Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11530: Magma Beast

"Yes, maybe it's because there are no ancient beasts inhabiting the volcanic crater of the underground relics." The spirit fires said so every word and me.

"Then you have to take a good look today." Guan Heng said leisurely at this time: "Because we are now located outside a nest of ancient beasts inhabited in magma."


"This is actually an ancient beast nest?"

Hearing this, the insect mother and all the spirit fires were a little surprised, only the white-browed old monkey chuckled strangely, with a look of excitement on his face, and Guan Heng casually said: "Well, it seems that only the old monkey can understand Why is this ancient beast's nest here, because its beast instinct is more sensitive."

"Chiji, chichi!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the white-browed old monkey scratched his head with joy, thinking that this was the highest compliment to himself, Guan Heng said: "Okay, there is nothing to be proud of after that. Just enter the other side's nest and take a look."

In a moment, the evil worm mother whispered: "Master, I think the lava flow in front of you seems to be constantly shaking, could it be..."

"Hehehe, seeing that we haven't entered each other's nest, this guy will come out to welcome us." Guan Heng said, "Everyone can see what it looks like now."

"Wow! Wow!"

As soon as Guan Heng said this, the magma on the opposite side suddenly separated, bursts of rapid ripples appeared, and the head of a giant beast suddenly emerged from the black magma. The sharp teeth protruded from the lips, which looked terrifying.

At first sight of Guan Heng and Linghuo, this giant beast with armor and fangs was a bit stunned. This guy seemed to have never seen a creature other than what he thought, so he had not decided whether to show anger or other emotions.

Seeing this, Guan Heng laughed: "Ha ha ha, it's interesting."

"Since we have not decided whether we are going to be hostile or friendly, how about we say hello first?"

Guan Heng said with a smile, and his whole body suddenly released fierce and blazing flames, "Swish! Wow!" This raging flame turned into a vortex and swirled in the magma.

Of course, Guan Heng did not intend to use this aura to attack the magma beast, so this guy did not feel murderous and pressure, but he also noticed one thing, that is, Guan Heng's control of the fire aura is absolutely far more than his own, so he still Don't conflict with each other.

After making this decision, the eyes of the originally wary magma beast became much softer. How clever Guan Heng was, he naturally looked at the other's micro-expression.

So when he raised his hand, he suddenly released a fire aura that swirled sharply in the magma, and instantly turned into a fist-big fire ball. Guan Heng said, "Everyone, make friends, here, this is what I give to you. Meet up!"

Seeing this group of fire spirits slowly came in front of him, the magma beast felt the blazing fire spirit aura, really greedy, plus this guy rarely encountered other creatures, looked a little simple and honest, no doubt there was fraud , So he swallowed the fire spirit in one bite.

"Hahaha, since Lord Guan has sent the meeting, then we can't be stingy, come and come, everyone will take out their fire aura and give it to this armored magma beast."

Among the flexibility, the smartest is Emperor Yang Yan. Since it has said so, all the spirit fires naturally obeyed, and each released a group of fire aura, sent to the magma beast, and even the white-browed old monkey. And the evil worm mother sent out aura.

This magma beast has a very good appetite. It swallows the fire aura one by one, and nothing is left. Since the mouth of the cannibal is soft, it has become acquainted with Guan Heng and the spirit fire, and it is precisely because it has absorbed everyone’s fire. Reiki, so there is no problem communicating with each other.

Guan Heng got acquainted with it at this time, he took out a crimson crystal and asked, "Have you seen this thing? Or there is a similar aura nearby, so it's okay to tell us."

After seeing the crystal, the huge body of the beast shivered a few times, and then looked at Guan Heng with horrified eyes, and whimpered a few times, which meant to ask: "How can you have such a dangerous breath? Thing? It's terrible!"

Understanding the meaning of the beast, Guan Heng frowned slightly and said, "You said the smell of this thing is terrible? Doesn't it also contain the energy of fire aura? Don't you want to take in the breath of the earth fire veins inside?"

After listening to Guan Heng's words, the magma beast shook his head and shook his paws to express his meaning.

It is saying: "The fire contained in this thing can refute miscellaneous violence. As long as you absorb a little bit, you will feel that your internal organs are extremely uncomfortable, so you never dare to touch it easily."

"In other words, the location of this thing is not far from here? And because of its existence, it makes you very scared, and there is no other place to move. It is very embarrassing, right?" Guan Heng asked casually.

Hearing this, the magma beast nodded repeatedly, indicating that it meant it.

"Well, we are about to collect this thing. Since you are afraid of it, I will take it away. If I can't take it away, I will seal it up so that this thing will not harm you. How about? Take us. Find it."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the Yanjia Magma Beast was so happy, this guy happily agreed, and then immediately Lingzhi Guanheng and the others swam toward the place where the breath of the earth and fire converged.

That place is really not far from the residence of the magma beasts. It just needs to turn around and cross many fork roads. At the bottom of the dim magma, it is not easy to find the right path. Thanks to the magma. The magma beast leads the way.

After a while, everyone came to the place where the breath of the veins of earth and fire converged. When they reached the outer area several meters away from here, the magma beast dared not go forward.

It whimpered to Guan Heng a few times, which meant to say: "I can only bring it here, because the breath of that thing is poisonous to me. If I get too close, the outer armor may be possible. Fragmented, you will die miserably by then."

"Well, I see, you have worked so hard to lead the way."

As Guan Heng said, he suddenly released a large amount of pure aura to cover the body of the beast. He said: "These auras can protect you from the aura of the earth fire, and you can slowly absorb them and refine them. , I won’t be afraid of the fire breath in the future, waiting for us here."

As soon as the voice fell, this spiritual energy surged around the beast. Seeing this, it was very happy, and nodded to Guan Heng in a hurry.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng led the evil worm mother, the white-browed old monkey, and the spirit fire to swim forward, and after a few breaths, they arrived near the source of the vein of earth fire.

Suddenly, a large and fierce fire energy aura surged over, and Guan Heng said, "This guy doesn't seem to welcome us."

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