Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11492: Real treasure

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng kicked the rat king who was shivering under the rock wall, and then said: "You go in first."


Hearing this, the evil gerbil king's eyes were a little flustered, and he was obviously a little unhappy. Guan Hengsu suddenly sank his face: "You think the young master doesn't know your little tricks? If there are none in this treasure cave It's the trap. If you don't go in, then don't blame me for being polite!"

"Pushing, throw this guy in."

"Good!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, Pu Xing strode forward and suddenly nailed one of the evil gerbil king's front paws with a spear, ignoring the beast's hiss and screams, and then violently force it. Fall into the entrance of the treasure cave ahead.

"Huh, bang!" Then, the evil gerbil king slammed to the ground in the cave, and the guy screamed in pain, "Zhen Zhi Zhi--" But the next moment, something even worse happened!

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"


"Ping pong pong!"

I don't know where the trap was touched. Numerous rubbles rushed from all directions, hitting Rat King one after another. It didn't count that this guy had a blue nose and a swollen face, and it even smashed its left eye into powder.

At this time, the evil gerbil king was like shooting himself in the foot, and it was purely self-inflicted.

"Pump!" Suddenly, the rat king, who was already injured and injured, could no longer bear the pain. When he collapsed to the ground, this guy could no longer get up.

"Dead?!" Ruotao squinted her eyes slightly and said.

"Hey, die if you die." Xianxin said nonchalantly: "Anyway, it has brought us to the treasure cave, and it's useless."

"What's more, this guy just wanted us to step on the traps first, even more **** it." Star Demon Bloody said: "Good death, wonderful death."

"Xiaoyao, don't talk cold words there." Guan Heng pointed to the front and said, "Look at there, there are piles of treasures, pick them yourself."

"Well, it's rare that Lord Guan is so gracious, then I'm not welcome." Star Demon Bloody's eyes lighted up, and then he slapped Dry Catfish's forehead and exclaimed, "Man, let's rush over!"

"Whhhhhh!" Hearing this, the pure land dry catfish neighed, and then, carrying the blood, led the underground sand carp beside him to the pile of shining treasures.

At this moment, Xianxin said, "Hey, Guan Heng, are you really going to give all the treasure to Xiaoqi? What about our share?"

"Don't worry." Guan Heng said neatly: "According to my estimation, the most valuable thing here is not the bunch of shiny things. Although the gems and ores have some value, they are nothing."

After a short pause, Guan Heng smiled and said, "I guess there is something more precious here that we should look for."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Qing Huang's eyes lit up, and then he said: "It seems that you have already discovered the clues?"

"Yes, I think that for these evil gerbils, ordinary ores, crystals and the like are nothing. After years of accumulation, there are already a lot of such things. Well, it is the one that Xiaoqi they are looking for now. There are many more nearby."

Guan Heng said, pointing to the star demon blood catfish, sand carp, and dry catfish who were happily picking up the baby in front of them. Then, Guan Heng said again: "Plus minerals and the like are coming to evil gerbils. They can’t eat it directly, so the treasure they care about the most is definitely not this thing."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Hearing this, Xianxin nodded, and then said: "What kind of treasure would it be?"

"Before I see the actual thing, I'm not good at judging it casually, but this treasure should have a certain range." At this point, Guan Heng thought about it for a moment, and then said: "Sangsang, come and explore the surrounding atmosphere. , Is there anything you are familiar with?"

"I'm coming? Okay." When she heard Guan Heng's words, Gu Sangnu nodded, and immediately shook the wooden magic scepter to release the mysterious aura. The profound spiritual energy has already spread out.


At the next moment, Mu Xuan aura unexpectedly rushed towards the rock wall in the northwest corner of the treasure cave. Seeing this scene, the ancient sang girl was a little surprised: "Strange, I didn't deliberately control these mysterious auras, why are they? I passed by myself?"

"Sure enough, it's not what I expected." Guan Heng touched his chin, and then said: "All in all, let's go and take a look first."


The girls agreed in unison, followed Guan Heng and walked over. When everyone got to the place, they looked carefully and saw Muxuan aura attached to the surface of the rock wall, sometimes gathering and sometimes spreading, like sniffing prey. Like a loyal dog, he works non-stop.

At this moment, even Ruotao saw something unusual, she said, "Master, is there something behind this rock wall?"

"Of course, and can make Mu Xuan's aura react like this, guess what?"

"Well..." Qing Huang heard this, her beautiful eyes drifting, and then said with a grin: "It should be something like Lingzhi, right?"

"Yes, I think so too." After that, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and patted the rock wall, and then continued: "Just make a hole here, let's go in and take a look, but it needs everyone's action. Be careful not to damage the contents of the rock wall."

"Well, I see." Upon hearing Guan Heng's words, Gu Sangnu nodded first, and then the other sisters also nodded one after another, expressing their understanding.

"Pop!" At the next moment, Guan Heng waved his palm and slapped it on the rock wall, and at the same time released a large amount of earth mysterious aura. They continued to decompose the surface of the rock wall, making it recessed, and after a few breaths, a huge hole appeared.

"Huh-" In a short time, a breath came out from the inside of the rock wall. It wasn't the dirty and decadent breath, but a strange smell. An Yan smelled the breath and said: "It's very fragrant, this is the end. What is it?"

"Hehehe, just go in and take a look. Come with me."

As he said, Guan Heng waved to everyone and signaled them to follow him forward. After more than ten steps, everyone suddenly opened up. There are a large number of crystals shining softly on the top of the wall, illuminating the surrounding area like daylight.

There are many weird-shaped plants growing on the broad ground, some resembling bushes and thorns, some are like shrubs, and they are also covered with long and red fruits that exude strange aromas, which are those gem-like fruits.

"This fruit is so fragrant, I don't know if it can be eaten?" Ruo Tao squinted her eyes and walked forward to take a closer look. The ancient sang girl next to her said: "Hey, Tao Tao, you don't usually see you so greedy, should you? Would you really want to eat it?"

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