Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11535: Rescue the school of fish

"This is the ancient fire fish. I didn't expect to see it here." Tyrant Huo had never seen fire fish, but Emperor Yan immediately recognized these guys. Bai Guangyan next to him asked, "Master Huang Yan, Have you seen these fire fish before?"

"No, but I heard some old friends who live in the volcanic lava from the ancient spirit fire mentioned it, but even for them, fire fish are rarely seen."

The Hot Sun Emperor Yan said: "Because fire fish live in magma, but they are only interested in the purest fire spirit, and they usually live in seclusion in the deepest part of the magma sea."

Speaking of this, the Hot Sun Emperor Yan suddenly released a ray of fire spirit, "Whoo!" It was like smelling the scent that made him extremely excited, the fire fish swam in front of the Hot Sun Emperor Yan in a flash, greedily absorbing it. With these breaths.

"Hehehe, this fire fish is very interested in Huang Yan's breath."

Guan Heng smiled and said: "That's all right, after I originally planned to get rid of the evil spirits for these fire fish, I took a few of them and put them in the magma pool of the ethereal toad cauldron. This way, it will be very good for you and Tyrant Huo. ."

"This is indeed the case, thank you, Master Guan." After hearing this, Emperor Yang and the other spirit fires were very happy and thanked them in unison. Guan Heng said, "But, to help so many fire fish to get rid of evil, you still need a lot of help."

"That's okay." The Hot Sun Emperor Yan and Fen Xin Bahuo said in unison: "If you need our help, please let me know."

"Okay, first of all..."

Next, Guan Heng explained his plan carefully to them, and Huang Yan said: "Well, yes, Lord Guan, your plan is very detailed. You have also estimated the abilities of our spirit fire bodies. All of us happen to be able to play the biggest role."

"Then everyone is ready to start. I asked the insect mother to remove the thin wire fire net and release all the fire fish, and then quickly freeze the area around them with the ice mysterious spiritual energy to drive away the evil in the fire fish, and then I Will release the purified fire fish."

Guan Heng said, "Everyone, you are responsible for infusing them with fire aura and replenishing the physical strength that fire fish has lost."

"Okay, everything is in accordance with your instructions, Lord Guan, we have all remembered." The Sun Emperor Yan said.

"Well, let's start now."

After speaking, Guan Heng gestured to the evil worm mother, it immediately pulled the thin wire fire net in front of it, "Hullah!" In a short time, dozens of evil fire fish rushed out aggressively, and Guan Heng released suddenly. A large amount of ice profound spiritual energy immediately covered them.

"Lala--Lala--" In the blink of an eye, the harsh freezing sounds one after another, the evil fire fish trying to escape into the magma sea are all frozen in the square ice box.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng controlled the ice box of the cold air to continuously release the coolness, squeezed and expelled the evil energy in the fire fish, making it invisible, and was forced to rush out of the fire fish.

In an instant, Guan Heng waved his hand when he saw this scene in his eyes, and immediately caused the purified fire fish to shake out of the ice box, but trapped the evil spirits inside.

Guan Hengyang said: "Huang Yan, it's okay, use your aura to supplement these fire fish, lest they are too weak."

"Yes!" Upon hearing this, the Sun Emperor Yan immediately directed Burning Heart Tyrant Fire, Bai Guangyan, Tianshou Qiyan, Turbine Yang Yan, and Searing Wind to approach the group of fish.

At this time, the weak fire fishes were a little nervous seeing the spirit fire surrounding them.

But the next moment, the fire fish that was rescued by Guan Heng shook his head and waved his tail at his companions, which meant telling them: "Don't worry about anything, you just need to quietly accept each other's kindness."


At the same time, Emperor Yan signaled everyone to release the fire aura, and flocked to the fishes. After smelling these pure fire auras, the fire fish were so happy that they immediately began to **** the fire aura. After that, they felt much better.

At this moment, Guan Heng also installed the evil spirits he caught in an ice box, and then said to himself: "Such a strange anti-fire evil spirit, I have to study it carefully and see how you can get rid of your nemesis. of."

With that said, Guan Heng collected these breaths into the small ice box that was only the size of a fist. The opponent was very strange. Although he was not very afraid of the fire spirit, he was extremely afraid of the cold, and when he encountered the ice profound spirit, It will shrink rapidly.

"Okay, now the Earth Fire Vein has also got rid of the entanglement of the evil fire fish, Huang Yan, I can now take you to the center of the Fire Vein to take a look."

With that, Guan Heng glanced at all the ancient fire fish and said, "How about it, do you want to go back to Huomai and go shopping."

Hearing this, the ancient fire fish looked at each other, and it was the fire fish that was the first to be rescued by Guan Heng to swim to him and nod to Guan Heng.

It means: "We have also added a lot of trouble to the Vein of Earth Fire, so we should revisit it and see if there is anything that can help you."

"Well, okay, all follow." Guan Heng hooked his fingers to the evil worm mother and the old white-browed monkey. The core area of ​​the veins swam away.

Not long after, Guan Heng and all his companions arrived here. With a wave of his hand, he immediately summoned several fire spirit qi groups that he had left here.

These fire auras were left here by Guan Heng when he caught the evil fire fish, in order to observe the movement of the core of the earth fire vein.

"Oh, that's the case." Guan Heng's eyes lit up when he felt the messages sent to him by the fire spirits, and then said: "It seems that I have found the target."

"Master, what did you find?" Hearing his words, the mother evil worm came forward and asked softly. Guan Heng said casually: "This is the location of the origin of the fire vein. This is a huge area of ​​the fire vein, but the place with the most abundant fire energy is where the origin is located."

"Yes, the purpose of our coming here with Lord Guan is to obtain a trace of the origin of the earth's fire vein." Emperor Yan said at this time: "but according to the management with the spirit fire, we have to obtain the origin of the fire vein. , You must obtain the consent of the other party."

"Yes, that's it."

Guan Heng nodded at this time, and then said: "Actually, after I caught the evil fire fish, the origin of the Earth Fire Vein should have been noticed. Since then, it still interacts with the fire spirit that I have left here. Communicated."

"Is it true?" Upon hearing this, the insect mother asked with her eyes wide open: "What does the origin of the fire vein say?"

"Although it has a huge fire energy aura, it has not yet fully derives its intelligence." Guan Heng said casually: "But I still thank me for taking away the evil fire fish and avoiding its crisis."

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