Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11529: Dive into the magma (first shift)

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng said again: "Old Monkey, you and Fatty and Mandrill are looking for them nearby, to see if there are other crimson crystal **** in the nearby stone crevices."

"Woo, woo!" Hearing this, the white-browed old monkey nodded and nodded immediately, then waved his paw to signal his companions to gather together and look for the whereabouts of the crystal ball with him.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"


In the next moment, the group of beasts, led by the monkeys and the mandrill, continued to break the surrounding stones, and as expected, many crimson crystal **** were found under the cracks in the stones, and they were all sent to Guan Heng.

"Well, yes, it contains a lot of earth fire veins." After checking these things, Guan Heng nodded and said: "Everyone has worked hard, now we..."

Before he finished speaking, the Mandrill suddenly jumped to the edge of a huge rock on the edge of the small island, and said, "Master Guan, come and see, there is a strange thing here."

"What is it?" Guan Heng led the girls hurriedly to the Mandrill's side. He raised his hand to the bottom of the stone and said, "Everyone, take a look, it's that thing."

"It seems that it is also a crystal?" King Jia Yao took a closer look, then said: "Come on, let me smash the rock with one head and take out the things."

"Fatty, stand back." Suddenly, Guan Heng said in a deep voice. Even though King Jia Yao was a little surprised, he nodded and then took a few steps back.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng stepped closer, and then said: "This crystal under the rock seems harmless, but I always feel that the moment the stone disappears, the crystal will vibrate violently, so let me come personally. Bar."

"Pop!" As soon as the words fell, Guan Heng waved his palm on the stone, smashing it to pieces, "Buzzing—buzzing—" In a moment, the crimson crystals pressed by the stone couldn't help shaking. Akira, then made a sudden bang.

"Huh!" At the same time, a certain force abruptly pushed up the crystal, causing the object to soar up and slam it directly at the gate of Guan Heng.

"Huh." With a sneer, Guan Hengli suddenly caught the huge crimson crystal, twisted his palm to dissolve the impact of the opponent, and then gently threw the crystal to Qing Huang next to him: "Hey, catch it carefully."

"Okay." Qing Huang hugged the crystal smoothly. At the same time, in front of Guan Heng, the crystal originally plugged the hole under the rock, "chichichichi!" A large amount of hot magma rushed out from the sparkle between the sparks, and the crystal was blocked. Living in a magma eruption "earth eye".

Guan Heng smoothly patted the smart skyfire instrument on his waist, "Woohoooo! Whoosh whoosh!" In the blink of an eye, several fire spirit air currents swirled around the magma, and stretched upwards, like a flying dragon column.

"Ding!" With the word spit out from Guan Heng's mouth, the fire spirit flow instantly merged with the magma flow, suppressing it abruptly, and retracted into the hole.


"Below this earth eye where magma erupts, there is a breath of earth fire veins, and it is far more pure than the crimson crystals. It seems that the source of the fire veins we are looking for is here." Guan Heng asked casually: " But I have to go down and confirm, who of you is willing to go with you?"

"Which!" The old white-browed monkey punched his chest with his fists and shouted excitedly. The evil worm mother also said, "Master, I will go too."

"Of course, there are also us!" At this moment, Sun Emperor Yan and Fen Xin Ba Huo said in unison.

"Okay, then let's get ready to go."

As Guan Heng said, he patted the sword box behind him smoothly, "Swish!" In an instant, the Rainbow Sword and the Jumang Sword rushed out at the same time. They flashed a gap in the space beside Guan Heng, and Guan Heng said: "Go through here, you can pass directly under the magma, let's go."

"Kiss!" The moment the voice fell, Guan Heng had led everyone into the gap in the space, and his words were still echoing in everyone's ears: "We will be back soon."


After a few breaths, Guan Heng, the spirit fire, the white-browed old monkey, and the evil worm came into the extremely hot magma.

"Sure enough, it is the purest earth fire vein."

The Sun Emperor Yan was bathed in the magma at this time, and sighed: "It's so comfortable. Just by staying in this magma for a while, my damaged and severely injured spirit body can recover 20 to 30% of its strength. If I can find the veins of earth fire Even if I get a trace of the source of the opponent’s power, I can recover to 50%."

"Really? Since it's good for you, you might as well absorb more." Guan Heng said casually: "In addition, I will use the little earth toad to transmit these earth-fire veins back to a part of the toad, specifically for you How about making a magma pool without a bubble when you have time?"

"Then dare to feel good, I will first thank Master Guan." The Emperor Yan of the Sun looked at Guan Heng so thoughtful, and immediately thanked him.

"Hey, old monkey, don't swim too far." At this moment, the mother of evil worms screamed. The old white-browed monkey, who was not far away from everyone, used his hands and feet together at this time, swimming in the magma, and the distance Everyone is getting farther and farther.

Guan Heng said, "Maybe the monkey has discovered something, so we passed without time to inform us. Go after it."

"Yes, master." Hearing this, the evil worm mother immediately chased after him, followed by the spirit fire and Guan Heng. Fortunately, the old monkey swam a few feet away when they were discovered in time. Everyone quickly Just caught up with it.

"Plap!" Guan Heng swam silently to the old white-browed monkey, then patted his shoulder and asked: "Hey, monkey, what did you find?"

"Whhhhhhhhhh!" Seeing him and everyone coming over, the white-browed old monkey immediately made gestures, described Guan Heng, and Guan Heng nodded: "I see, you found something similar. The breath of the Vein of Earth Fire, right? In what direction?"

The old monkey raised his hand and pointed to the northern magma area.

"Okay, let's look for it over there now."

After Guan Heng said, he waved his hand to the spirit fire and the insect mother, and then swiftly sprinted forward alongside the old monkey. After more than ten breaths, he and everyone came to an area surrounded by a dark boulder at the bottom of the magma. "It is indeed the aura of the earth fire, but it is a little weird."

The Hot Sun Emperor Yan said beside Guan Heng: "It seems that there are some other auras mixed in."

"Well, it is true." Guan Heng nodded, and then asked casually: "Huang Yan, have you ever encountered ancient beasts living here in magma before?"

"Well, I haven't seen it before."

"Yes, although our spirit fire body occasionally sneaks into the lava of the volcano, ingesting fire can supplement the needs of our own spirit body, but ancient beasts are rarely found in the magma."

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