and the girls with amazement, only to see the other side stepping towards him.

"Hey, why are you guys standing still?" At this moment, Guan Heng looked at Mouse King with a joke, and then coldly said: "The battle is obviously not over yet!"

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