Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11534: Cold air to drive away evil spirits (first update)

"Yes, it stands to reason that Huo Lingqi's restraint against evil things is innate, but Huoyu can be infested by evil, which is also a mystery in the ancient years."

Guan Heng touched his chin, and then said: "There is no detailed description of this matter in the ancient books of the spirit world, so we have to investigate it ourselves."

"So that's the case, what the master said." Hearing this, the evil worm mother nodded repeatedly, and then it asked: "Master, how do you want to investigate the situation of the fire fish?"

"Uh, I think about it, the most straightforward way is to directly dissect one or two fire fish to check their internal structure, but well..." Guan Heng touched his nose, then chuckled lightly: "I think that's the way to do it. It's a bit cruel."

"Uh, if the master can't bear to do it, Ben Chong is willing to do it for you." The evil worm mother said with a flattering face.

"It's not necessary, because I have already thought of another good way." After saying this, Guan Heng looked at the fire fishes in the big net, suddenly grabbed one, pulled it out of the net, and clicked on it. The head said: "Well, it is up to you."

"Humah, uh!" The evil fire fish was violent and manic at this time, and when he was held in his hand, he began to struggle and resist, appearing extremely painful. "Huh, don't move, I'm just for your own good."

When Guan Heng said this, he suddenly pointed his finger at Huoyu's forehead. This guy suddenly felt a chaos in his head, and instantly lost consciousness. The worm mother next to him asked in a low voice: "Master, you shot this guy to death. ?"

"Nonsense, just let it faint." Guan Heng rolled his eyes anger, and said immediately.

"The next thing to do is more troublesome." Guan Heng said slowly: "First of all, you can't kill the fire fish, and you have to let the evil spirit inside it automatically peel off. This is very difficult."

"The most important thing is that the evil spirit in this guy seems to be able to withstand ordinary fire energy, and I can't make it too heavy."

Guan Heng said, suddenly stretched out his **** to point at the other's fish gills, and then let his own aura directly infiltrate along here, the insect mother asked: "Master, are you able to do this?"

"So far, I think it still works." Guan Heng said casually: "This fire fish is not big. My spiritual energy can penetrate and swim inside and outside of its body in an instant, checking every place where evil energy may be hidden."

"Huh?" At the next moment, Guan Heng whispered: "It seems there is a reaction."

"It should be here in the belly of the fish." Guan Heng said, and suddenly reached out to pinch the position of the belly of the fish, the insect mother whispered: "Master, do you want to refine or drive out this evil energy with the fire spirit."

"It's affirmative to get rid of it, but I don't think it is necessary to use fire aura." Guan Heng said casually: "The original evil spirit has a certain resistance to fire. If you use fire aura to deal with it, you will only get half the result with half the effort, so change the method. It's okay."

After speaking, Guan Heng waved his hand for a moment, "Swish!" In the blink of an eye, an extremely cold ice mysterious aura immediately covered the fire fish's body, and the worm mother saw her eyes brightly: "Use the cold? "

"Yes, since this evil energy can resist the fire aura, it may be a bit worse for cold resistance." Guan Heng said casually: "And who would have thought that there would be cold in the depths of this magma sea?"

"Hey hey, the master is right. For things you haven't seen before, this evil spirit will naturally feel tricky and difficult to deal with." The evil worm mother smiled and said, "I hope the effect will be outstanding."

"Ha, then you just wait and see."

"Lala!" When saying this, Guan Heng's five fingers overflowed with cold air, and gradually formed a rectangular ice box, and placed the fire fish in it. Then, the fire fish that had passed out due to head shocks. Huo Di shook his body, trembling.

"Master, this is..."

"It's probably that the evil qi can't stand the cold in the fire fish's body, so it will come out soon." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "If it is successfully expelled, it proves that my speculation is not wrong."

"Huh!" It was too late to say, then it was fast, just as Guan Heng said this sentence, a dark breath suddenly appeared in the body of Huoyu, this thing seemed to be unable to withstand the attack of the cold, and it took a moment to force it. Hit the inside of the ice box, trying to struggle to escape.

"Huh, Huoyu can come out, you can't do it!" Guan Heng said, suddenly patted the outside of the ice box, and instantly shook the Huoyu out, and then Guan Heng casually stroked the ice box and immediately closed it completely.

At this moment, the evil spirit hits and struggles like crazy, but there is no way to get out of it, and under the stimulation of the cold, the evil spirit becomes smaller and weaker and weaker. In the end, it turns to only The size of hair is slender.

"Huhuhu!" At the next moment, Guan Heng released aura, shrunk the ice box to an inch, and then put it away.

"It seems that the method of using the Bingxuan spirit to treat the evil fire fish works." Guan Heng said casually, and then he turned his head and asked, "Hey, where is the fire fish that successfully exorcised evil just now?"

"Here, Master." The insect mother said in a loud voice at this time: "I have been looking at it. This guy is a little stubborn and seems very weak."

"Well, out of the control of evil spirits, they will indeed become weaker." Guan Heng said casually: "At this time, just add some fire aura to it."

After saying this, Guan Heng stretched out his hand and patted the smart skyfire instrument on his waist, "Chichichichi!" More than ten groups of large and small fire spirits rushed out, and these spirits instantly curled up into a ball, slowly rotating around the fire fish. stand up.

Guan Heng said: "These are all for you to eat. Start with the smallest aura, don't rush to eat slowly, because if you eat too quickly, your body will easily become unbearable."

Hearing this, Huoyu seemed to be blessed to the soul, and immediately shook his head and tail, took a breath with his mouth, and ingested the smallest fire aura into his mouth...

After a short while, this fire fish ate all the aura, and at this moment it also became energetic and in a very good state.

"Yeah, it seems to be recovering well, then I will start to rescue your companions now."

With that said, Guan Heng raised his finger and pointed at the rest of the fire fish in the big net. He was very worried when he saw the abnormal condition of these companions, but since Guan Heng could save himself, he could also save them naturally, so the fire fish took a little bit. Head, expressed willingness to believe in Guan Heng's ability.

"However, since it is to get rid of evil spirits for all the fire fish, it is best to let the spirit fire people come and help." After that, Guan Heng turned his head and said: "Mother, go to Huangyan and Tyrant Huo to call them."

"Yes, master." Upon hearing this, the evil worm mother rushed forward, and soon, the worm mother led the spirit fires to hurriedly.

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