Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11528: Exploring the island (fifth more outburst)


As the Ice Cone attacked him, the Great Evil Spirit King immediately flickered and evaded these attacks, "Seize!" The next moment, the Ice Cone slammed on the ground fiercely, and then smashed into pieces. There was a lot of cold air, and the Evil Spirit King just wanted to continue backing and fleeing, and suddenly felt something wrong.

As soon as the cold air touched the spirit body of the Great Evil Spirit King, it actually caused this guy to fall into a sluggish state, and it would take a lot of effort to speed up and escape.

"Hahaha, beast, how does the coldness of Lord Jiao feel?" At this moment, Ice Jiao laughed loudly, and suddenly flew to the other side, raising his long tail and swept over: "Fuck you!"

"Pop!" With the long tail of the unicorn ice worm, the Great Evil Spirit King suddenly fell out and fell on the rock wall. land.

"Wow!" Seeing this scene, the Great Evil King screamed and screamed immediately, and wanted to get the crystal back, but the mandrill, old monkey, and big-headed antler beside him had already flew down and landed nearby, reaching out to **** the crystal from the ground. Then hugged and turned around and left.

Seeing their rushing movements and looting the crimson crystals that he had spent so much effort to obtain, the Great Evil Spirit King only felt extremely depressed. At this moment, this guy just wanted to scream, but the fatal blow of the ice scorpion was also sick. Struck.

"Success, beast!"

"Pop!" The ice scorpion's claws grabbed the Great Evil Spirit King and slammed it to the ground. Guan Heng said in a loud voice at this moment: "Ice Flood, this is alive, the other Evil Kings are all killed. It's a pity that this great evil spirit king will be thrown into the soul-recovering urn, don't waste it."

"Ha ha ha, Lord Guan, we thought of going together." Bing Jiao smiled and said, "I also thought about it that way."

"Pump!" The next moment, the ice scorpion threw the big evil spirit king into the big belly urn, and in an instant, this guy was refined by the soul-recovering urn, and there was no dross left.

"Come on, look at these crimson crystals."


As the Mandrill spoke, he and the old monkey and the big head grabbed the crystals to each other in front of everyone. Guan Heng stepped forward and looked at it for a few times, and then said: "Tyrant Fire, you come to divide these earth fire vein crystals into one point, and prepare a copy for all the companions who can use fire aura."

"Yes, Lord Guan." Hearing this, Fen Xin Bahuo agreed. At this moment, Emperor Yan came to Guan Heng and asked in a low voice, "Master Guan, did you find the characteristics of these crystals?"

"Yes, although the crystal contains the breath of the veins of earth fire, but it is not very pure, it does not apply to me."

Guan Heng said: "But leaving it to the insect mother, mandrill, and old monkey should have some benefits. In addition, if they are allowed to absorb these in advance, they will encounter a more refined fire breath later, and everyone will be used to it. And it absorbs faster."

"Well, it's true." Jiaoyang Emperor Yan said, "Master Guan thought carefully."

"According to my estimation, the evil spirit kings didn't find the real treasures on that small island at all. Hmph, they came back into Baoshan empty-handed and took their own lives. Only this group of stupid things can do it. "

Guan Heng sneered slightly, and then said: "This time, it's our turn to go to the island and check it out in person."

"That magma behemoth..."

"If the other side avoids us, then you might as well spare it, but if you dare to fight with us, you can kill it, let's go." With that, Guan walked towards the magma area ahead, and everyone followed.

Soon, they stopped on the shore. The magma beast realized that everyone was coming, and subconsciously wanted to swim over to find the fault, but Guan Heng just gave this guy a slanted look, and suddenly scared it almost turned over and fell into the magma. Suffocated to death inside, this time, the magma behemoth did not dare to approach easily.

"Hmph, count you acquainted." After Guan Heng finished speaking, he flicked the short sword around his waist suddenly, "Swish-wish-wish-" Between the electric light and the fire, more than ten ice evil tyrants rushed out of their souls. Guan Heng said: "Freeze the surrounding magma area."

"Woo woo woo ——" Upon hearing this, the tyrants immediately followed their instructions, spitting out countless swift and icy rapids, instantly covering the surface of the magma, and forcibly freezing the magma within a radius of ten feet into thick ice Floor.

Seeing this scene, the magma beast was so scared that it almost ran out of feces and urine. This guy hurriedly fluttered and flopped in the magma, but he didn’t know what was going on. The cold air covered most of the magma, and it was biased towards the place where it was. The small pieces of magma remain unfrozen, so the giant beast is still fine.

Realizing that he was not frozen, the giant beast breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, it was frightened and watched Guan Heng and the others walk across the ice, towards the small island, and never dared to stop it anymore. , Because this guy is still dead.

Guan Heng and everyone came to the small island at this time. The girls looked left and right, and found that there were a lot of crimson crystals in the crevices of the stone, and Xian Xin said, "Isn't it a pity that these crystals stay here? Come on. , Take them all."

"Madman, didn't you hear what the princess said?" Guan Heng said casually: "Clean up all the crystals, and then hand them to the toad for collection. We'll distribute them later."

"Yes, Lord Guan." After hearing this, Mandrill agreed, and immediately led his companions to clean up the crystals. Guan Heng also exhorted: "Be careful, if you find anything strange near the stone cracks. , Tell me right away."

Not long after these words were spoken, the old white-browed monkey suddenly raised his voice and cried out: "Ujiji, Ujiji!"

"Hey, monkey, what are you arguing about?"

King Jia Yao squinted at this guy and asked impatiently. The old monkey stretched out his hand to grab the ear of the king of armor, and pulled it in front of him, and the king of armor shouted: "Oh, yes, you should be noisy, don't do it, it hurts me to death."

But at this time, the white-browed old monkey pointed to the crevice in front of him, and the king of armor immediately squinted his eyes, then subconsciously said: "There seems to be something in the crevice?"

The white-browed old monkey nodded, then punched in the middle of the stone crack, and the king of armor roared, "I'll help too."



It was too late to say, then, the king of armor quickly dived, and a head mallet hit the stone viciously, "Bang!" The stone broke into pieces immediately, "Bone! Papa, papa!" At this time, it was unexpectedly. A few crystal clear round beads fell to the ground.

King Jia Yao shouted: "Master Guan, Master Guan, come and take a look at this thing."

"Oh, this is..." Guan Heng stepped forward, reached out and picked up a few beads, and took a closer look. Qing Huang came to him and asked, "Is this also a kind of crimson crystal?"

Guan Heng nodded and said: "Yes, but the purity is obviously higher than those of ordinary crystals. It should be said that it is a "red crystal ball"."

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