Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11531: Fire Crisis (third more)

"Master Guan, there is something wrong with the aura of the Fire Vein here." Sun Huangyan said at this time: "The crimson crystals and a little Fire Vein aura we obtained before have absolutely no such mixed and fierce force. I think it seems to be It was infested by some kind of evil power."

"Well, your inference coincides with me." After hearing this, Guan Heng immediately agreed, and then continued: "That's why its aura makes the magma beast so scared, which makes sense. ."

"If we want to obtain the origin of the Earthfire Vein, we have to get rid of the control of evil forces for it, otherwise, it will not be long before the entire Earthfire Vein will be contaminated, causing unexpected losses." Say so.

"Yes, but something that can infect the veins of the earth fire should not be possible, this thing is very likely to be derived from all the weak points of the spirit fire."

Guan Heng said in a deep voice, "Huang Yan, Tyrant Huo, listen carefully, now I will deal with this thing personally. It is not a last resort. You must not approach here easily and back off quickly."

"But, Lord Guan, this..."

Burning Heart Tyrant Huo was still a little unconvinced. He was about to suggest that he follow, but the Emperor Yan of the Hot Sun had already spoken: "Tyrant Huo, obedient, Guan Heng made a lot of sense. The thing that infects the veins of earth fire seems to make I have a jealous and tricky feeling. We can't trouble Master Guan."

"Yes, Lord Huang Yan, listen to you." Tyrant Huo has always respected Huang Yan, so he immediately agreed. At this moment, the evil worm mother said: "Master, I want to follow you."

"Alright, you and the old monkey should be slightly stronger than the spirit fire, so follow me." Guan Heng nodded at this time, and then said: "But pay attention, you must be more careful, understand. Is it?" "Yes, we take it to heart."

"Oh!" Upon hearing this, the mother evil worm and the white-browed old monkey nodded and nodded, expressing that they understood, and then Guan Heng beckoned them, and immediately rushed towards the front.

After rushing forward for about several feet, the insect mother and the monkey suddenly felt heavy, and they were affected by the breath of the earth fire, and became extremely heavy. The insect mother whispered: "Is this a heavy earth fire?!"

"No, it's just that the Vein of Earthfire here has a similar ability to that of Heavy Earthfire, but it's far inferior to that of Domineering."

After saying this, Guan Heng waved his hand, and covered the bodies of the insect mother and the old monkey with his own aura, isolating the state that made them feel heavy and difficult.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng said: "It seems that the evil power hidden in the veins of the earth fire also has wisdom. It seems to feel that we will be disadvantageous to itself, so it began to prevent us from moving forward."

"Hehehe, the more scared it is, the more incompetent it is." The insect mother said with a grin: "It looks like it's just a small character who doesn't know how to play."

"I hope so." Guan Heng said lightly, and then said: "Before we get rid of the opponent, we must first understand the way that guy acts, so we have to try it first."


"Whistling call shabu Lala -!" Seems to be close to where they feel a hot breath, pulse to fire also will be trembling violently, releasing a swift circle of ripples.

"Hehe, this kind of reaction is somewhat intriguing." Seeing this scene, Guan Heng murmured to himself: "It seems that you are also unwilling to control, a little'involuntary', then I will come back to be the savior. All right."

"Huh!" As soon as he finished speaking, Guan Heng waved his hand abruptly, controlling those fire spirit balloons into several parts, and rushing over in batches.

"Boom boom boom!"



In the next instant, those fire spirit balloons hit the area where the fire veins of the earth were located one after another. The horizontal fire aura is stronger.

"Hehehe, since it can suppress the state of the veins of earth fire, it proves that it can also let the evil power hidden in it come out by itself."

Guan Heng smiled, and suddenly released more Fire Spirit balloons, "Whhhhhh! Hhhhhhh!" In an instant, the fire spirit balloons madly attacked, covering all the veins of earth fire within a radius of several meters. .

Watching the battle, the evil worm mother thought: "The master's fire spirit is really inexhaustible. If this is replaced by me and the old monkey, such a intensive and rapid attack, I am afraid that it will not be able to sustain ten breaths. "

"Ujiji, Ujiji!" Seeing Guan Heng's sharp moves, steady and steady stabilization of the surging state of the pulse of the earth fire, the white-browed old monkey was extremely excited, and could not help scratching his ears and cheeks, as if he wanted to absorb Guan Heng's control Fire Reiki is a method, and I will try it myself in the future.

"Ping pong pong!" At the next moment, Guan Heng's last few fire spirit balloons smashed into the middle of the earth fire vein. The fire vein seemed to be unable to withstand the dense and heavy attack, and finally a wave emerged. The pitch-black breath swayed out of the veins of earth fire.

But this thing didn't dare to give Guan Heng a hand. He just rushed towards the distance, intending to flee. Guan Heng sneered slightly, and said in a leisurely manner: "I managed to squeeze you out, wherever I can let you run like this. Yes? You are too dear to yourself, so stay."

"Huh!" It's too late to say, then it's fast, Guan Heng's figure looks like an arrow from the string, and in an instant he slams on the squishy shadow, stretches out his hand and catches it, "Well!" The guy quickly swirled in the magma. Twist, suddenly turned his head and opened his mouth to bite Guan Heng's wrist.

"The evil fire fish?!"

Seeing this guy’s shadow, Guan Heng's name suddenly popped up in his mind. It was a description of evil things he had seen when he was browsing through ancient books in the Spirit World Library. Wandering inside is a rather different evil.

"Although ordinary evil fire fish can inhabit the magma, they may not affect the state of the veins of earth fire. Could it be that this is a mutated guy."

"Catch it first!" Thinking of this, Guan Hengli suddenly pointed his fingers like a gun, and hit the body of the evil fire fish like lightning. This guy trembled like thunder, and Guan Heng smoothly caught it. Body, envelope it with your own aura.

The worm mother leaned over and asked, "Master, what is this guy?"

Guan Heng casually explained the origin of this evil fire fish, and then said: "The origin of this thing is unknown, and it seems that it is difficult to affect the state of the Earth Fire Vein by itself, but it has sprang from the Fire Vein. Yes, it's really strange."

"Could there be more than one evil fire fish, so..."

"It makes sense!"

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